- published: 22 Jan 2016
- views: 443
The Truth may refer to:
It is also used as a title for creative works and a nickname for individuals:
GEO600 is a gravitational wave detector located near Sarstedt in the South of Hanover, Germany. This instrument, and its sister interferometric detectors, when operational, are some of the most sensitive gravitational wave detectors ever designed. They are designed to detect relative changes in distance of the order of 10−21, about the size of a single atom compared to the distance from the Sun to the Earth. GEO600 is capable of detecting gravitational waves in the frequency range 50 Hz to 1.5 kHz. Construction on the project began in 1995.
GEO600 is a Michelson interferometer. It consists of two 600 meter long arms, which the laser beam passes twice, so that the effective optical arm length is 1200 m. The major optical components are located in an ultra-high vacuum system. The pressure is in the range of 10−8 mbar.
For precise measurements, the optics must be isolated from ground motion and other influences from the environment. For this reason, all ground-based interferometric gravitational wave detectors suspend their mirrors as multi-stage pendulums. For frequencies above the pendulum resonance frequency, pendulums provide a good isolation against vibrations. All the main optics of GEO600 are suspended as triple pendulums, to isolate the mirrors from vibrations in the horizontal plane. The uppermost and the intermediate mass are hung from cantilever springs, which provide isolation against vertical movement. On the uppermost mass are six coil- magnet actuators that are used to actively dampen the pendulums. Furthermore, the whole suspension cage sits on piezo crystals. The crystals are used for an ‘active seismic isolation system’. It moves the whole suspension in the opposite direction of the ground motion, so that ground motion is cancelled.
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, FRS (/plɑːŋk/; 23 April 1858 – 4 October 1947) was a German theoretical physicist whose work on quantum theory won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918.
Planck made many contributions to theoretical physics, but his fame as a physicist rests primarily on his role as an originator of quantum theory, which revolutionized human understanding of atomic and subatomic processes. However, his name is also known on a broader academic basis, through the renaming in 1948 of the German scientific institution, the Kaiser Wilhelm Society (of which he was twice president), as the Max Planck Society (MPS). The MPS now includes 83 institutions representing a wide range of scientific directions.
Planck came from a traditional, intellectual family. His paternal great-grandfather and grandfather were both theology professors in Göttingen; his father was a law professor in Kiel and Munich.
Planck was born in Kiel, Holstein, to Johann Julius Wilhelm Planck and his second wife, Emma Patzig. He was baptised with the name of Karl Ernst Ludwig Marx Planck; of his given names, Marx (a now obsolete variant of Markus or maybe simply an error for Max, which is actually short for Maximilian) was indicated as the primary name. However, by the age of ten he signed with the name Max and used this for the rest of his life.
The Dalai Lama /ˈdɑːlaɪ ˈlɑːmə/ is a monk of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" school of Tibetan Buddhism, the newest of the schools of Tibetan Buddhism founded by Je Tsongkhapa. The 14th and current Dalai Lama is Tenzin Gyatso.
The Dalai Lama is considered to be the successor in a line of tulkus who are believed to be incarnations of Avalokiteśvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion, called Chenrezig in Tibetan. The name is a combination of the Mongolic word dalai meaning "ocean" (being the translation of the Tibetan name, 'Gyatso') and the Tibetan word བླ་མ་ (bla-ma) meaning "guru, teacher, mentor". The Tibetan word "lama" corresponds to the better known Sanskrit word "guru".
From 1642 until the 1950s (except for 1705 to 1750), the Dalai Lamas or their regents headed the Tibetan government or Ganden Phodrang which governed all or most of the Tibetan plateau from Lhasa with varying degrees of autonomy, up to complete sovereignty. This government also enjoyed the patronage and protection of firstly Mongol kings of the Khoshut and Dzungar Khanates (1642–1720) and then of the emperors of the Manchu-led Qing dynasty (1720–1912).
The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) is a large-scale physics experiment and observatory to detect gravitational waves. Cofounded in 1992 by Kip Thorne and Ronald Drever of Caltech and Rainer Weiss of MIT, LIGO is a joint project between scientists at MIT, Caltech, and many other colleges and universities. Scientists involved in the project and the analysis of the data for gravitational-wave astronomy are organised by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration which includes more than 900 scientists worldwide, as well as 44,000 active Einstein@Home users. LIGO is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), with important contributions from the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council, the Max Planck Society of Germany, and the Australian Research Council. By mid-September 2015 "the world's largest gravitational-wave facility" completed a 5-year US$200-million overhaul at a total cost of $620 million. LIGO is the largest and most ambitious project ever funded by the NSF.
