GDI Injector Testing
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The newer GDI injectors are a far cry from normal
PFI style injectors. GDI injection systems use different ways to trigger their injectors, as well as varying pressures. In other words, on GDI engines the high pressure at the fuel rail changes according to demand. By definition, this means that the electrical conditions will be changing as well. On a PFI injection system the pressure stays steady at 35 to 60
PSI, depending on the system.
Nominal PFI injectors draw about 900 milli
Amps. On the other hand, GDI injectors use a peak-and-hold triggering scheme, much like the older big throttle body injectors, with the
difference being the voltage and current values employed. GDI injector internal resistance ranges between 2.6 to 16.3 Ohms, depending on application.
Following, we'll explain exactly how GDI injectors are triggered and how to test them.
The analysis of the waveform will show you how to read the waveform in the oscilloscope or graphing multi meter. A typical GDI injector current waveform shows a few points of interest.
One, is the injector turn On
point, signified here by the sudden rise in current. This turn on point can go as high as 12 Amps on a GDI injector.
Again, it all depends on the fuel demands for that particular engine condition. The turn On current value will change according to demand. Also remember that the GDI injector open event is way faster than PFI, at about 0.4 to 5 milli seconds, compared to a typical 5 to 15 or higher milli second PFI injector
.... Get the whole story right here in this video...
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- published: 17 Jul 2012
- views: 19079