- published: 15 Jun 2010
- views: 5842
Guanyin is an East Asian spiritual figure of mercy, and a bodhisattva associated with compassion as venerated by Mahayana Buddhists. The name Guanyin is short for Guanshiyin, which means "Perceiving the Sounds (or Cries) of the World". She is also sometimes referred to as Guanyin Bodhisattva (Chinese: 觀音菩薩). Some Buddhists believe that when one of their adherents departs from this world, they are placed by Guanyin in the heart of a lotus, and then sent to the western pure land of Sukhāvatī.
It is generally accepted among East Asian adherents that Guanyin originated as the Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara. Commonly known in English as the Mercy Goddess or Goddess of Mercy, Guanyin is also revered by Taoists as an immortal. In Chinese folk religion there are mythical accounts about Guanyin's origins that are not associated with the Avalokiteśvara described in Buddhist sutras.
Guānyīn is a translation from the Sanskrit Avalokitasvara, referring to the Mahāyāna bodhisattva of the same name. Another later name for this bodhisattva is Guānzìzài (simplified Chinese: 观自在; traditional Chinese: 觀自在; pinyin: Guānzìzài). It was initially thought that the Chinese mis-transliterated the word Avalokiteśvara as Avalokitasvara which explained why Xuanzang translated it as Guānzìzài instead of Guānyīn. However, the original form was indeed Avalokitasvara with the ending svara ("sound, noise"), which means "sound perceiver", literally "he who looks down upon sound" (i.e., the cries of sentient beings who need his help). This is the exact equivalent of the Chinese translation Guānyīn. This etymology was furthered in the Chinese by the tendency of some Chinese translators, notably Kumarajiva, to use the variant Guānshìyīn, literally "he who perceives the world's lamentations"—wherein lok was read as simultaneously meaning both "to look" and "world" (Skt. loka; Ch. 世, shì).
The Japanese yen (円 or 圓, en, symbol: ¥; code: JPY) is the official currency of Japan. It is the third most traded currency in the foreign exchange market after the United States dollar and the euro. It is also widely used as a reserve currency after the U.S. dollar, the euro, and the pound sterling.
Yen is pronounced "en" [eɴ] in Japanese. The word (Shinjitai: 円, Kyūjitai: 圓) literally means "round" in Japanese, as yuán does in Chinese or won in Korean. Originally, Chinese had traded silver in mass (see sycee) and when Spanish and Mexican silver coins arrived, the Chinese called them 銀圓 (silver round) for their circular shapes, The coins and the name also appeared in Japan. Later, the Chinese replaced 圓 with 元 which has the same pronunciation in Mandarin (but not in Japanese). The Japanese preferred 圓, which remains until now (albeit in its simplified form, 円, since the end of World War II).
Shi or shi may refer to:
Kwan may refer to:
36 Crazyfists is a heavy metal band formed in Anchorage, Alaska, and later based in Portland, Oregon. The band's name comes from the Jackie Chan film Jackie Chan and the 36 Crazy Fists. They have released seven studio albums: In the Skin, Bitterness the Star, A Snow Capped Romance, Rest Inside the Flames, The Tide and Its Takers, Collisions and Castaways, and Time and Trauma.
36 Crazyfists formed in 1994 in Anchorage, Alaska. The original members were vocalist Brock Lindow, guitarists Steve Holt and Ryan Brownell, bassist JD Stuart, and drummer Thomas Noonan. Holt is from Kenai, and Lindow spent much of his childhood there. Lindow, Brownell, Stuart, and Noonan are all from Anchorage.
36CF originated from the remains of three local bands: Grin, Hessian, and Broke. JD Stuart played in Grin, Brock Lindow in Hessian, and Steve Holt and Ryan Brownell in Broke. One of the circumstances influencing the formation of 36CF was the murder of Broke's drummer Duane Monsen. On 28 January 1994, Broke played a set at the Underground bar in Anchorage. Later that night there was an altercation between Monsen and a drunken soldier who was stationed locally at Ft. Richardson. According to an article in the Anchorage Daily News, Monsen tried to apologize and defuse the situation, but was fatally stabbed in the neck. He was 27 years old. In the wake of this tragedy, Monsen's friends organized a benefit concert to raise funds for his family. Monsen's protégé Thomas Noonan played the drums at this show and the musicians decided that they were an excellent match. In retrospect, it became the first 36CF performance.