What is GEO600?
El extaño fenomeno del Geo - 600
GEO600 Technologies for Advanced LIGO
GEO600 from above (clip 1)
Gravitationswellen (2/3) • Detektoren Geo600 und LIGO • Live im Hörsaal | Andreas Müller
Die Wellenjäger 3 - Total empfindlich
La respuesta de nuestro cerebro al universo segun el GEO 600.
What is Geo 600?
Gravitational Wave Detector GEO600
Voyage - GEO600 [TECH ITCH RECORDINGS - Drum & Bass]
Naimatullah shah wali predicts Pakistan's present and future 600 years ago !!
Manuel Lima - Visual Complexity and Mapping Complex Networks
Making of TheMachineView
TIBET - The Truth (TRAILER) (OnDemand)
GEO600 scientists explain the GEO600 gravitational-wave detector, methods for the direct detection of gravitational waves, and the GEO600 collaboration's contributions to Advanced LIGO. Learn more about GEO600 at http://www.geo600.org/. © Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics/Milde Marketing/mar vista media
En esta ocasión, les traigo el interesante tema del Geo - 600 y su implicancia en el entendimiento del universo, espero les guste. no olviden comentar, dejar sus criticas y sugerencias.
GEO600 scientists explain the GEO600 gravitational-wave detector, methods for the direct detection of gravitational waves, and the GEO600 collaboration's contributions to Advanced LIGO. Learn more about GEO600 at http://www.geo600.org/. © Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics/Milde Marketing/mar vista media
Der Gravitationswellendetektor GEO600 nahe Hannover aus der Luft. Erfahrt mehr über GEO600 unter http://www.geo600.org/2337/de. The GEO600 gravitational-wave detector close to Hanover, Germany filmed from the air. Learn more about GEO600 at http://www.geo600.org/. GEO600 ist ein erdgestützter interferometrischer Gravitationswellendetektor in der Nähe von Hannover. Planung und Betrieb erfolgen mit Wissenschaftlern des Max-Planck-Instituts für Gravitationsphysik und der Leibniz Universtität Hannover zusammen mit Partnern aus Schottland und England. Die Finanzierung stammt von der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und dem Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). GEO600 ist Teil eines weltweiten Netzes von Gravitationswellendetektoren. Zwei Detektoren stehen in den USA (LIGO) und je einer in ...
2. Teil des Vortrags von Andreas Müller (Excellence Cluster Universe) im Astronomischen Kolloquium der Sternwarte Rosenheim zum Thema "Gravitationswellen" (12. Januar 2017). Die populärwissenschaftliche Veranstaltungsreihe wird bereits seit 2005 gepflegt - wer bei einem der vier bis fünf hochklassigen Vorträgen pro Jahr live dabei sein möchte, findet ständig aktualisierte Information auf dieser Webseite: http://www.sternwarte-rosenheim.de/vortraege Teil 3 folgt am Freitag, 24. Feb. Als zusätzlicher Service können die Folien zum Vortrag beim Redner angefordert werden: andreas.mueller@universe-cluster.de In der neuen Reihe "Live im Hörsaal" werden wir auch zukünftig wissenschaftliche Vorträge für Sie aufzeichnen.
Mit höchster Empfindlichkeit: GEO600. Wie genau funktioniert der Detektor, was sind die Herausforderungen und wo liegen seine Grenzen? Maximum sensitivity: GEO600. How exactly does the detector work, what challenges does it face, and what are its limits?
El detector de ondas gravitacionales GEO 600, de Hanóver, en Alemania, registró un extraño ruido de fondo que ha traído de cabeza a los investigadores que en él trabajan. El actual director del Fermilab de Estados Unidos, el físico Carl Hogan, ha propuesto una sorprendente explicación para dicho ruido: proviene de los confines del universo, del rincón en que éste pasa de ser un suave continuo espacio-temporal, a ser un borde granulado. De ser cierta esta teoría, dicho ruido sería la primera prueba empírica de que vivimos en un universo holográfico, asegura Hogan. Nuevas pruebas han de ser aún realizadas con el GEO 600 para confirmar que el misterioso ruido no procede de fuentes más obvias.El 15 de enero del 2009, se informó en la revista New Scientist que el ruido que aparecía presente en ...
