6PR Overnights

12am - 5am 

Overnights with Jon Lewis

Overnights with Jon Lewis

Jon's show is all about companionship through the very early hours of the morning with News, opinions from the listeners (and his if he can get a word in edgewise) contests and many international talk back callers too. 

Jon Lewis is all about having a great time and being well informed. General career summary Jon started at 6PR many, many years ago as a Cartridge Operator (cartridges no longer exist!) and progresed up the ladder to a Sound Engineer then a sideways step to on-air. The show then was almost all music until he decided to try "Talk" and off it went to eventually become number one.

What was your first job?
Boans department store (now demolished and replaced by the big Myers store) was where I first worked at the camera counter selling with delight to the customers with my over enthusiastic approach to cameras! 

What is your favourite on air moment thus far?
Talking to the last man to walk on the moon, Captain Eugene Cernan was a thrill as he explained to me he left his daughters initials on the surface of the moon, oh and he discovered copper there too! 

What is your most embarrassing on air moment?
Oh, dear, I fell asleep while talking... only for five seconds and the 10 second delay saved the day... it was the most unusual thing. That's right, I bored my self to sleep! 

If you could interview anyone (living or dead) who would it be?
Talking to each Beatle seems to come first, then maybe my Grandfather who I never met and he used to fix radios... He would be delighted to know that the radios he used to fix on his wooden bench all those years ago would one day have his grandson talking out of.

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Gary Adshead

6PR Mornings

8:30am - 12pm