(CNN)A baby with Zika virus-related microcephaly was born in New Jersey on Tuesday, hospital officials said. The baby and mother are stable and doing well following the cesarean delivery, said Dr. Abdulla Al-Kahan, director of maternal and fetal medicine at Hackensack University Medical Center. "The mother is stable, obviously sad, which is the normal emotional reaction given the situation," he said ... Read More ...CDC confirmation ... ....
photo: AP / Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation
Thai wildlife authorities found 40 tiger cub carcasses in a freezer in Thailand’s infamous Tiger Temple on Wednesday as they removed live animals in response to international pressure over suspected trafficking and abuse ... But the temple has been investigated for suspected links to wildlife trafficking and abuse ... Reuters. . . ....
With over 8,000 rescue operations already underway, emergency workers have a battle against them as meteorologists warn the waters are expected to continue rising for days, according to The Associated Press. The Seine River has overflowed causing one town to be wholly evacuated as both government and citizen groups work to rescue those stranded by the flooding ... ... "Apart from that, we find it very entertaining ... –WN.com, Maureen Foody....
What’s more, mixed signals over most favored nation and then Saddam Hussein’s desire to invade Kuwait, No-Fly-Zones and repeated air strikes, funding and training insurgents to topple Iraq’s leaders-along with “Hitlerizing” them and demonizing the people, and the forged documents and lies surrounding WMD’s added to Phase One.Killing Iraqi Children......
“Inside Out” scribe Meg LeFauve and Nicole Perlman are currently writing the script, which follows Carol Danvers, an airforce pilot whose DNA is fused with that of an alien during an accident....
The AirForcePersonnelCenter is currently accepting nominations through Aug ...AirForceLeadershipAward ... AirForceAcademy graduate to receive the Medal of Honor ... Search for eligibility and application procedures on myPers with the keyword 'Sijan.' For more information about AirForce personnel programs go to the myPers website....
In the United StatesAirForce, countless parents have proudly watched their child graduate from Basic Military Training, while countless children have seen their parents retire from service ...Ortega Jr., who joined the AirForce in 1986, served in Germany, Korea and Houston and worked for NASA as a flight surgeon ... Celebrating AirForce achievements is common for the Ortega family, according to Ortega III's mother, retired AirForce Lt....
AirForce officials are accepting nominations through Sept ... 30, individuals can contact the AirForcePersonnelCenter at (210) 565-2520 ... Search for eligibility and application procedures on myPers with the keyword 'GEICO.' For more information about AirForce personnel programs, go to the myPers website ... on the AirForce Retirees Services website....
Pele... The first time Dico and his friends played with a real ball with air, it knocked the wind out of them ... The other boys mocked Dico and his friends for having no shoes, naming their team “the shoeless ones’, as well as calling Dico “Pele” as an insult ... He and his friends made a plan to steal in order to buy shoes. Although, once they had shoes, they couldn't play very well. The shoes were too big ... It’s not all fun and games ... Pele....
Los AngelesAirForceBase) LOS ANGELES AIRFORCEBASE, Calif ... Replacing the AirForce's previous Sexual AssaultPrevention and Response training, the new curriculum addresses and encourages prevention of many forms of interpersonal violence that the previous training did not, such as domestic abuse, dating violence, stalking, child abuse, elder abuse and bullying ...Andra Tharp, the AirForce's top violence prevention expert....
Tyndall AirForceBase) TYNDALL AIRFORCEBASE, Fla ... According to www.beready.af.mil, after an emergency, all AirForce-affiliated personnel who are directly affected by major natural disasters or man-made events are to report their status to their command at the first available opportunity ... Tyndall AirForce Base published this content on 01 June 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein....
OFFUTT AIRFORCEBASE, Neb. − Three B-52 Stratofortresses are scheduled to deploy June 2 from MinotAirForceBase, North Dakota, to RAF Fairford, United Kingdom, to participate in U.S ... and allied military forces... and NATO military forces, which is vital to global security,' said Adm ... command and control of the bomber force anywhere in the world....
The future of the AirForce’s bomber and fighter fleet may not involve human pilots ... The AirForce is run by a bunch of people used to flying planes, and the move to unmanned aircraft could create a culture clash between fighter jocks and tech geeks ... “For the good of the joint force, the AirForce must move beyond this reluctance.”....
Master SergeantIrisFigueroa was in town and Millville decided to honor her for her service ... She was able to travel the globe, including three tours in the Middle East, after enlisting in the U.S.AirForce. She enlisted in 2003 and has been a part of the AirForce ever since, attained the rank of master sergeant in March ... She talked to a cousin about the AirForce and the idea of doing intel sounded interesting to her ... Don E ... ....