The Three Fighters that Brought the Luftwaffe to its Knees

Edit World History Online 17 Mar 2016
The German air force (the Luftwaffe) was probably the strongest air force in Europe at the dawn of the Second World War ... After the fall of France, things couldn’t be worse for the Allies ... LESSER-KNOWN FACTS. ... During a hot argument on this issue, the ace Adolf Galland gave his superior a stunning reply “I should like an outfit of Spitfires for my group”; a superb compliment the enemy paid to this amazing plane. LESSER-KNOWN FACTS. ... ....

Margarita Luzzatto obituary

Edit The Guardian 07 Mar 2016
She was born in Danzig (now Gdansk) where her father, Giorgio, who managed two coal mines, was a vocal objector to Adolf Hitler’s regime ... One assignment after the war was translating for former RAF and Luftwaffe pilots, notably the aces Robert Stanford Tuck and Adolf Galland, who met regularly in a pub in Sussex to share their experiences and talk about the politics behind wartime decisions ... ....

Monitoring My Mistress Distress Index

Edit The American Spectator 26 Feb 2016
Tuesday, February 23, 2015. Morning at our house at The Club at Morningside in Rancho Mirage. It is about fifteen miles east of Palm Springs. Our house is on the golf course, and we have a swimming pool (none of which I will be able to afford much longer if my son doesn’t cool it with the credit cards) ... I took some pictures. My dog — a hunting breed — completely ignored them and kept sleeping ... No ... No ... Bush ... “Was it Adolf Galland?” I asked ... ....

The 10 Most Fabulous Things People Wore Into Battle

Edit ListVerse 07 Apr 2014
4 Adolf Galland And His Swimming Trunks ... Adolf Galland was a German pilot who served with the Luftwaffe during World War II ... You see, Galland was famous among his men for his incredibly unorthodox style while piloting his plane ... Because Galland understood the need to both look and feel cool. Galland’s personal planes (for example, the Heinkel He ......

Haass talks team came this close but failure is an option

Edit Belfast Telegraph 09 Jan 2014
A week is a long time in politics. Immediately after the Haass talks, Peter Robinson denied that they had been a failure. Now he acknowledges that they were, but says all five parties were equally responsible ... On January 7, he struck a different note, stating ... The Sinn Fein motion states ... That would change the narrative of failure ... Most Read in this section ... Adolf Galland, Germany's leading fighter pilot of the Second World War, answered ... ....

Spitfire fund: The remarkable story of this iconic warbird and emperor of the skies

Edit Belfast Telegraph 08 Jan 2014
Adolf Galland, Germany's leading fighter pilot of the Second World War, answered. "Give me a squadron of Spitfires.". Nothing sums up the iconic nature of the Supermarine Spitfire fighter more than that comment. Although Galland's remark has been taken out of context – he wanted captured Spitfires to help train his pilots – the legend had already been born ... Adolf Galland, Germany's leading fighter pilot of the Second World War, answered....