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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Reader rating (21 votes)

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Catherine Frot in <i>Marguerite</i>.

Trailer: Marguerite


Marguerite review: She couldn't sing a note, but story of opera singer Florence Foster Jenkins strikes a chord

Catherine Frot in <i>Marguerite</i>.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

JAKE WILSON A middle-aged aristocrat with time and money at her disposal, Marguerite Dumont uses both to stage musical soirees where she performs off-key renditions of operatic standards to her polite but secretly aghast guests.

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Trailer: Marguerite

Trailer:  Marguerite (Thumbnail)Click to play video

Marguerite Dumont loves to sing opera for her friends even though she's not a good singer, which nobody tells her until she decides to perform in front of a real audience.

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Meryl Streep stars in one of two movies about a socialite singer who couldn't sing

Meryl Streep in a scene from <i>Florence Foster Jenkins</i>, directed by Stephen Frears.

Nick Miller and Philippa Hawker 12:00am Florence Foster Jenkins opened her mouth and "quite brilliant rubbish" came out. Her life is celebrated in not one but two films about to be released.


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