Images of a girl looking relaxed and carefree on a swing set during her toddler years, arm wresting with her brother as a kid, and tightly hugging her dad as she blossomed into a teenager were projected onto a screen during A Beautiful Mind, a mental health benefit hosted by Luxe Bistro on Monday night.
The photos were of Allison Lees, whose struggle with mental illness ended nine years ago. She took her life at age 27.
The ByWard Market restaurant, owned by Noah Firestone, was hopping as a sold-out crowd of 110 packed inside to raise money for a depression research fund established in Allison’s name through the Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health.
Last year’s inaugural benefit netted $62,000. Organizers expected to raise even more this year thanks to support from the business community and friends of David and Lee Ann Lees, and their son, J.D. (John-David) Lees, an investment advisor with returning title sponsor BMO Nesbitt Burns. The $150-a-ticket event included silent and live auction items.
Photos: A Beautiful Mind
Caroline Phillips attended a benefit for mental health initiatives, A Beautiful Mind, held at Luxe Bistro in the ByWard Market on Monday, April 25, 2016, in support of the Allison Lees Depression Research Fund. Alison Lees, 27, took her life on February 11, 2007.
“This is a cause that is very near and dear to our hearts, and everyone has been so willing to support us,” J.D. Lees told Around Town. “Our friends, family and community have been unbelievably awesome.”
The crowd included such award-winning philanthropists as Stephen Greenberg and Brian Scott. Supporters also included ProSlide Technology president and CEO Rick Hunter, Michelle Taggart from the Taggart Parkes Foundation, Monica Singhal from Richcraft Group of Companies and Beth and Wim Pieterson. From the Royal Ottawa Foundation were its acting president and CEO, Nancy Stanton, and director of events, Tracey Welsh, as well as its board vice-chair, lawyer Gordon Cudney.
Lees and his sister, only 16 months apart, attended Lisgar Collegiate Institute. Allison graduated as an Ontario Scholar but ran into difficulty at Mount Allison University and moved back home. She was diagnosed during her 20s with bipolar disorder, characterized by periods of depression and periods of elevated mood.
Creating the fund in Allison’s name is helping her memory to live on while also aiding the family in its healing process. It believes the medical research being done at the Royal will lead to better diagnosis and treatment of depression, resulting in fewer families having to experience the pain of losing a loved one to suicide. “It is the most rewarding thing to see where your efforts and your contributions and donations are going, and to hear these bright, bright individuals talk about their love and their dedication, as to what they’re doing with research,” David Lees told the room.
The endowment fund, originally created in 2007, was at $234,000 prior to Monday’s benefit.
The family plans to remain involved with the Royal but is also starting another fund through the non-profit Community Foundation of Ottawa in order to provide more immediate, front-line help to those battling mental illness. Said the dad: “We want to do more. I think we can do more.”
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