As their presumptive nominee continues an unrelenting string of bluster and gaffe, Republicans against Donald Trump continue to search for a way to block him from becoming the party’s standard-bearer. Last month, the #neverTrump campaign focused on finding an independent presidential candidate who would either thwart any chance at a Trump presidency or maybe even win in November ...Try Newsweek. Subscription offers ... ....
DENVER (AP) - Summoned by the sound of screams, a Colorado woman raced to her front yard to find a terrifying sight. A mountain lion was hunched over her 5-year-old son, biting him. The woman charged the animal, yanked away one of its paws and discovered her son's whole head was in its mouth. She didn't back down. "She was able to pry the cat's jaws open," Pitkin CountySheriff's Deputy Michael Buglione said. "She's a hero." ... ....
As temperatures rise and summer months approach, yet again this year, thousands of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank are being deprived of their most basic need - access to water - as the Israeli national water company Mekorot restricted the water supply to villages and towns in northern West Bank ... As a result, thousands of Palestinians are unable to access sufficient water supplies and became water-dependent on Israel ... READ MORE....
A humanitarian disaster is unfolding in Falluja, aid workers say, with civilians fleeing as government forces drive back Islamic State fighters ... ....
Muscat. Companies should take action now to prepare for Value Added Tax and Excise Tax, urged Price Waterhouse Coopers, after the Gulf Cooperation CouncilMinisters of Finance approved in principle both treaties last Thursday. "Some administrative matters still need to be resolved, notably with regards to the tax collection mechanism related to intra-GCC trade ... ....
Sue MoroneyList MP based in Hamilton MEDIA STATEMENT 18 June 2016 Bill English exaggerates PPL costs to justify veto The FinanceMinister has used trumped-up costings to justify a financial veto against parents having 26 weeks paid parental leave, ... ....
AttachedFiles. . ID. . 1466367965217128400. Publication Date. . Monday, June 20, 2016. DOHA ... It also confirmed that Qatar will for the first time introduce a value-added tax in 2018, in the form of a five percent levy on certain goods that was agreed by Gulf Cooperation Councilfinanceministers this month ... It added that risks included “delays or cost overruns (or both) in the delivery of key infrastructure reforms.” ... ....
Al Yusr SSB also agreed to develop the standalone diminishing Musharakah product for multipurpose finance in response to market requirements. - Supplied picture Al Yusr SSB also agreed to develop the standalone diminishing Musharakah product for multipurpose finance in response to market requirements ... ....
(AP) — Gov. John Bel Edwards has vetoed three bills governing construction financing, state worker pay raises and corrections facilities. A new construction budget and companion financing bill are being considered in the special legislative session ... ....
"The Brexit movement and the plaintiffs in this case have similar motives, no question about it," said Christoph Schalast, law professor at the Frankfurt School of Finance...MarkusKerber, a lawyer teaching finance in Berlin and a plaintiff in many cases over European issues, said in February that the ECB “is like a financial dictator."....
"Time value of money" is a building block of finance...Sign up here to receive the Truewealth Asian Investment Daily, a free daily e-letter that will help you make better investment decisions, through independent and actionable insight on investing, finance and economics, in Asia and the world ... investing, finance and economics, in Asia and the world....
Share Go To ... Southern has been cancelling trains for weeks, blaming high levels of staff sickness and an unwillingness to do overtime. The RMT said parliamentary answers showed the level of fines, which it added were less than the £3.4 million paid to just two GTR bosses for just one year - chief executive officer David Brown (£2.16 million) and recently resigned finance director KeithDown (£1.26m) ... RailMinisterClaire Perry said ... ....
June 20 (BusinessDesk) - GFNZ Group plans to revert to its old name of GenevaFinance and carry out a seven-for-one consolidation to boost its share price ... ....
BERLIN (Reuters) - The German economy had a good start to the second quarter and its upswing is likely to continue albeit at a slower pace than in the first three months of the year, the FinanceMinistry said on Monday. ....
According to Spokesperson for the Ministry of Education Dr Hari Lamsal, participants of the programme will perform yoga in the presence of PrimeMinister KP Sharma Oli. Lamsal said education minister is the coordinator and tourism minister is the joint-coordinator of the programme ... ....
Public SafetyMinisterRalph Goodale believes that process is to be found in a new first-of-its-kind-in-Canada national security oversight committee of parliamentarians ...First, this committee will not report to Parliament directly but will, instead, report to the prime minister, giving current or future PMs the power of censorship....