- published: 24 Mar 2016
- views: 536
Sigmar Gabriel (born 12 September 1959 in Goslar) is a German politician currently chairing the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD).
On 15 December 1999, after the resignation of Gerhard Glogowski, who had succeeded Gerhard Schröder in office, Gabriel became Minister-President of Lower Saxony and served until 4 March 2003. After being voted out of office, he became the SPD's "Representative for Pop Culture and Pop Discourse" from 2003 to 2005, for which he was bestowed the nickname Siggi Pop. From 2005 to 2009 he was the Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety in the first cabinet of Angela Merkel (CDU).
He has promoted the International Renewable Energy Agency. He called the speeches of Thilo Sarrazin, his party colleague who wrote critically about immigration, "verbal violence," . Gabriel called Israel an "Apartheid-Regime".
Following the SPD's defeat in the federal election of 2009, Franz Müntefering resigned from the position of party chairman of the Social Democratic Party. Gabriel was nominated as his successor and was elected on 13 November 2009. Gabriel was re-elected as party chairman for a further two years at the SPD party conference in Berlin on 5 December 2011, receiving 91.6% of the vote.
Song: Sigmar Gabriel - dich wird keiner wählen | extra 3 | NDR
Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) reagiert gereizt auf Fragen von Bettina Schausten
Sigmar Gabriel wettert gegen Greenpeace (in voller Länge)
Sigmar Gabriel und Richard Sulik streiten sich bei Maybrit Illner
"Koalition der Wenigen" - Sigmar Gabriel bei Maybrit Illner 25.02.2016
Sigmar Gabriel Was nun komplette Sendung ZDF 14.03.2016
SPD-Parteitag: Sigmar Gabriel hält Rede am 11.12.2015
Christian Ehring im Gespräch mit Sigmar Gabriel | extra 3 | NDR
Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) mag Marietta Slomka vom ZDF "Heute Journal" nicht wirklich.
Sigmar Gabriel: He can't Kanzler | extra 3 | NDR
Sigmar Gabriel im Taxi Berlin am 10.09.13
Ein Lied für Sigmar Gabriel | extra 3 | NDR
Christian Ehring im Gespräch mit Sigmar Gabriel (Thema: Desolater Zustand der SPD) | extra 3 | NDR
Greenpeace stört Rede von Sigmar Gabriel - Gabriel stört zurück (dena-Kongress)