GEO600 is a ground-based interferometric gravitational wave detector located near Hannover, Germany. It is designed and operated by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, along with partners in the United Kingdom and is funded by the Max Planck Society and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). GEO600 is part of a worldwide network of gravitational wave detectors. Two detectors have been constructed in the USA (LIGO), and one each in Italy (Virgo) and Japan (KAGRA). Scientists from GEO600 and LIGO collaborate within the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC). GEO600 scientists together with the Laser Zentrum Hannover (LZH) built the lasers for Advanced LIGO. GEO600 High-Tech Scientists at GEO600 have pushed the available technologies to the limits...
This movie shows how researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics can detect strong gravitational radiation, e.g. emitted during the collision of two black holes, with the gravitational wave detector GEO600. credit: Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam source: http://www.aei.mpg.de/english/material/images/GEO600_movie/index.html
http://smarturl.it/TILP004 Voyage joins Tech Itch Recordings and debuts with a 13 track full length album Digital / CD / Merch available now from our official store Vinyl in pre order phase shipping March 2017 Full worldwide digital release on all platforms 27-Jan-2017 http://smarturl.it/TILP004 ****** Follow Tech Itch Recordings Youtube: http://youtube.com/techitch Website: http://techitch.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/techitch Twitter: http://twitter.com/techitchUK Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/techitch eBay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/techitchrecs Additional release info: LABEL: Tech Itch Recordings ARTIST: Voyage TITLE: Genesis GENRES: Drum & Bass CAT: TILP004 RELEASE DATE: 2017-01-27 TRACKS: 13 Check out other tracks on this release: 1.) Voyage - Extraterestrial (O...
a fascinating program of Zaid Hamid deploys and interprets the predictions of namat ullah shah wali to explain the present and future geo-politics of the region.
VisualComplexity.com (VC) is a unified resource space for anyone interested in the visualization of complex networks. With over 600 projects, the goal is to leverage a critical understanding of different visualization methods, across a series of disciplines, as diverse as Biology, Social Networks or the World Wide Web. This talk will leverage the existing pool of knowledge from VC to convey a current portrait of network visualization. It will illustrate some of its current trends and representation methods, and explore the reasons behind the recent outburst. It will highlight some seminal executions and finalize with the exaltation of interactivity as the key measure of cognition in Information Visualization, by presenting a series of interaction design principles for exploring complex ne...
My Portraits are picturing reality artificially 600 shots in 30 minutes for one facial landscape: Daniel Boschung cartographies faces. The composed mega portraits are irritating. ‘The Machine View’ is the Swiss publicity and coverage photographer’s newest project. He cartographies faces. Instead of taking pictures himself, he removes himself out of the process by delegating the work to an ABB industrial robot driven by a control software, which was written exlusivly for this task. The standardized portraits have a surprising impact. Boschung uses a Canon EOS Mark ll camera with a 180mm macro lens, which he transformed into a telecentrical lens. For his flash installation his uses the Scoro S 32000 RFS 2 from Broncolor, one of only a few flash generators able to cope with these extraor...
TRAILER for the 2013 release of "TIBET - The Truth." 'TIBET - The Truth' is a brief, yet comprehensive, film examining the evolution of Tibet as an integral part of China beginning around 600 AD. Tibet's geo-political history is fairly clear up to the 19th and 20th centuries. It was during this period that Western Imperialism began to muddy the waters and campaigns were launched to create an insecure western border for China. Additional influences include rampant civil unrest within China, the forming of the Republic of China after the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Japanese aggression that tormented the people of China for many years, and finally, the involvement of the United States (namely the CIA) in using the 14th Dalai Lama as a poster-child and ally in its Anti-Communist agenda...
My short film is about the Winstanley estate, a social housing estate in south London, built in the 1960s in Battersea, near to Clapham Junction station, Britain's greatest railway intersection. Its title pays homage to Los Angeles Plays Itself, Thom Andersen's video essay about LA which uses clips of films in which LA was the filming location "to documentary effect". My own film aims to do something different but complementary, combining a voiceover of a script made from edited text of the Survey of London - www.bartlett.ucl.ac.uk/architecture/research/survey-of-london - the official history of London's streets and buildings on which I work as a historian, with archive photographs, maps and fiction (feature) film and newsreel clips of the estate, to create something both factually inform...
