Latest environment news

Scare campaign over climate policy kicks off

Peter Hannam 5:33 PM   Bill Shorten is sending a clear signal he's willing to make climate a centrepiece of the 2016 election campaign.

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'Not very good at politics': CSIRO chief

CSIRO's climate programs in the spotlight.

Peter Hannam 9:29 PM   CSIRO's embattled chief Larry Marshall stumbled through another Senate committee hearing on Wednesday.

Increase in renewable energy foreshadowed

The Victorian government has allocated money for clean energy projects.

Tom Arup 4:14 PM   New plans to increase renewable energy and cut power use have been foreshadowed by the state budget, but the Andrews government has held back the full details of what the strategies will entail.

Emissions trade and deeper carbon cuts

Australia's carbon emissions are among the highest on a per capita basis.

Peter Hannam   A Shorten Labor government would slash carbon emissions by significantly more than the Turnbull Coalition by 2030 and rein in land clearing.

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Confusion over future of CSIRO Melbourne lab as climate heads south

CSIRO boss Larry Marshall hopes the new centre will resolve ongoing concerns about climate science's home within the agency.

Adam Morton and Peter Hannam   The future of a major climate change laboratory in suburban Melbourne is in doubt after the national science agency announced it would cut hundreds of jobs and sets up a smaller global warming research centre in Tasmania.

The truth behind the new CSIRO climate centre

Cape Grim research site: It's not clear things are getting better on the climate research front.

Peter Hannam   Ring-fencing a portion of climate scientists won't stop the brain drain from the CSIRO.

'It looks like a con': New CSIRO climate centre splits staff

CSIRO boss Larry Marshall hopes the new centre will resolve ongoing concerns about climate science's home within the agency.

Peter Hannam   Cuts at the CSIRO have been scaled back but questions remain about the future of its climate science programs.

'It's my dream': Big advance claimed for solar cells

The CZTS coating can be just a third of a micron. Human hair is about 100 microns thick.

Peter Hannam   The sci-fi vision of solar cells coating surfaces from buildings to vehicles has been brought closer to reality after scientists at the University of NSW achieved new levels of electricity generation using non-toxic and abundant materials.

Almost all of Great Barrier Reef hit by bleaching: survey

A diver checks out the bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef.

Tom Arup   Scientists surveying the mass coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef say that just 7 per cent of the Australian environmental icon has been left untouched by the event.

Endangered southern corroboree frog population set to jump

An adult southern corroboree frog.

2:10 PM   The critically endangered southern corroboree frog population has been given a boost with thousands of zoo-bred eggs released in the NSW Snowy Mountains.

Little sign of cooling on way

Surfers embrace the warm late-autumn weather earlier this month.

Peter Hannam   National late-season records may tumble as the endless summer rolls deep into autumn.

Like humans, baboons with tough childhoods die earlier

Baboons that experienced three or more kinds of adversity had a life expectancy 10 years shorter than those that ...

Karin Brulliard   Researchers found that lots of early adversity, such as the loss of a mother, can shave 10 years off a wild baboon's life.

Gorilla gives birth unexpectedly at Prague Zoo

Shinda holds her newborn baby at the zoo in Prague on Sunday.

It was an unexpected birth that took everyone at the Prague zoo by surprise.

TripAdvisor under pressure to stop promoting 'cruel' wildlife tourist attractions

Monkey performances are among the cruellest wildlife attractions, a report says.

Jewel Topsfield   An international animal welfare organisation has launched a campaign calling on TripAdvisor to stop promoting and selling tickets to wildlife tourist attractions that it says are cruel to animals.

Budget 2016: Great Barrier Reef to get $50m

A diver checking out the bleaching at Heron Island on the Great Barrier Reef.

There will be more money in the federal budget for the reef.

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No reprieve for Canberra's falling dam levels

After the storm: Kangaroos on Red Hill.

Katie Burgess   Storage levels of ACT's dams has steadily fallen since August.

