
● Maruha Nichiro subsidiary recalling frozen foods
A subsidiary of Japanese food company Maruha Nichiro Holdings is recalling at least 6.3 mi...
published: 30 Dec 2013
● Maruha Nichiro subsidiary recalling frozen foods
● Maruha Nichiro subsidiary recalling frozen foods
A subsidiary of Japanese food company Maruha Nichiro Holdings is recalling at least 6.3 million frozen food products after pesticide was found in some of them. The subsidiary, Aqlifoods, detected an insecticide called malathion in frozen foods, including croquette and pizza, made at its factory in Gunma Prefecture. The company has voluntarily begun to recall 90 frozen food items made at that factory. The food maker carried out an in-house investigation. It found that malathion is never used in production or any other processes at the factory. Aqlifoods says the insecticide has not been found on the premises. The maker says it buys flour commonly used for manufacturing the products from a Japanese milling company. Aqlifoods says it only uses flour with a certificate of residual agricultural chemicals, and that it's unlikely the pesticide was mixed into products during manufacturing. Company officials plan to suspend operation at the Gunma factory and stop shipments from it until they identify the cause of the problem. Police are helping them in their investigation.- published: 30 Dec 2013
- views: 13

News@1: Produkto ng Maruha Nichiro Holdings, ipinapa-ban ng FDA || January 20, 2014
News@1: Produkto ng Maruha Nichiro Holdings, ipinapa-ban ng FDA (Ulat ni JC Tejano) - [Jan...
published: 20 Jan 2014
News@1: Produkto ng Maruha Nichiro Holdings, ipinapa-ban ng FDA || January 20, 2014
News@1: Produkto ng Maruha Nichiro Holdings, ipinapa-ban ng FDA || January 20, 2014
News@1: Produkto ng Maruha Nichiro Holdings, ipinapa-ban ng FDA (Ulat ni JC Tejano) - [January 20, 2014] For more news, visit: ►http://www.ptvnews.ph Download our mobile App. in your Android phones to read daily news updates ►https://www.dropbox.com/s/qz9q1b2xu8pomoo/PTV_News_Android_03-20-2013.apk Subscribe to our youtube account: ►http://www.youtube.com/ptvphilippines Like our facebook page: ►PTV: http://facebook.com/PTVph ►NEWS@1: http://facebook.com/PTVnewsat1 ►NEWS@6: http://facebook.com/PTVnewsat6 ►NEWSLIFE: http://facebook.com/PTVnewslife ►PTV SPORTS: http://facebook.com/PTV4SPORTS Follow us at Twitter: ►http://twitter.com/PTVph Follow our livestream at ►http://ptvnews.ph/index.php/livestreammenu Ustream: ►http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ptv-livestream Watch us, every Monday to Friday Balitaan - 5:30 am - 7:00 am Good Morning Boss - 7:00 am - 9:00 am News@1 - 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm PTV Sports - 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm News@6 - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm NewsLife - 9:15 pm - 10:30 pm Saturday: News@1 The Week That Was - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PTV Weekend News - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Sunday: News@1 Junior Edition - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PTV Weekend News - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm- published: 20 Jan 2014
- views: 25

Maruha Nichiro Foods Freeze-Dried Rice Pasta : DigInfo
DigInfo - http://www.diginfo.tv Maruha Nichiro Foods, Inc. exhibited a freeze-dried rice p...
published: 11 Nov 2008
author: Diginfonews
Maruha Nichiro Foods Freeze-Dried Rice Pasta : DigInfo
Maruha Nichiro Foods Freeze-Dried Rice Pasta : DigInfo
DigInfo - http://www.diginfo.tv Maruha Nichiro Foods, Inc. exhibited a freeze-dried rice pasta at the Health Ingredients Japan 2008 show. Wheat is traditiona...- published: 11 Nov 2008
- views: 1152
- author: Diginfonews

published: 24 May 2013
author: 010shokuhin
ごま油とコチュジャンでやみつきの旨さ!!- published: 24 May 2013
- views: 30
- author: 010shokuhin

