Muthukadu (Tamil: முத்துக்காடு ) is a village in the Annavasalrevenue block of Pudukkottai district,Tamil Nadu, India.
As per the 2001 census, Muthukadu had a total population of 3040 with 1512 males and 1528 females. Out of the total population 2009 people were literate.
A hand off the heart
One on the wolf until your lambs itch
Life lives in the dark
But you joke and you kid about the light switch
Lay down no talking
Stand up start walking
You run and you run and there's no time to think
No time to breathe
No time at all
Just the buffalo seven
A hand on the heart
One on the wolf until your lambs bleed
Life live in the dark
But you joke and you kid about the light in me
Lay down no talking
Stand up start walking
You run and you run and there's no time to think
No time to breathe
No time at all
Just the buffalo seven