Narc Vs. Ho Shi Kwan
Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa
The 36 Crazy Fists - End Fight
Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa (Guanyin Mantra)
108 Glorias Kwan Yin avi
Thiếu Niên Hoàng Phi Hồng (1993) || Chân Tử Đan - Vu Vinh Quang | Thuyết Minh
Centro Flor de Jasmim Namo kwan Shi Yin Pusa
Kuan Yin - Crystal Music to Calm your Mind
Kwan Im Keng Part 3/8 Ajaran Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Yang Maha Suci
33 Manifestations of Guan Yin
Kuan Yin Mantra - Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa - Imee Ooi
Namo Kwan Shi Yin Pusa - Imee Ooi
Prayer to Kwan Yin, the Mother of a Thounsand Faces
Kwan Yin Mantra - Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa
Avalokiteshvara / Kannon / Guan Yin Pusa mantra
Thao Yuen Ming Sheng Cing Rev 25 Des 2015
Iron Monkey Trailer 1993 [Donnie Yen] (HD)
Guan Yin Pusa - Fulfilling the Wishes and Offering Childdren.mpg
Namo Kwan Shi Yin Pusa
Jackie Chan and The 36 Crazy Fists 1977
36 Crazy Fists 1977 Hindi Action Movie | Jackie Chan, Siu-Hung Leung, Kar-Yung Lau, Shi-Kwan Yen
*Kick Boxer*
Jet Li vs Yen Shi-kwan
Kid From Kwangtung 廣東靚仔玉 (1982)
"Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa" Chanting of "Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa" accompanied by music. Produced by Amitabha Buddhist Society of Singapore. 31.2 MB 22:04 minutes
Featuring: Hsiung Kuang, Tony Leung Siu Hung, Fong Hak Onn, Ku Feng, Paul Chun Pui, Jimmy Liu aka (Liu Chia Yung), Yen Shi Kwan, Lee Man Tai, San Kuai, Sham Chin Bo, Chiang Cheng, Director: Chan Jeung Wa Year: 1977
The mantra "Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa" set alongside a variety of artwork depicting the Chinese female version of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, Guanyin. Best viewed full-screen and in 1080p.
_Chân Tử Đan vai Hoàng Kỳ Anh _Vu Vinh Quang (Rongguang Yu) vai Con Khỉ Sắt _Tằng Tứ Mẫn (Angie Tsang) vai Hoàng Phi Hồng _Vương Tĩnh Oánh (Jean Wang) vai Hà Tử Lan _Nhậm Thế Quan (Shi-Kwan Yen) vai Viễn Không hoà thượng _Đạo diễn : Từ Khắc _Chỉ đạo võ thuật : Viên Hoà Bình Nội dung Triều đình nhà Thanh suy yếu,quan lại tham ô.Con Khỉ Sắt võ công cao cường ra tay trượng nghĩa,cướp phú tế bần, nhiều lần lấy hết tiền tham ô của Trịnh Tri Châu, triều đình cử cao tăng ra diệt trừ, nhưng đây là tên hoà thượng giả(kẻ đốt Thiếu Lâm Tự) .Hoàng Kỳ Anh để bảo vệ con trai phải bắt Con Khỉ Sắt nhưng vì trả thù cho Thiếu Lâm,anh và Con Khỉ Sắt cùng nhau diệt trừ Viễn Không.
MANTRA DE INVOCAÇÃO DO LÓTUS KUAN YIN NAMO KUAN SHIH YIN PU’SA Este é o mantra de invocação do Lótus Sagrado, se você quiser entrar nessa sintonia comece a entoá-lo no seu dia a dia. Viva o agora, confie em Kuan Yin e se não conseguir confiar, peça a ela que o faça confiar, peça fé e confiança todos os dias, pois ela tem um jeito muito objetivo de nos provar que está por perto. Quando você tiver fé o suficiente, somente pronunciar seu nome será bastante para que qualquer mal desapareça e a perfeição se manifeste em sua vida. Ao pronunciarmos um mantra com respeito e devoção, formas pensamento emanadas pelo som produzido, se unem à formas idênticas emitidas por todos que entoam o mesmo mantra, no tempo e no espaço, criando um campo vibracional muito poderoso e retornam ao ponto de origem,...
