The Dissenter

Sanders supporters at a rally at Penn State. Photo by Penn State on Flickr
27 Apr 2016

Why Sanders Supporters Should Not Let Democratic Primary Demoralize Them

Bernie Sanders and his supporters face a critical moment in the election as the campaign fights for every possible delegate on the way to the convention.

David Brock, founder of the Clinton super PAC Correct The Record. Screenshot from C-SPAN2
26 Apr 2016

Clinton Super PAC Denies Role In Attack On Sanders Facebook Groups—But That Doesn’t Resolve Issue

A super PAC tied to the Clinton campaign claims a new digital task force played no role in a coordinated attack on Sanders Facebook groups.

Prince Live on Rotterdam 2011. Photo by Peter Tea on Flickr
25 Apr 2016

The Protest Songs Of Prince

Following the tragic death of pop music legend Prince, a portrait has emerged of a humanitarian artist, who sought to find ways to uplift people who were struggling.

Hillary Clinton attends a campaign rally at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. 4/6/2016. (Photo by redcti on Flickr)
22 Apr 2016

Clinton’s Digital Task Force Breaks Barriers To Defend Her Donors

The project celebrates Clinton’s ability to break down barriers, and it’s true: she is breaking barriers for corporations to influence government policy.


The Bullpen

Old Town San Juan, Puerto Rico. Photo by Bryce Myhre
27 Apr 2016

Wall Street Funds Battle By Proxy In Congress Over Puerto Rico Bailout

Though there is much talk of principle, it looks as though the real battle lines in Puerto Rico are drawn by alliances between funds and elected officials.

World Trade Center, September 11, 2001. Photo by nostri-imago on Flickr
25 Apr 2016

White House May Declassify 9/11 Files As Saudis Ramp Up Lobbying

Former Senator Graham said he believed the White House may release at least some parts of a 28-page secret chapter from a congressional 9/11 inquiry.

Adaptation of "How do you do, fellow kids" meme. Source:
22 Apr 2016

No, Jon Favreau: We Will Not Learn To Love Hillary Clinton

The latest sermon on submitting to destiny from former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau perfectly encapsulates the mindless Clinton Campaign talking points.


Sharp Edges

24 Apr 2016

Attempts To Stifle BDS Support Within UAW Local Backfires

The push back against Palestine solidarity work has been growing, but that doesn’t mean resistance has ebbed.

Screen shot from the CNN debate in Brooklyn, New York on April 14
18 Apr 2016

Palestine Activists Warm To Sanders While Clinton Spreads Israeli Propaganda

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, despite sharing the belief that “Israel has a right to defend itself,” are arguably worlds apart on the occupation.

Mike VanElzakker, a 42 year-old neuroscientist, tells Shadowproof why he will likely vote for Green Party candidate Jill Stein if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic Party Nominee.
14 Apr 2016

Voters Share Perspectives On Rejecting Two-Party System In 2016 Election

Shadowproof interviewed a number of Americans who are refusing to vote for Hillary Clinton, come what may.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, USAID Administrator Raj Shah and Deputy Commander SOUTHCOM General P.K. Keen meet with President Rene Preval in a tent at the Prince-au-Port airport, Haiti, Jan. 16, 2010. Photo by USAID on Flickr.
07 Apr 2016

The Global Consequences Of Hillary Clinton’s Predatory Pragmatism

The “pragmatic” policies advocated by politicians have consequences. There is an aftermath, and in the case of Clinton, it usually is a bloody one.


The Next Cold War

Army and Marine troops in a training exercise in Djibouti, March 2016. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Dan DeCook)
26 Apr 2016

More Ground Troops to Syria, Warships to Libya, Pentagon Denies Mission Creep

Next Cold War Roundup 4/26/16 Rebels and al Qaeda continue to use “hell bombs” on the government-held part of Aleppo where anger and frustration is building. Syrian coalition seems prepared for a major offensive on Aleppo but it has not begun yet.  More US ground troop “advisors” will be sent

State Department Spokesman John Kirby. Photo: Screenshot from press conference
26 Apr 2016

Obama Sends More Troops To Syria As Spokesman Memoryholes Pledge

The “no boots on the ground” pledge has clearly been violated, but if you believe State Department Spokesman John Kirby, the pledge itself was never made.

Sec. Kerry Meets With Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud in Riyadh. April, 2016 (by State Dept)
22 Apr 2016

Obama Meddling in Brexit, Saudis Want Out of Oil Price War Against Russia

Next Cold War Roundup 4/22/16 Pres. Obama traveled to Germany, Saudi Arabia and the UK.  In the UK he urged Britons not to Brexit. The Saudi visit revolved around keeping the Saudis in line to maintain the oil price war and other war planning in the Middle East region. Russian


Prison Protest

Cover art for Hell Is A Very Small Place
26 Apr 2016

Event Preview: Exploring Dimensions Of Solitary Confinement With Jean Casella

Hell Is A Very Small Place forces readers to reconcile their beliefs about solitary confinement with the words of people enduring it right now.

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. contributed over $13 million in asset forfeiture to fund the city's expanded supervised release program. Photo by Jason Kuffer on Flickr.
24 Apr 2016

New York City Expands Bail Alternative Program, Funded Primarily By Manhattan Prosecutor

The complex issue of risk assessment places some people at a disadvantage, despite mitigating factors that could ensure they return to court.

Screenshot from the Economic Innovation Group's "DCI Data for the 100 Largest US Cities."
15 Apr 2016

Lawsuits Challenge Fort Wayne’s ‘Law And Order’ Policies Used To Push Out City’s Poor

Multiple lawsuits challenge policies in Fort Wayne, which disproportionately impact black and poor residents, during local economic redevelopment.

Screenshot from Advanced Correctional Healthcare training video, entitled "A Jail Is Not A Health Spa"
21 Mar 2016

Lawsuit: Pregnant Pretrial Detainee Denied Care, Forced To Carry Dead Child For Days

A federal lawsuit claims a pregnant pre-trial inmate was denied basic access to healthcare that could have saved the life of her unborn child.


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