Tainted Frozen Food Sickens Hundreds in Japan
TOKYO (AP) — Hundreds of people fell sick across Japan after eating frozen food that may h...
published: 08 Jan 2014
Tainted Frozen Food Sickens Hundreds in Japan
Tainted Frozen Food Sickens Hundreds in Japan
TOKYO (AP) — Hundreds of people fell sick across Japan after eating frozen food that may have been tainted with a pesticide. Food maker Maruha Nichiro Holdings used full-page ads in major newspapers Wednesday apologizing and warning consumers not to eat any of the tainted food, including pizza, croquettes and pancakes manufactured at a factory in Gunma Prefecture, north of Tokyo. The company began recalling 6.4 million packages of various frozen foods on Dec. 29, saying it found some were tainted by high levels of malathion, a pesticide. Maruha has received hundreds of thousands of calls about the problem. "The products will have a strong smell and eating them may cause vomiting and stomach pain," it said in the notice, which included 51 color photos of the problem products. The health ministry said it had confirmed 556 people suffering such symptoms after eating those products as of late Tuesday. In a notice on its website, it ordered Maruha Nichiro to recall all potentially affected products and to be forthright in informing the public about the situation. Estimates of the number of people affected vary. Public broadcaster NHK said Wednesday that its tally found 1,700 people sickened after eating the Maruha products, while Kyodo News agency put the number at 1,400. Earlier, NHK said information from local governments showed 356 people were affected. Both reports said it was unclear whether consumption of the tainted products was directly responsible for the illnesses, suggesting a possibility of some public hysteria. The health ministry said it had not detected malathion in nearly three dozen cases tested. Tokyo-based Maruha Nichiro said it had so far retrieved about 1.1 million packages subject to the recall. Last week, it issued a formal apology and appealed to consumers not to eat any of the affected products. Police are investigating how the items were contaminated with malathion, reportedly by up to 2.6 million times the allowable limit. Malathion is a pesticide used in farming and gardening, and to kill fleas on animals and people. At high enough concentrations, it can cause death, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. There have been no reports of life-threatening illnesses from Maruha's products, but the contamination has further shaken public confidence undermined by various food quality scandals. Late last year, a slew of top-notch hotels and department stores apologized after it was found that some of the items they were selling were actually cheaper substitutes. ___ Associated Press writer Yuri Kageyama contributed to this report. ====================================== #Japan,#Maruha Nichiro Holdings, #Japan Frozen Food, #Japan Frozen Food Pesticides, #Japan News, #Japan Tainted Frozen Food, #Pesticides In Frozen Food, #Tainted Frozen Food, #World News- published: 08 Jan 2014
- views: 20

マルハニチロ食品 企業CM「おいしい人生」篇 【鉄拳さんパラパラ漫画】
published: 20 Nov 2013
マルハニチロ食品 企業CM「おいしい人生」篇 【鉄拳さんパラパラ漫画】
マルハニチロ食品 企業CM「おいしい人生」篇 【鉄拳さんパラパラ漫画】
マルハニチロが提供する『おいしい人生』を、鉄拳さんのパラパラ漫画を通じて、"ワクワク感"とともにお届けします。 子供からお年寄りまで、ひとりの食シーンをアニメーションで描きます。鮮やかにテンポよく変化していく"ワクワク感"のあるストーリーを、マイア・ヒラサワさんの透明感のある美しい歌声とメロディーが盛り上げます。おいしいものを、大切な人と一緒に食べる。それだけで自然と笑顔があふれてくる。そんな"おいしいしあわせ"をお楽しみください。- published: 20 Nov 2013
- views: 1588

マルハニチロ食品 宇都宮工場紹介VTR
マルハニチロ食品 宇都宮工場でフィッシュソーセージができるまでの 紹介映像です。 宇都宮工場は、「くるんパック フィッシュソーセージ」や 「DHA入りリサーラソーセージ」などを中心...
published: 09 Apr 2013
author: Maruha Nichiro
マルハニチロ食品 宇都宮工場紹介VTR
マルハニチロ食品 宇都宮工場紹介VTR
マルハニチロ食品 宇都宮工場でフィッシュソーセージができるまでの 紹介映像です。 宇都宮工場は、「くるんパック フィッシュソーセージ」や 「DHA入りリサーラソーセージ」などを中心に製造している工場です。 実際にどのようにソーセージを製造しているかをもっと知っていただくために、 製造工程を映像とともにキャッチーな...- published: 09 Apr 2013
- views: 6430
- author: Maruha Nichiro

新中華街 横浜あんかけラーメン TVCM 「家宅捜索」篇
published: 07 Oct 2013
新中華街 横浜あんかけラーメン TVCM 「家宅捜索」篇
新中華街 横浜あんかけラーメン TVCM 「家宅捜索」篇
犯人のアジトを家宅捜査する新中華街刑事たち。犯人には逃げられてしまったものの、平泉刑事がアジトに残されたメモから犯人の行先が「新中華街」であることをつきとめます。ところが、メモには続きがあり、「横浜あんかけラーメンを忘れるな!」というただの買い物メモであることが発覚。「なんだぁ」と振り返る平泉刑事でしたが、時すでに遅し。他の捜査員は全員「新中華街」へ出動してしまったのでした。- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 1296

published: 11 Jan 2013
author: Maruha Nichiro
美味しい「あけぼのさけ」の缶詰ができるまでをビデオでご覧いただけます。- published: 11 Jan 2013
- views: 697
- author: Maruha Nichiro