Namo Ta Bei Kuan Shih Yin P'usa - Instrumental crystal music. If you like this channel, please subscribe and hopefully from time to time, we will add more videos featuring beautiful Buddhist music and songs. Namo Amitabha.
MIAO FA LIAN HUA GUAN SHI YIN - Ajaran Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Yang Maha Suci Lantunan keng Suci Guan Yin Pu Sa Supaya Seluruh Mahluk Hidup Terbebas dari Derita dan Bencana
Guan Yin (Avalokitesvara) is the Bodhisattva of Compassion. You can invoke her blessings by chanting the mantra: NAMO GUAN SHIH YIN PUSA. May all benefit! Song: Bow to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Performers: Jin Long Uen and the Buddhism Satisfactory and Comfortable Team. Album: Buddhist Chants & Peace Music. Music Collection International (1996). You can download the 33 Manifestations of Guan Yin as well as other free Buddhist images at BuddhaWay.net. Check out my Pinterest page for the names of each of the 33 Manifestations of Guan Yin: https://www.pinterest.com/adya74/33-manifestations-of-guan-yin/
A beautiful version of the Kuan Yin Mantra, Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa chant with music and vocals by Imee Ooi. Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa Guanshiyin, aka Kuan Yin, Great Compassion Bodhisattva, She who hears the cries of the world.
El Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, Kwan Yin o Guan Shi Yin, en chino, es particularmente venerado en China. Namo (sánscrito): Homenaje a / Refugio Guan (chino): Contemplar / Observar / Cuidado Shi (chino): Mundo Yin (chino): Sonido / Voz Pusa (sánscrito): Bodhisattva El nombre quiere decir: “El que contempla los sonidos del mundo”. El Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara tiene una gran compasión hacia todos los seres sensibles en el mundo saha. Kwan Yin comprende sus sentimientos de temor y responde a todas sus peticiones de ayuda. Transcripción fonética del mantra: Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa: “Homenaje al Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara”.
Prayer to the Mother of a Thousand Faces. Kwan Yin, beloved mother of the Humanity ... We thank you for being with us ... For inspiring harmony and balance ... For feeding our soul with kindness and mercy ... For showing us the way that leads to you. You are the Mystic Rose of the world, who with your fragrance purifies everything. You are the redemptive mother who protects us ... and bathes us in the spring of purity ... To help us to heal our fears, insecurities, and false beliefs about ourselves ... So we can become the masters of our world ... A world builted with conscience. Thank you, Divine Mother, for the ancient wisdom ... that you give us every moment. Lady of Peace ... Master of Contemplation ... Mother of the world ... Nourish us with the beauty of...
El toque de Kuan-yin (Buddha de la Compasión) libera de todo sufrimiento y trae la verdad de cada ser a su plena manifestación. Buda Sakyamuni afirmó que “quienquiera que escuche simplemente su nombre, Kuan-yin, entra en ese instante en el camino de la iluminación suprema”. Todos los obstáculos mundanos o extramundanos son vencidos con sólo mantener devotamente su nombre en la conciencia. Kuan-yin es “aquella que escucha las súplicas y llanto de todos los seres” “La leyenda cuenta que Kwan Yin hizo votos para no ingresar al cielo o “Nirvana” hasta que el último de los humanos se haya liberado de su sufrimiento”. Traducción literal del mantra: Namo (sánscrito) – Homenaje a / Refugio Guan (chino) – Observar / Cuidado Shih (chino) – Mundial Yin (chino) – Sonido / voz Pusa (sánscrito) – Bodh...
The Goddess mantra from Tibetan Buddhist. Namo Ratna Trayaya, Namo Arya Jnana Sagara, Vairochana, Byuhara Jara Tathagataya, Arahate, Samyaksam Buddhaya, Namo Sarwa Tathagate Bhyay, Arhata Bhyah, Samyaksam Buddhe Bhyah, Namo Arya Avalokite shoraya Bodhisattvaya, Maha Sattvaya, Maha Karunikaya, Tadyata, Om Dara Dara, Diri Diri, Duru Duru Itte We, Itte Chale Chale, Purachale Purachale, Kusume Kusuma Wa Re, Ili Milli, Chiti Jvalam, Apanaye Shoha.
