- published: 22 Feb 2016
- views: 95
Metro usually refers to:
Metro may also refer to:
Árva (Slovak: Orava, Polish: Orawa, German: Arwa) was an administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its territory is now in northern Slovakia and southern Poland. Today, the Slovak name is only used as an informal designation of the corresponding territory (see Orava (region)).
In the past Árva county shared borders with the Austrian land Galicia and the Hungarian counties Trencsén (Trenčín), Turóc (Turiec) and Liptó (Liptov). The county's territory was situated along the Orava River between Zázrivá and the Tatra mountains. Its area was 2,019 km² around 1910. Now its territory is divided by the Polish-Slovakian border. The main Polish town of Orava is Jabłonka.
The capital of the county was the Orava Castle, then Veličná and since the late 17th century Dolný Kubín.
Árva county as a Hungarian comitatus arose before the 15th century. In the aftermath of World War I, the area became part of newly formed Czechoslovakia, as recognized by the concerned states in the 1920 Treaty of Trianon. After a border dispute (treated in detail under Polish–Czechoslovak border conflicts) several villages in the north-east of the now defunct Árva county's territory were exchanged between Poland and Czechoslovakia.
Árva bárka
Metró- Árva bárka
Metro: Egy este a Metro klubban (full album)
Metro - Jövő szele
Metró - Citrom ízű banán
Metro- Dohányfüstös terem
Metró koncert (részletek)
Metró- Ha Júliát kérdeznék meg
Metró -A pénz-1969 (cut)
Metró - A jövő szele
1. Ha Júliát kérdeznék meg 2. Hol az a hely? 4:45 3. És közben szólt a Colt 9:10 4. 1x, 2x, 3x 11:59 5. Árva bárka 14:24 6. Kócos ördögök 17:51 7. Lóg a falon egy fekete kard 20:17 8. Ha fánk vagy, örülj, hogy élsz 24:41 9. Az én életrajzom 28:43 10. Könnyűvérű lányok 33:33 11. A szívem hív, hív 37:28
Metró - Citrom ízű banán
1992. Március 21. Budapest Sportcsarnok. (Elméletileg sztereó, a hang a magyar rádió felvétele, a Dohányfüstös terem-ben a szaxofonszóló utólag van feljátszva és NEM playback!)
Metró együttes 1969, A pénz archiv retro nosztalgia magyar