新中華街 「横浜あんかけラーメン」「あおり炒めの焼豚炒飯」「 五目あんかけ焼そば」 TVCM 60秒
横浜あんかけラーメン 「家宅捜索」篇
published: 07 Oct 2013
新中華街 「横浜あんかけラーメン」「あおり炒めの焼豚炒飯」「 五目あんかけ焼そば」 TVCM 60秒
新中華街 「横浜あんかけラーメン」「あおり炒めの焼豚炒飯」「 五目あんかけ焼そば」 TVCM 60秒
横浜あんかけラーメン 「家宅捜索」篇 犯人のアジトを家宅捜査する新中華街刑事たち。犯人には逃げられてしまったものの、平泉刑事がアジトに残されたメモから犯人の行先が「新中華街」であることをつきとめます。ところが、メモには続きがあり、「横浜あんかけラーメンを忘れるな!」というただの買い物メモであることが発覚。「なんだぁ」と振り返る平泉刑事でしたが、時すでに遅し。他の捜査員は全員「新中華街」へ出動してしまったのでした。 あおり炒めの焼豚炒飯 「張り込み」篇 犯人を張り込む新中華街刑事の2人。犯人に気づかれていないかと気が気でない若手刑事のあばれる君に対して、ベテラン刑事の平泉成さんは「張り込みのごはん」が待ち遠しくて頭がいっぱい。「チン!」と鳴り響くレンジの音。平泉刑事が待ち遠しかった「張り込みのごはん」とは「あおり炒めの焼豚炒飯」!刑事生活35年の「まだかな~、まだかな~」という心の叫びは必聴です。 五目あんかけ焼そば 「立てこもり」篇 倉庫に立てこもった犯人を説得する新中華街刑事たち。行き詰った状態の中、「俺に任せろ」と平泉成さんが用意したものはなんと電子レンジ。その中には犯人の大好物の「五目あんかけ焼そば」。「チン!」という音が響き渡ると、狙い通りに犯人は出てきます。平泉刑事の心を動かす説得と、してやったりの表情に注目です。- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 1681

● Police probe alleged poisoning of meal packs
Police have begun an investigation at a factory of a major Japanese food company's subsidi...
published: 04 Jan 2014
● Police probe alleged poisoning of meal packs
● Police probe alleged poisoning of meal packs
Police have begun an investigation at a factory of a major Japanese food company's subsidiary for alleged poisoning of its frozen food products. Health authorities in Gunma Prefecture near Tokyo have found that 7 kinds of meal packs produced by Aqlifoods, a subsidiary of Maruha Nichiro Holdings, contained a pesticide called malathion. They say the products include pizza and croquettes, and these contained as much as 1.5 million times the allowed limit of the pesticide. Local authorities say it is unlikely that the pesticide was added in the ordinary production process as it's not used in the factory. Police allege that someone could have intentionally added the poison and started an on-site investigation at the factory in Gunma Prefecture on Saturday. Officials at Aqlifoods say the poisoned products were packed in the same room and kept in cold storage in the factory after they were cooked on 3 separate lines. Police will check details of production flows and question officials and workers. Aqlifoods officials say they also started interviewing the factory's 300 workers to find any irregularity.- published: 04 Jan 2014
- views: 0

exhibitor-maruha-nichiro_ESE 2011.mov
Interview with Maruha Nichiro in European Seafood Expo 2011 in Brussels....
published: 26 May 2011
author: Hank Teh
exhibitor-maruha-nichiro_ESE 2011.mov
exhibitor-maruha-nichiro_ESE 2011.mov
Interview with Maruha Nichiro in European Seafood Expo 2011 in Brussels.- published: 26 May 2011
- views: 33
- author: Hank Teh
Youtube results:

20100730 Maruha Oyako-don from KIYO
Have you ever try Japanese food? KIYO introduce you Japaese food that local loves from ---...
published: 30 Jul 2010
author: easycookingjapan
20100730 Maruha Oyako-don from KIYO
20100730 Maruha Oyako-don from KIYO
Have you ever try Japanese food? KIYO introduce you Japaese food that local loves from ---- Osaka with geo tags,photoes. Japanese food is NOT only Sushi,temp...- published: 30 Jul 2010
- views: 199
- author: easycookingjapan