Manfaat dari membaca Kitab Tao Yuan Ming Sheng Jing Testimonial baca kitab : Tumor rahim hilang dengan sendirinya,Tiga generasi mendapat perlindungan, Rumah terang bercahaya (tiang bergulir naga), sembuh dari luka parah akibat kecelakaan, Membaca kitab hingga gemetar hilang dan menghalau setan, Bisnis pesanan barang tiada henti, keluarga bahagia (memohon dan mendapatkan keturunan), menemukan kembali kendaraan yang hilang,kesadaran pulih kembali dengan membaca kitab, Pinggang pegal berkepanjangan sembuh tanpa obat, dll
Siu nin Wong Fei Hung ji: Tit Ma Lau (1993) Action | Crime | Drama - 12 October 2001 (USA) Director:Woo-ping Yuen Credited cast: Rongguang Yu Donnie Yen Jean Wang Sze-Man Tsang Shun-Yee Yuen James Wong Shi-Kwan Yen Fai Li Hou Hsiao Cheung Fung-Lei Kwai Po Chin Siu Wah Chan Ip Choi Nam Mandy Chan
El Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, Kwan Yin o Guan Shi Yin, en chino, es particularmente venerado en China. Namo (sánscrito): Homenaje a / Refugio Guan (chino): Contemplar / Observar / Cuidado Shi (chino): Mundo Yin (chino): Sonido / Voz Pusa (sánscrito): Bodhisattva El nombre quiere decir: “El que contempla los sonidos del mundo”. El Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara tiene una gran compasión hacia todos los seres sensibles en el mundo saha. Kwan Yin comprende sus sentimientos de temor y responde a todas sus peticiones de ayuda. Transcripción fonética del mantra: Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa: “Homenaje al Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara”.
Jackie Chan and The 36 Crazy Fists 1977,Siu-Hung Leung, Kar-Yung Lau, Shi-Kwan Yen
Watch Fulll Hindi Action Movie 36 Crazy Fists 1977 Hindi Action Movie | Jackie Chan, Siu-Hung Leung, Kar-Yung Lau, Shi-Kwan Yen Feng Ku We are regularly uploading new Hindi Bollywood Movies. Enjoy & Stay with us : Subscribe us on Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/user/biscootfilmytalkies?sub_confirmation=1 Like Us on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/IndianCinemaOnline Follow Us on Twitter : https://twitter.com/iamIndianCinema Follow us on Google Plus : https://plus.google.com/u/0/+biscootfilmytalkies
Yen Shi-kwan moth fight scenes
"Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa" Chanting of "Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa" accompanied by music. Produced by Amitabha Buddhist Society of Singapore. 31.2 MB 22:04 minutes
Watch Fulll Hindi Action Movie 36 Crazy Fists 1977 Hindi Action Movie | Jackie Chan, Siu-Hung Leung, Kar-Yung Lau, Shi-Kwan Yen Feng Ku We are regularly uploading new Hindi Bollywood Movies. Enjoy & Stay with us : Subscribe us on Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/user/biscootfilmytalkies?sub_confirmation=1 Like Us on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/IndianCinemaOnline Follow Us on Twitter : https://twitter.com/iamIndianCinema Follow us on Google Plus : https://plus.google.com/u/0/+biscootfilmytalkies
1、唸誦高王觀世音真經一千遍以上可消滅重業,前世因果惡報也可漸漸消除,經中稱頌觀世音菩薩名號與皈依三寶,一切佛菩薩名號、滅罪真言,是故全經架構、依循佛理、真實不虛,有緣者誦之自得護佑。 2、凡夫妻失和、事業不順、疾病困苦、煩惱糾結、怨家脅迫、官符纏身、家庭不安者皆可勤誦之,必得大相應,是所有解災厄經咒中最快速感應的經咒之一。 3、全世界持誦此經咒者,人數已超過數百萬,古往今來,其感應如影隨形,決不虛妄。 4、唸經的場所和方式,一切隨環境而方便,最重要的,心地必須虔誠,出聲或不出聲都可以,字字要清楚,印在心坎上。 5、遇有急事,要請諸佛諸大菩薩大力相護,一天一百遍,十天一千遍,如此持之以恆,相信感應會如影隨行,有求必應,愈是信心堅定的人,愈會成功。 6、高王經裡面就是所有的十方佛、十方法、十方菩薩的總稱,唸高王經一次,就等於十方佛、菩薩、金剛護法放光照你一次。 華人網路心靈電台 首播網 http://ilikeradio.asia/ 演講邀約 / 內部訓練 / 課程合作 請洽蘇先生 0975-256579 Email-sulingch@gmail.com 部落格 心靈散散步 街角遇宇色:kinkiosel.pixnet.net/blog 臉書 宇色粉絲團:www.facebook.com/writeingosel 宇色 意象 塔羅世界:www.facebook.com/osel.tarot
MANTRA DE INVOCAÇÃO DO LÓTUS KUAN YIN NAMO KUAN SHIH YIN PU’SA Este é o mantra de invocação do Lótus Sagrado, se você quiser entrar nessa sintonia comece a entoá-lo no seu dia a dia. Viva o agora, confie em Kuan Yin e se não conseguir confiar, peça a ela que o faça confiar, peça fé e confiança todos os dias, pois ela tem um jeito muito objetivo de nos provar que está por perto. Quando você tiver fé o suficiente, somente pronunciar seu nome será bastante para que qualquer mal desapareça e a perfeição se manifeste em sua vida. Ao pronunciarmos um mantra com respeito e devoção, formas pensamento emanadas pelo som produzido, se unem à formas idênticas emitidas por todos que entoam o mesmo mantra, no tempo e no espaço, criando um campo vibracional muito poderoso e retornam ao ponto de origem,...
