25 Little Known Facts About Left Handedness
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While these days being left handed isn't seen as much of a big deal (at least in the west), for a good bit of history most parts of the world held less than favorable attitudes towards it. It is indisputable, however, that some of the most pivotal figures in history were left handed. From
Albert Einstein and
Alexander the Great to
Osama bin Laden and
Jack The Ripper, these are 25 little known facts about left handedness.
Check out the text version too! - http://list25.com/25-little-known-facts-about-left-handedness/
Here's a preview:
Between 10 and 12 percent of people are lefties
Men are more likely than women to be left handed
August 13th is
Left-Handers Day
Many sources claim that left handers may die up to 9 years earlier than right handers
Research also suggests left handers are more likely to become alcoholics, schizophrenic, and dyslexic.
A mother over 40 years old is 130% more likely to have a left handed baby than a mother in her 20s
Historically it has been seen as a nasty habit, a
sign of neurosis, rebellion, and criminality
English the word left even comes from the
Anglo Saxon word lyft which means weak or broken.
Although some cultures had a positive view of left handers many considered them outcasts.
In many cultures the left hand is considered unclean because it is used to wipe after defecation.
There are many parts of the world where children are punished in school for using their left hand.
The Boston Strangler,
Jack the Ripper, and
Osama Bid Laden were lefties.
So were Albert Einstein,
Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander the Great
About 50% of rats, cats, and mice are left pawed.
Assymetrical behavior patterns in humans extend to the foot, eye, and ear as well
The gene
LRRTM1 has been found to play a significant role in handedness
One in four
Apollo astronauts were left handed
Connections between the left and right side of the brain are faster in left handed people meaning they are better at dealing with multiple stimuli
People who are left handed tend to draw figures that face to the right
Researchers believe that the proportion of left handers in the human population has always been roughly 10 percent.
There are scholarships available for left handers with high academic performance
There are two theories about the wedding ring. One is that the
Egyptians believed, in spite of the left hand's flaws, wearing it there brought it closer to the heart.
The other is that the
Romans wore it there to ward of evil associated with the left hand.
Studies show that left handers have an easier time learning to use their other hand than their right handed counterparts
Only 1% of the world population can be considered truly ambidextrous
The longest English word that can be typed with just the left hand using conventional hand placement is tesseradecades.