- published: 03 Mar 2016
- views: 1489
株式会社VSN 会社紹介ムービー
VSN Handling Objection Yohanes
Haïti VSN 1984
VSN TV Profesional Muda
VSN Mobile V.360 Camera Review
VSN (RAPVOLUCION00) - FUCK HATERS - 2016 (Videoclip oficial)
Life Changing VSN
株式会社VSN ITエンジニアからのメッセージ Part2
VSN Mobil's V.360 shows promise of 360-degree action cameras
Bazin Smith V.S.N. Haiti 1984.
VSNの新卒採用 http://career.vsn.co.jp/recruit/ VSNのキャリアエンジニア採用 http://career.vsn.co.jp/ 今、日本のITとモノづくりは、新しい時代を迎えている。 技術的な垣根を越えて、複雑化・高度化している。 そんな時代のニーズに応えるべく、最先端の開発現場で活躍するVSNのエンジニアたち。 この動画を通じて、VSNで働くことの意義や魅力を、皆さんにお伝えいたします。
Di Video ini Anda akan mempelajari bagaimana menjawab keberatan prospek Anda secara baik dan menghindari perdebatan. Better Life With MCI.
Bryan Burnett reviews the VSN Mobile V.360 Camera on Before You Buy 165. For the full episode of Before You Buy, visit http://twit.tv/byb165
「エンジニアを、笑顔に。」株式会社VSNでは、IT・機械・電子設計・研究職のエンジニアを積極採用中。 ■株式会社VSN キャリア・中途エンジニア採用 http://career.vsn.co.jp/ ■株式会社VSN 新卒エンジニア採用 http://career.vsn.co.jp/recruit/
dead spaces
ruins of morality
old scars
smouldering remains of energy
and a crystal like a flame frozen
my consciousness
the army - they are a few
because those who have the fight within
and faces pale white
pass away too often
the enemy seems to be powerfull
and it is easier not to provoke him
the might you know not!
the path of enlightment marked with tears
will not go back anymore
the art
is not to get lost in a vicious dance
in a maze of turnings
mirages unreliability
there was something
taken away from me
i fought
once iwon
the victory redeemed with blood
many had to die
i am ashamed of a shadow of doubt
i have been not esteemating
the might!
once i was given something
in the black of the night
i was dazzled by the gleam of its blackness
and the trees were bowing down before it
now when they are asleep
dream takes their senses away
and plays with their thoughts
in the kingdom of dream
there is no place for them
how much time will flow
before i finish the dukedom
I am not able to know
this i know
it will be ye entrancemperium...