March 8th Saturday 2014. Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. The Boeing 777-200ER departed Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 12:41am, Saturday in good weather with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board. Status:- Let us join hearts and #prayforMH307 24thMarch2014: MH370 had crashed into the Southern Indian Ocean. There are no survivors. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families and friends of the passengers and crews, I am so, so sorry for your great loss. ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ Hello! -^^- This is THE longest video I've ever created/edited from scratch. Well, almost from scratch -^^- And also one of the most satisfying. I cried after I was done.. I was struck speechless that I had actually managed to finish it! If you could see my poor hand now, I think you might cry, too! (-^_^-;) My...
Kwan Im pertama diperkenalkan ke Cina pada abad pertama SM, bersamaan dengan masuknya agama Buddha. Pada abad ke-7, Kwan Im mulai dikenal di Korea dan Jepang karena pengaruh Dinasti Tang. Pada masa yang sama, Tibet juga mulai mengenal Kwan Im dan menyebutnya dengan nama Chenrezig. Dalai Lama sering dianggap sebagai reinkarnasi dari Kwan Im di dunia. Jauh sebelum masuknya agama Buddha, menjelang akhir Dinasti Han, Kwan Im Pho Sat telah dikenal di Tiongkok purba dengan sebutan Pek Ie Tai Su yaitu Dewi Welas Asih Berbaju Putih. Kwan Im (Hanzi:::;Pinyin: Guan Yin) sendiri adalah dialek Hokkian yang dipergunakan mayoritas komunitas Cina di Indonesia. Nama lengkap dari Kwan Im adalahKwan She Im Phosat (Hanzi::::, pinyin: Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa) yang merupakan terjemahan dari nama aslinya dalam bahas...
_Chân Tử Đan vai Hoàng Kỳ Anh _Vu Vinh Quang (Rongguang Yu) vai Con Khỉ Sắt _Tằng Tứ Mẫn (Angie Tsang) vai Hoàng Phi Hồng _Vương Tĩnh Oánh (Jean Wang) vai Hà Tử Lan _Nhậm Thế Quan (Shi-Kwan Yen) vai Viễn Không hoà thượng _Đạo diễn : Từ Khắc _Chỉ đạo võ thuật : Viên Hoà Bình Nội dung Triều đình nhà Thanh suy yếu,quan lại tham ô.Con Khỉ Sắt võ công cao cường ra tay trượng nghĩa,cướp phú tế bần, nhiều lần lấy hết tiền tham ô của Trịnh Tri Châu, triều đình cử cao tăng ra diệt trừ, nhưng đây là tên hoà thượng giả(kẻ đốt Thiếu Lâm Tự) .Hoàng Kỳ Anh để bảo vệ con trai phải bắt Con Khỉ Sắt nhưng vì trả thù cho Thiếu Lâm,anh và Con Khỉ Sắt cùng nhau diệt trừ Viễn Không.
