The Thinking 

Occult Lemonade

April 27, 2016



POPULAR culture is drawing ordinary people into Satanism. This fact isn’t news, but the scope and audacity of these efforts is at times so breathtaking, one needs to stop and say, “This is really happening.”

 The work of the pop diva demon Beyoncé is a case in point.  Her new “visual album” Lemonade, which was aired on HBO and is being promoted by every major media outlet, is filled with chilling occult imagery. You don’t need to watch it. Trust me, the trailer alone is a frightening and bizarre experience, with trashy, whorish sex talk, violence and surreal, dislocating scenes. The chorus girls are pictured above. Read More »


Animal Crackers

April 27, 2016


INNOCENCE isn’t entirely lost.


The Beauty of Narcissism

April 27, 2016

REDBOOK MAGAZINE “capture[s] the beauty of surrogacy.” It also captures the beauty of fornication, delaying childbearing until the body says no, and motherhood as extreme sport.

“Surrogacy can be just as special and beautiful as a natural pregnancy and birth.”

Christopher White calls it “Surrogacy Show and Tell.” He questions whether all parties involved will consider it beautiful.


The Losing Card

April 27, 2016

THE only thing she has is the Woman’s Card and frankly she has nothing else going. If Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she’d get five percent of the vote.”

This great quote from Donald Trump after his primary victory in five states yesterday is an indication of how much steam political correctness has lost in recent months. Trump deserves credit for that. What other national figure would even dare to insult feminists in this way? No one deserves an opponent like Trump more than Clinton. I think he’s right: It will be easy for him to defeat her. He will make her look weak. He will make her look like a loser.

If he were smart, he would constantly play the theme of Clinton being the anti-woman candidate because that’s exactly what she is. Read More »



April 26, 2016



Reigning American Goddess, Beyonce

FROM the blogger Matt Walsh:

I was particularly disturbed reading some messages and emails from a number of mothers who, after I criticized Beyonce on Twitter a few days ago, wrote to inform me that their daughters have become “better” and “more confident” people from listening to Beyonce. Beyonce is a role model, I’m told. The president shares this view, stating a while ago that Beyonce “could not be a better role model” for his girls.

Role model. Empowering. Brilliant. Genius. These are lofty titles for anyone to fit, so how close does Beyonce come? Leaving aside for the moment the racist undertones and the fact that she dresses like a wealthy stripper, let’s look at what she’s actually saying. Here are a few choice lyrics from the the same album the New York Times calls “a revelation of spirit:” [language warning] Read More »


A Quick Look at Education Today

April 26, 2016



The Devil Does Not Wear Horns

April 25, 2016



Head of a Satyr, Michelangelo

FROM Fulton J. Sheen’s Communism and the Conscience of the West:

The Antichrist will not be so called; otherwise he would have no followers. He will not wear red tights, nor vomit sulphur, nor carry a trident nor wave an arrowed tail as Mephistopheles in Faust. This masquerade has helped the Devil convince men that he does not exist. When no man recognizes, the more power he exercises. God has defined Himsel as “I am Who am,” and the Devil as “I am who am not.”

Nowhere in Sacred Scripture do we find warrant for the popular myth of the Devil as a buffoon who is dressed like the first “red.” Rather is he described as an angel fallen from heaven, as “the Prince of this world,” whose business it is to tell us that there is no other world. His logic is simple: if there is no heaven there is no hell; if there is no hell, then there is no sin; if there is no sin, then there is no judge, and if there is no judgment then evil is good and good is evil. But above all these descriptions, Our Lord tells us that he will be so much like Himself that he would deceive even the elect–and certainly no devil ever seen in picture books could deceive even the elect. How will he come in this new age to win followers to his religion? Read More »


The Model Minority: Iron Hammer of Jiangsu

April 25, 2016


Industrious, mild-mannered, and law-abiding, indeed.


Mother Investigated; Children Play Outside

April 25, 2016

APPARENTLY, a few children in the Western World still play outside. But in Canada, parents may be accused of child neglect if they let their children play alone in the backyard. From CTV News:

A Winnipeg mother says she was investigated by Child and Family Services simply for letting her children play in her backyard.

Jacqui Kendrick, a stay-at-home mom, says a CFS worker showed up unexpectedly at her door in early April. The worker told her they were doing a “well-being check” after receiving a complaint about her children being left unsupervised.

Kendrick has three children ages two, five and 10, who love to play in the family’s backyard after school. The backyard is fully fenced in, with a wood fence covering three sides, and a portion of the front covered by a chain link fence and gate.

Kendrick told CTV Winnipeg she’s always either with her kids or looking in on them from her living room windows. She says she feels “completely comfortable” letting her kids play outside. Read More »


All Prince, All the Time

April 22, 2016

DO YOU think the media’s fixation with the repulsive Prince is just interest? We’re even told he was a conservative Christian.

I can’t even bear to look at his face. Prince was another dark angel in the dark underworld foisted upon us on screens everywhere. Read More »


Fox News and Trump

April 22, 2016

IT HAS been obvious for some time that Fox News has been actively supporting Donald Trump despite appearances otherwise. Not that I watch Fox News. But I do read about it. Just the sheer amount of coverage the network has devoted to Trump is evidence of its support. Remember, both positive and negative publicity can be effective.