'TIBET - The Truth' is a brief, yet comprehensive, film examining the evolution of Tibet as an integral part of China beginning around 600 AD. Tibet's geo-political history is fairly clear up to the 19th and 20th centuries. It was during this period that Western Imperialism began to muddy the waters and campaigns were launched to create an insecure western border for China. Additional influences include rampant civil unrest within China, the forming of the Republic of China after the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Japanese aggression that tormented the people of China for many years, and finally, the involvement of the United States (namely the CIA) in using the 14th Dalai Lama as a poster-child and ally in its Anti-Communist agenda during the Cold War. Before 1959, the year the Peopl...
TRAILER for 2014 release of "TIBET - The Truth." 'TIBET - The Truth' is a brief, yet comprehensive, film examining the evolution of Tibet as an integral part of China beginning around 600 AD. Tibet's geo-political history is fairly clear up to the 19th and 20th centuries. It was during this period that Western Imperialism began to muddy the waters and campaigns were launched to create an insecure western border for China. Additional influences include rampant civil unrest within China, the forming of the Republic of China after the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Japanese aggression that tormented the people of China for many years, and finally, the involvement of the United States (namely the CIA) in using the 14th Dalai Lama as a poster-child and ally in its Anti-Communist agenda dur...
Apps.co, la iniciativa de apoyo a emprendedores del MinTIC, presentó durante su segundo Demo Day, las nueve aplicaciones más sobresalientes de la convocatoria que busca identificar las mejores ideas y desarrollos digitales del país. Después de una fase de ocho semanas, liderada por Apps.co, un grupo de emprendedores consolidaron una idea de negocio TIC, la convirtieron en un prototipo y la exhibieron al mercado colombiano. Ahora fueron seleccionadas para ser presentadas a empresarios inversionistas y convertirlas en un negocio sostenible. Las aplicaciones más sobresalientes fueron seleccionadas por el Ministerio TIC y Colciencias, y presentadas ante un grupo de empresarios colombianos, altos funcionarios de gobierno y 600 emprendedores de todo el país. “Hemos apostado por la creación de...
'TIBET - The Truth' is a brief, yet comprehensive, film examining the evolution of Tibet as an integral part of China beginning around 600 AD. Tibet's geo-political history is fairly clear up to the 19th and 20th centuries. It was during this period that Western Imperialism began to muddy the waters and campaigns were launched to create an insecure western border for China. Additional influences include rampant civil unrest within China, the forming of the Republic of China after the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Japanese aggression that tormented the people of China for many years, and finally, the involvement of the United States (namely the CIA) in using the 14th Dalai Lama as a poster-child and ally in its Anti-Communist agenda during the Cold War. Before 1959, the year the Peopl...
GEO600 scientists explain the GEO600 gravitational-wave detector, methods for the direct detection of gravitational waves, and the GEO600 collaboration's contributions to Advanced LIGO. Learn more about GEO600 at http://www.geo600.org/. © Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics/Milde Marketing/mar vista media
En esta ocasión, les traigo el interesante tema del Geo - 600 y su implicancia en el entendimiento del universo, espero les guste. no olviden comentar, dejar sus criticas y sugerencias.
GEO600 scientists explain the GEO600 gravitational-wave detector, methods for the direct detection of gravitational waves, and the GEO600 collaboration's contributions to Advanced LIGO. Learn more about GEO600 at http://www.geo600.org/. © Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics/Milde Marketing/mar vista media
Der Gravitationswellendetektor GEO600 nahe Hannover aus der Luft. Erfahrt mehr über GEO600 unter http://www.geo600.org/2337/de. The GEO600 gravitational-wave detector close to Hanover, Germany filmed from the air. Learn more about GEO600 at http://www.geo600.org/. GEO600 ist ein erdgestützter interferometrischer Gravitationswellendetektor in der Nähe von Hannover. Planung und Betrieb erfolgen mit Wissenschaftlern des Max-Planck-Instituts für Gravitationsphysik und der Leibniz Universtität Hannover zusammen mit Partnern aus Schottland und England. Die Finanzierung stammt von der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und dem Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). GEO600 ist Teil eines weltweiten Netzes von Gravitationswellendetektoren. Zwei Detektoren stehen in den USA (LIGO) und je einer in ...