观世音菩萨กวนอิม ตามสำเนียงฮกเกี้ยน หรือ กวนอิน ตามสำเนียงกลาง (จีน: 觀音; พินอิน: Guān Yīn; อังกฤษ: Guan Yin) พระโพธิสัตว์ ของพระพุทธศาสนาฝ่ายมหายาน เป็นองค์เดียวกันกับพระอวโลกิเตศวรโพธิสัตว์ในภาษาสันสกฤต ซึ่งมีต้นกำเนิดจากพระสูตรมหายานในอินเดีย และได้ผสมผสานกับความเชื่อพื้นถิ่นดั้งเดิมของจีน คือตำนานเรื่องพระธิดาเมี่ยวซ่าน ก่อให้เกิดเป็นพระโพธิสัตว์กวนอิมในภาคสตรีขึ้น เพื่อแสดงออกถึงความอ่อนโยน และแสดงถึงความเมตตากรุณาให้เด่นชัดยิ่งขึ้นดังเช่นความรักของมารดาที่มีต่อบุตร ซึ่งเป็นการผสมผสานกลมกลืนทางความเชื่อที่ปราศจากข้อขัดแย้ง เนื่องจากในสัทธรรมปุณฑรีกสูตรได้อธิบายว่า พระอวโลกิเตศวรนั้นสามารถแบ่งภาคเพื่อโปรดสรรพสัตว์ได้มากมายทั้งปางบุรุษและสตรี และเป็นธรรมดาของพระโพธิสัตว์มหายานที่เมื่อเข้าไปสู่ดินแดนอื่นทั้งทิเบต จีน หรือญี่ปุ่น ย่อมผสมผสานกลมกลืนได้กับเทพท้องถิ่นนั้น ๆ อย่างในกรณีพระอวโลกิเตศ...
The story begins with Guan Yu's early life, when he is forced to flee his hometown to avoid arrest after killing a local bully. After a long journey and experiencing hardship, Guan meets Liu Bei and Zhang Fei and becomes sworn brothers with them in the Oath of the Peach Garden. Since then, the three of them have dedicated their lives to defending the Han Dynasty and bringing peace to the empire. The series differs from Guan Yu's official biography in Records of Three Kingdoms, folk tales about him and his story in Romance of the Three Kingdoms. It focuses on main events in Guan's life story: Oath of the Peach Garden; Dueling Hua Xiong and Lu Bu; Establishing a Base in Xu and eliminating Yuan Shu and Lu Bu after getting tricked; Imperial Hunt; Opposing Cao Cao and setting three conditions...
Guan Yin (Avalokitesvara) is the Bodhisattva of Compassion. You can invoke her blessings by chanting the mantra: NAMO GUAN SHIH YIN PUSA. May all benefit! Song: Bow to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Performers: Jin Long Uen and the Buddhism Satisfactory and Comfortable Team. Album: Buddhist Chants & Peace Music. Music Collection International (1996). You can download the 33 Manifestations of Guan Yin as well as other free Buddhist images at BuddhaWay.net. Check out my Pinterest page for the names of each of the 33 Manifestations of Guan Yin: https://www.pinterest.com/adya74/33-manifestations-of-guan-yin/
Titulo Original: DANCE OF THE DRUNK MANTIS Director: Yuen Woo Ping Productor: Ng See Yuen Compañia: Seasonal Film Corporation Guión: Ng See Yuen, Siao Lung Director acción: Yuen Shun Yee, Yuen Woo Ping, Corey Yuen Kwai, Brandy Yuen Jan Yeung, Chin Yuet Sang Interpretes: Simon Yuen Siu Tien, Yuen Shun Yee, Hwang Jang Lee, Linda Lin Jing, Yen Shi Kwan, Dean Shek Tien, Lee Fat Yuen, Corey Yuen Kwai, Chin Yuet Sang, Brandy Yuen Jan Yeung, Kei Ho Chiu, Yuen Mao Descripción: Un maestro del norte ha desarrollado un nuevo estilo de kung fu combinando el kung fu borracho con la técnica de la mantis, ahora viaja con su alumno al sur para enfrentarse al famoso So Hai, el maestro borracho.