Republican consultant Cheri Jacobus, who is suing The Donald for defamation, offers more evidence in her suit: Read More »


Useful Idiots on the Alt-Right

April 22, 2016

I DON’T agree with everything he writes, but Brandon Martinez has scored again:

The open-secret that ISIS is a manufactured creation and still serves as a geopolitical tool of the United States, Saudi Arabia and Israel to destabilize Syria is neither here nor there for the Alt-Right Sith-Lords, because that truism simply doesn’t do anything to advance the cause of discrediting immigration and multiculturalism, so why bother bringing it up? The fact that our Western leaders are spearheading a psychopathic agenda to destroy other societies around the globe, in the service of Israel and corporate cartels, is also not palatable to the “whites are always victims” mentality of Alt-Right dogma; hence why it’s rarely, if ever, addressed in their outlets.

Mass immigration is part of the elite’s globalist plan to erode traditional cultures and neutralize resurgent nationalism that poses a danger to the mechanisms of global finance, and white nationalities are uniquely threatened by this phenomenon. That nefarious agenda is important to expose and deconstruct, which the Alt-Right is correct in doing. But in their vain pursuit of political point-scoring they’ve rendered themselves useful idiots for our Zionist rulers on one of the biggest issues of our time: staged terror.


Soldiers on Calvary

April 22, 2016


 I wonder if you noticed the first line of the Army Times story:

“Police arrested a 1st Calvary Division soldier”

I wonder if the 1st Calvary Division is:

1) A Canadian Army Division or

2) A part of the Chaplains Corp or

3) Is it possible that the Army Times cannot spell Cavalry or

4) Is it a Sign of the Times (pun intended)?


Erasing America

April 22, 2016

PAUL C. writes:

People need to realize that without General Andrew Jackson’s leadership (and my fellow Orleanians) at the Battle of New Orleans, the U.S.A. would not have occupied the Louisiana Purchase or have moved further westward. The British superpower would have stopped us cold.  We lost the War of 1812 except for this post-treaty 1814 battle, which the British would likely have used to negate the treaty if the last ranking and foolish British commander had not retreated. Read More »


The Face that Should Be on Our Bills

April 22, 2016




Why don’t we just skip all the frog-boiling and go ahead and put Amschel Mayer Rothschild on the $20 bill?James Perloff

“We shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us.”—Protocol 16:4


A Bit of Civil Resistance

April 22, 2016


It doesn’t matter that she was Republican.


[I’VE BEEN AWAY from the computer for a few days. I am just catching up on comments.]

SHEILA writes:

While I don’t fool myself that I or any one individual can effect any substantial change in America 3.0, I still do what I can to publicly register my refusal to assent to its usurpation or legitimacy….

I will simply cease to use $20 bills.  While most people will be too lazy to make the effort and instead grumble in private or online only, I will refuse to accept these bills from cashiers as change, and will go into a bank for cash consisting of $50 or $10 bills rather than the “new”20s.  A small protest, and only a minor inconvenience on my part, but an important step for me psychologically.  I will not be like the communist grocer displaying the proper sign outwardly while inwardly seething at my cowardice.  The very minor inconvenience, itself, is an important reminder that maintaining my independence from this regime and my personal sense of honor is a worthwhile endeavor and one requiring numerous alterations in my behavior, small and large.

I only wish that most people weren’t idiots, so that this currency would sit unused in bankers’ vaults, but if that were so, we never would have come to this pass in the first place.

Read More »


Mugged by a Philosopher

April 18, 2016


THE greatest academic gig is that of the black philosopher. Spout hackneyed and malicious political slogans and you will be treated as a paragon of wisdom.

George Yancy is a professor of philosophy at Emory University. In addition to being a rising star in the field of “body politics, ” he specializes in Critical Whiteness Studies. That means: “white subject formation, white racist ambush, white opacity and embeddedness, white complicity, white anti-racist praxis.” In other words, he specializes in anti-philosophical racial grievance and intellectual junk.

Yancy’s insights are featured for the second time in the pages of The New York Times today with his latest piece, “Perils of Being a Black Philosopher.” The peril of being a black philosopher is that while the New York Times will treat you as a god when you spew racial hatred, ordinary people will not. They will bombard you with the unkindness you deserve. On Christmas Eve, the newspaper featured Yancy’s stirring essay “Dear White America,” in which he said that all whites are guilty of racism, regardless of their actions, beliefs or politics. Not a very novel insight. You don’t have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to go to Emory to know that. Every kindergartner knows that.  White racial guilt is the sin that can never be atoned for, no matter what one does.

Yancy said in his letter that he would provoke nasty reactions. He now writes with outrage about the nasty reactions he provoked. I guess it was worse than he expected. In “Perils,” he says:

The alarming reality is that the response to “Dear White America” revealed just how much racism continues to exist in our so-called post-racial America. The comments were not about pointing out fallacies in my position, but were designed to violate, to leave me psychologically broken and physically distraught.

Most bullies are psychologically broken.

There were some very nasty remarks that were designed to question my status as a philosopher because I’m black. The implication of those messages was that to be black and a philosopher was a contradiction, because “niggers” can’t be philosophers. So, I agree; the discourse was far more pernicious. But to understand this is to come to terms with the history of white violence in this country used to control and silence black people.

Mr. Yancy unfortunately has not been silenced. If philosophy is the love of wisdom, he is not evidence that a black man can be a philosopher.



April 18, 2016

BRANDON MARTINEZ disputes the idea of a Muslim caliphate prepared to take over Europe:

1) ISIS could be completely destroyed tomorrow if the Western-NATO power bloc actually desired that outcome, but clearly they do not, since ISIS is their weapon of choice to unseat Assad, undermine Iran and defeat Hezbollah for Israel. ISIS has actually grown in strength and territory even as the 60-country anti-ISIS “coalition” has ostensibly been waging a relentless air war on the group since the summer of 2014. Obviously this “coalition” is a fake PR stunt that has no intention of actually defeating ISIS, and has been dropping caches of supplies and weapons to the group instead of bombs on its strongholds. Read More »