20100802 Maruha Gyudon from KIYO
Have you ever try Japanese food? KIYO introduce you Japaese food that local loves from ---...
published: 02 Aug 2010
author: easycookingjapan
20100802 Maruha Gyudon from KIYO
20100802 Maruha Gyudon from KIYO
Have you ever try Japanese food? KIYO introduce you Japaese food that local loves from ---- Osaka with geo tags,photoes. Japanese food is NOT only Sushi,temp...- published: 02 Aug 2010
- views: 269
- author: easycookingjapan

Массовое отравление японцев ядом от насекомых
Массовое отравление произошло в Японии. Порядка 360 человек обратились за помощью к медика...
published: 09 Jan 2014
Массовое отравление японцев ядом от насекомых
Массовое отравление японцев ядом от насекомых
Массовое отравление произошло в Японии. Порядка 360 человек обратились за помощью к медикам. У всех одни и те же жалобы — тошнота и диарея. По данным местных СМИ, все пострадавшие в последние несколько дней употребляли полуфабрикаты одной из крупнейших в стране компаний Maruha Nichiro Holdings Inc. Жалобы на продукцию администрация фабрики начала получать еще в конце декабря. Потребители обратили внимание на то, что некоторые полуфабрикаты пахнут бензином или машинными маслом. Тогда компании пришлось изъять более чем 6,4 млн упаковок из продажи. А когда на предприятии начались проверки, то выяснилось, что в продукты попал карбофос. Как правило, это вещество используют в сельском хозяйстве для борьбы с вредными насекомыми. Теперь же в «заморозку» попал еще один опасный химикат. После этого Maruha Nichiro пришлось отозвать практически всю свою продукцию. В настоящее время по факту произошедшего начато масштабное расследование. По предварительным данным следствия, опасное вещество могли умышленно добавить в продукты, но кому это было нужно — пока неизвестно подписаться http://goo.gl/KX60Fp ______________________________________________- published: 09 Jan 2014
- views: 55

Japan food pesticide scare Factory worker arrested
Japan food pesticide scare Factory worker arrested
For more Latest and Breaking News Head...
published: 26 Jan 2014
Japan food pesticide scare Factory worker arrested
Japan food pesticide scare Factory worker arrested
Japan food pesticide scare Factory worker arrested For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines SUBSCRIBE to https://www.youtube.com/user/ZakWorldNEWS Japanese police have arrested a factory worker at a plant that produced food laced with pesticide, which led to hundreds of people being poisoned. More than six million packages of frozen food were recalled. Maruha Nichiro Holdings announced earlier this month it was recalling products after some were found to contain high levels of malathion. The pesticide is used in farming, gardening and for killing fleas. Up to 2,800 people reported symptoms after eating the products, which included pizza and chicken nuggets, manufactured at a factory in Gunma prefecture, north of Tokyo. Police say they arrested Toshiki Abe, 49, a worker at the subsidiary of Maruha where the tainted food was found, on Saturday. He is suspected of putting the pesticide in frozen foods at Aqlifoods's Oizumi plant in Gunma on four occasions last October. Mr Abe has denied the charges, police say. Maruha, which has received hundreds of thousands of phone complaints, issued public apologies in full-page ads in newspapers and warn people not to eat any of the possibly tainted food. TAGS abc breaking news, bbc, bbc football, bbc iplayer, bbc news, bbc news america, bbc persian, bbc sport, bbc weather, bbc world news, breaking celebrity news, breaking election news, breaking late news, breaking local news, breaking music news, breaking news, breaking news alerts, breaking news canada, breaking news headlines, breaking news in atlanta, breaking news in nigeria, breaking news india, breaking news pensacola florida, breaking news plane crash, breaking news story, breaking sports news, business expensive news home media world, christian world news, cnn, cnn breaking news, cnn money, cnn news, cnn news breaking news, cnn news world, detroit breaking news, global news, headline, headline news, health care technology news, hot latest global news, internet technology news, las vegas breaking news, latest breaking news, latest celebrity news, latest information technology news, latest music news, latest news, latest news headlines, latest news update, latest sports news, live breaking news, local breaking news, local news today, msn breaking news, nbc breaking news, nbc world news, news of the world, news report us world, news today news, news updated daily, solar technology news, sports news today, technology news, the latest news, today news, us news and world, us news and world report, us news and world report magazine, us news and world report web site, us news world report, world news, world news daily, world news headlines- published: 26 Jan 2014
- views: 0