「荣获世界伟大电影奖 感动海外 由斯琴高娃 李纯 聂远领衔主演 领略大唐文化 浅读佛教理念」 ◪【电影简介】《不肯去观音》是中国首部观音题材的故事电影,源自佛教典籍中的经典故事,由张鑫执导,李纯、中泉英雄、中野良子 、斯琴高娃、聂远联袂主演的一部剧情片。影片以公元842年至864年间日本僧人赴大唐求请观音的一段历史传说为线索,讲述了普陀山如何成为观音道场的故事。唐朝,梅岑山秘色瓷艺人余秀峰为体弱多病的光王李怡烧制护身观音宝像供奉 于五台山。宝像制成时,他捡到一个女婴,于是抱养回家为其取名为莲妹。人们说,女婴和观音宝像同来,是天意,是观音的人间示现。20年后莲妹长成楚楚动人的少女,乐善好施,慈悲待人,因为养父告诉她, 所有的路人或许就是她的亲生父母。人们也说,莲妹善良的品格跟观音菩萨 一样充满了慈悲。 唐武宗颁旨灭佛,五台山方丈无尘委托莲妹一家将观音座像藏回梅岑山。此时日本国内战乱,橘皇后心急如焚,令遣唐使慧萼和尚赴大唐求请这尊观 音座像东渡日本供奉。慧萼来到五台山得知宝像已经下山,便一路追寻而去。。。。。。 导演: 张鑫 编剧: 孙祖平 主演: 聂远 / 李纯 / 中泉英雄 / 中野良子 / 斯琴高娃 / 牛犇 类型: 剧情 / 古装 制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 语言: 汉语普通话 / 日语 上映日期: 2013-07-26(中国大陆) 片长: 117分钟 又名: Avalokitesvara 【本影片已获得一九零五(北京)正式授权播出】 ◪想看更多免费电影正片?那就快快关注我啦~\(≧▽≦)/~ Subscribe NOW: http://bit.ly/2dy2wcf ◪【高分电影推荐】豆瓣高分电影精选集 http://bit.ly/2fiDD6f ◪【❤一周精彩电影速递❤】最近更新的电影正片都在这里哦 http://bit.ly/2fiB8kk ◪...
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The 8-12-8 broadcast for AscendoSphere.com comes to a close in this third and final segment ft. Kwan Yin & Orchid, which also ends our AscendoSphere broadcasts for 2015. We look forward to being back on the air starting January 1, 2016! In this show, Kwan Yin takes live questions from the audience attending this event, which was recorded December 30, 2015, and goes deep into topics discussed during the first two videos of the 8-12-8 broadcast, "The Truth about the Matrix" and "Gaia's Heart Meditation". The shift from a reality-based to a tonality-based creation field is explored, what it means to exist as a tonal being, what personal and planetary ascension is all about, and more. Many pieces of insight regarding metaphysics and the ascension path are offered by Kwan Yin. The concept of...
พระอวโลกิเตศวรมหาโพธิสัตว์ ความหมายของพระนาม .................คำว่า อวโลกิเตศวร ได้มีผู้ให้ความหมายไว้หลายนัยด้วยกัน แต่โดยรูปศัพท์แล้ว คำว่าอวโลกิเตศวรมาจากคำสันสกฤตสองคำคือ อวโลกิต กับ อิศวร แปลได้ว่าผู้เป็นใหญ่ที่เฝ้ามองจากเบื้องบน หรือพระผู้ทัศนาดูโลก ซึ่งหมายถึงเฝ้าดูแลสรรพสัตว์ที่ตกอยู่ในห้วงทุกข์นั่นเอง, ซิมเมอร์ นักวิชาการชาวเยอรมันอธิบายว่า พระโพธิสัตว์องค์นี้ทรงเป็นสมันตมุข คือ ปรากฏพระพักตร์อยู่ทุกทิศอาจแลเห็นทั้งหมด ทรงเป็นผู้ที่สามารถบรรลุพระสัมมาสัมโพธิญาณ คืออาจจะเป็นพระพุทธเจ้าเมื่อใดก็ได้ แต่ทรงยับยั้งไว้เนื่องจากความกรุณาสงสารต่อสรรพสัตว์ นอกจากนี้นักปราชญ์พุทธศาสนาบางท่านยังได้เสนอความเห็นว่า คำว่า อิศวร นั้น เป็นเสมือนตำแหน่งที่ติดมากับพระนามอวโลกิตะ จึงถือได้ว่าทรงเป็นพระโพธิสัตว์พระองค์เดียวที่มีตำแหน่งระบุไว้ท้ายพระนาม ในขณะที่พระโพธิสัตว์พระองค์อื่นหามีไม่ อันแสดงใ...