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Dyson has new approach to hair dryers

Elizabeth Paton 12:11 PM   Company says new device could change the monotony of bathroom routines forever.


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Very nice, dear, but what do you use it for?

Peter Wells   The Bamboo Spark is a strange little product, a combination of old and new technology. It's a graphics tablet that eschews the traditional stylus-on-glass design for something a little more familiar, pen and paper. The pen communicates with the case, converting and syncing your scribbles to your smartphone or computer.


Social crowdfunding app Tilt lets Aussies pass around the digital hat

Adam Turner   Another step towards the cashless society, Tilt makes its easy to chip in money without reaching for your wallet.



Hackers hit social network for 'beautiful people' only

Karen Turner   The personal data of 1.1 million users deemed attractive enough for controversial dating site were leaked, according to news reports.


Removing NBN's artificial barriers could stop our system being 'worst of both worlds'

Timothy Nulty, Leslie Nulty   Two visiting telecommunications experts from the US were shocked at the low quality of their inner-city internet.


Game of Thrones piracy shows Aussies aren't afraid of copyright police

Adam Turner   Local pirates clearly aren't trying too hard to cover their tracks, with a hefty slice of Game of Thrones season premiere downloads traced back to Australia.



Game of Thrones pirates: Aussies are the worst

Hannah Francis   Australians top list of pirated downloads of season premiere — but more tuned in to Foxtel than ever before.



My awful year with the Apple Watch

I bought the Apple Watch a year ago. I stopped wearing it two months ago.



Lemonade already available on iTunes

After 24 hours of exclusive access on Tidal, Beyonce's visual album Lemonade has been released on Apple's iTunes.


Microsoft should stop making phones

Shira Ovide   It's time Satya Nadella quit wasting time and money tilting at smartphone windmills.


Latest from IT Pro

Microsoft sues US government over gag orders on customer data grabs

Orders that prevent Microsoft telling their customers when they're being surveilled are becoming more common, according ...

Matt Day   Tech company says US 'has exploited the transition to cloud computing as a means of expanding its power to conduct secret investigations'.

FBI paid professional hackers to crack San Bernardino iPhone

The researchers were paid a one-time flat fee for the solution.

Ellen Nakashima   The people who helped the US government come from the sometimes shadowy world of hackers and security researchers who profit from finding flaws in companies’ software or systems.

No gender pay gap at Microsoft, company says

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has landed himself in hot water for comments about women in his workforce before.

Matt Day   Software maker is the latest technology giant to release data on employee compensation amid pressure from shareholders.

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Gadgets on the Go

Hands on review: LG flat Ultra HD OLED EF950T television

Adam Turner   Finally conceding that not everyone is in love with curved screens, LG has delivered a flat Ultra HD OLED masterpiece with full HDR support to help it look better than ever.


Social Radar

Should you stalk your child's smartphone?

Catherine Armitage   Keeping an eye over your child's shoulder on the home computer is so last century


How my Apple Watch saved my life

Garry Barker   I woke up feeling a bit odd. I strapped on my Apple Watch, unlocked the iPhone, and then felt for my pulse on my right wrist. Soon I was in the hospital cardiac unit for observation and treatment.


Not wholly negative: digitising your old photographs

Terry Lane   Unearthing your own archive of long-ago photographic negatives and slides opens the mind to the world that was – and perhaps points to money to be made.