Sally Rose

Super fund members wear price rise for less disability insurance

Sally Rose Workers are getting slugged with higher insurance premiums via their superannuation fees, prompting the regulator and other industry experts to question if they are getting value for money.

Federal budget 2016: Superannuation lobbies enflame mummy wars

Women on low incomes struggle to put extra into super.

Sally Rose Will putting an annual limit on super contributions hurt mothers more?


Debit cards more popular than ever but Australians still hooked on credit

The abstract nature of credit means consumers feel less emotionally connected to the money and are more prone to the risk of blowing their budget.

Sally Rose The use of a debit card to limit reliance on credit is being undermined by consumers keeping a credit card for 'emergencies'.


Do your homework before joining the SMSF army

Working-age women are increasingly opting for self-managed superannuation funds.

Sally Rose The average age of a SMSF trustee is below 50 for the first time, and working-age women are one of the fastest growing cohorts.


The superannuation gender gap sucks but savings tips are not misogyny

Giving up a glass of wine each week can add up to substantial savings.

Sally Rose A few feathers got ruffled when I wrote about how much value a woman in her 30s could realise in her 60s from putting wine money into superannuation.

Major industry funds defend short-selling bonanza

Sally Rose Investment chiefs from five of Australia's largest industry superannuation funds have defended the practice of loaning out stocks to short sellers, who typically drive down share prices, and denied...

Pension changes and stagnant savings rate leaves retirees $130,000 short

The Association of Super Funds of Australia estimates the average couple will need a super balance of $640,000 to fund a comfortable retirement, up from a previous $510,000 estimate.

Sally Rose Changes to restrict access to the age pension mean couples will need to save an $130,000 if they want a "comfortable" retirement, leading to new calls for a lift in the compulsory savings rate to 12...

Retirement dreams a mismatch with savings reality

Six out of 10 Australians expect their current standard of living to remain the same after they retire, while most people are likely to have less.

Sally Rose Australians have unrealistic expectations about the lifestyle they will be able to afford in retirement.

Comments 10

Senator John Williams pushes ASIC crackdown on SMSF property spruikers

Senator John Williams wants ASIC to investigate real estate agents  who encourage working Australians to put their super into SMSFs so they can buy property.

Sally Rose Real estate agents who encourage people to set up a self-managed super fund so they can borrow to buy investment properties are expected to face increased scrutiny for breaking the law.

Paul Howes backs independent super fund boards

David Murray:

Sally Rose Former Australian Workers' Union boss turned KPMG partner Paul Howes has indicated his support for the Abbott government's plan to force hundreds of trade union representatives off superannuation...

Support to enshrine super's purpose in law

James Eyers and Sally Rose The purpose of the superannuation system should be defined in legislation to stop piecemeal changes that undermine confidence, says Michael Keating, one of the architects of the regime.

Chant West says 80 super funds should be closed

Chant West head of research Ian Fryer has called on the regulator to force around 80

Sally Rose More than 65 per cent of the simplest superannuation funds are too small to deliver benefits and should be closed or merged, according to research firm Chant West.

Million-dollar super targets labelled scare campaign

AustralianSuper chief executive Ian Silk wants people to be reassured that even a modest superannuation balance will make their retirement more comfortable.

Sally Rose The popular claim that Australians need more than $1 million in superannuation to fund a comfortable retirement is a myth that risks undermining the strength of the system, warns a new report.

Comments 198

Can a compromise be found for self-managed super fund investment property borrowing ban?

The SMSF Association's Graeme Colley is hopeful the government will compromise rather than restoring an outright ban on borrowing in super.

Sally Rose The federal government is less likely to impose an outright ban on the $550 billion self-managed super fund industry borrowing to buy investment property, according to industry groups.

Self-managed super funds want end to contribution cap

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief Kate Carnell is one of seven signatories to a joint submission to the tax inquiry calling for an overhaul of the way super contributions are capped.

Sally Rose Self-managed super funds have urged the government to replace the $30,000 annual cap on super contributions with a lifetime cap to encourage more people to save.

More super funds tipped to bring funds in-house as Cbus eyes direct deals

Sally Rose with and Jemima Whyte Cbus is the latest superannuation fund set to bring more of its investment management in-house in a bid to use its scale to urge company boards to think longer term.

Superannuation balances above $2.5m in firing line

Sally Rose Pressure is mounting on the government to change the rules that allow wealthy people with millions of dollars in superannuation savings to access their money in tax-free lump sums.