CSIRO eyes alternative plan to climate job cuts

CSIRO's RV Investigator: Light on the horizon for CSIRO's climate research program?

Peter Hannam   CSIRO is expected to offer an alternative to deep cuts of its climate science program as soon as this week in a bid to defuse criticism as a Senate committee prepares to widen its inquiry to include chairman David Thodey.

Solar project taking its technology to the world

John Lasich, chief technology officer at RayGen, stands in front of mirrors used to concentrate sunlight onto a highly ...

Tom Arup   A Victorian technology company striving to produce more efficient and cheaper solar power has won financial backing from the national renewable energy agency to expand its plans.

Sir David Attenborough makes heartfelt plea for the Reef

David Attenborough.

Nathanael Cooper   As news broke that 93 per cent of the coral on the Great Barrier Reef was suffering from some level of bleaching, the ABC was preparing to broadcast the final episode of David Attenborough's ground breaking documentary on the reef.

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Australia may take in African rhinos

A white rhino female and calf in the road in the Kruger National Park, South Africa.

Zimasa Mpemnyama   ​Wildlife groups plan to relocate 80 rhinoceros from South Africa to Australia in a bid to prevent them being hunted to extinction, one of the project's leaders says.

175 nations sign Paris climate deal

The Paris deal is designed to cut greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.

Michelle Nichols and Valerie Volcovici   China and the United States, the world's top producers of greenhouse gas emissions, have pledged to formally adopt a Paris deal to slow global warming.

Canberra weather: will we need to turn heaters on for Anzac Day?


Clare Colley   Daily maximums of 26 degrees may have made it easy for Canberrans to adhere to the rule about keeping the heater off until Anzac Day.

Australia snubbed by 'high-ambition' group at climate talks

That was then: Foreign Minister Julie Bishop hugs then Marshall Islands minister Tony de Brum at the Paris climate summit.

Tom Arup, Adam Morton   Nobody likes left being out of the gang - especially one it has asked to join.

Cabinet ministers say climate science 'not settled'

New Nationals deputy leader Fiona Nash is expected to join the cabinet.

Michael Koziol   Nationals deputy leader Fiona Nash has joined her cabinet colleague George Brandis in claiming the science of climate change is not yet settled.

'Walking in the other direction': Turnbull's climate retreat

Yep, still about 70-odd days of this thing, Mal.

Peter Hannam   While the PM made bold comments about Australia's climate stance at the Paris climate summit, the policies have been lacking in the months since.

'Palmer' law protects Qld from expensive clean-up

David Rowe From the Gallery Clive Palmer Queensland Nickel April 14 2016

Amy Remeikis   Queensland's 'Clive Palmer legislation' protects state from massive clean-up bills.

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ACT environment commissioner Kate Auty hits out at federal climate response

The ACT's new environment commissioner Kate Auty.

Clare Colley   Both sides of federal politics are ignoring public interest in the environment and climate change at their own peril in the lead up to the election, the ACT's new environment commission Kate Auty says.

Plastic bag ban to stem 'toxic tide': inquiry

Crushed empty plastic soft drink bottle - trash -rubbish - litter - generic 
SH SUNDAY LIFE Photo by Domino Postiglione

Lucy Cormack   Australia needs bans on plastic bags, microbeads and container deposit schemes, a senate inquiry has recommended.

Professor Kate Auty appointed ACT's environment commissioner

Professor Kate Auty pictured in 2014 after she quit her post as Victoria's Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability.

Victoria's former Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Kate Auty will take up the role in the ACT next month two years after quitting the Victorian post.

Brandis questions climate change science

Not convinced: Senator George Brandis.

Attorney-General George Brandis has questioned the science of climate change, saying he's not "at all" convinced it is settled.

'Worse things in store': Steaming hot world sets temperature records

Warming up: The Earth is sizzling.

Peter Hannam   The Earth sizzled in March with the most unusually warm month in history as average land surface temperatures easily exceeded levels deemed by scientists to constitute dangerous climate change.