2. Teil des Vortrags von Andreas Müller (Excellence Cluster Universe) im Astronomischen Kolloquium der Sternwarte Rosenheim zum Thema "Gravitationswellen" (12. Januar 2017). Die populärwissenschaftliche Veranstaltungsreihe wird bereits seit 2005 gepflegt - wer bei einem der vier bis fünf hochklassigen Vorträgen pro Jahr live dabei sein möchte, findet ständig aktualisierte Information auf dieser Webseite: http://www.sternwarte-rosenheim.de/vortraege Teil 3 folgt am Freitag, 24. Feb. Als zusätzlicher Service können die Folien zum Vortrag beim Redner angefordert werden: andreas.mueller@universe-cluster.de In der neuen Reihe "Live im Hörsaal" werden wir auch zukünftig wissenschaftliche Vorträge für Sie aufzeichnen.
Mit höchster Empfindlichkeit: GEO600. Wie genau funktioniert der Detektor, was sind die Herausforderungen und wo liegen seine Grenzen? Maximum sensitivity: GEO600. How exactly does the detector work, what challenges does it face, and what are its limits?
El detector de ondas gravitacionales GEO 600, de Hanóver, en Alemania, registró un extraño ruido de fondo que ha traído de cabeza a los investigadores que en él trabajan. El actual director del Fermilab de Estados Unidos, el físico Carl Hogan, ha propuesto una sorprendente explicación para dicho ruido: proviene de los confines del universo, del rincón en que éste pasa de ser un suave continuo espacio-temporal, a ser un borde granulado. De ser cierta esta teoría, dicho ruido sería la primera prueba empírica de que vivimos en un universo holográfico, asegura Hogan. Nuevas pruebas han de ser aún realizadas con el GEO 600 para confirmar que el misterioso ruido no procede de fuentes más obvias.El 15 de enero del 2009, se informó en la revista New Scientist que el ruido que aparecía presente en ...
GEO600 is a ground-based interferometric gravitational wave detector located near Hannover, Germany. It is designed and operated by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, along with partners in the United Kingdom and is funded by the Max Planck Society and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). GEO600 is part of a worldwide network of gravitational wave detectors. Two detectors have been constructed in the USA (LIGO), and one each in Italy (Virgo) and Japan (KAGRA). Scientists from GEO600 and LIGO collaborate within the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC). GEO600 scientists together with the Laser Zentrum Hannover (LZH) built the lasers for Advanced LIGO. GEO600 High-Tech Scientists at GEO600 have pushed the available technologies to the limits...
This movie shows how researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics can detect strong gravitational radiation, e.g. emitted during the collision of two black holes, with the gravitational wave detector GEO600. credit: Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Potsdam source: http://www.aei.mpg.de/english/material/images/GEO600_movie/index.html
http://smarturl.it/TILP004 Voyage joins Tech Itch Recordings and debuts with a 13 track full length album Digital / CD / Merch available now from our official store Vinyl in pre order phase shipping March 2017 Full worldwide digital release on all platforms 27-Jan-2017 http://smarturl.it/TILP004 ****** Follow Tech Itch Recordings Youtube: http://youtube.com/techitch Website: http://techitch.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/techitch Twitter: http://twitter.com/techitchUK Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/techitch eBay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/techitchrecs Additional release info: LABEL: Tech Itch Recordings ARTIST: Voyage TITLE: Genesis GENRES: Drum & Bass CAT: TILP004 RELEASE DATE: 2017-01-27 TRACKS: 13 Check out other tracks on this release: 1.) Voyage - Extraterestrial (O...
a fascinating program of Zaid Hamid deploys and interprets the predictions of namat ullah shah wali to explain the present and future geo-politics of the region.
VisualComplexity.com (VC) is a unified resource space for anyone interested in the visualization of complex networks. With over 600 projects, the goal is to leverage a critical understanding of different visualization methods, across a series of disciplines, as diverse as Biology, Social Networks or the World Wide Web. This talk will leverage the existing pool of knowledge from VC to convey a current portrait of network visualization. It will illustrate some of its current trends and representation methods, and explore the reasons behind the recent outburst. It will highlight some seminal executions and finalize with the exaltation of interactivity as the key measure of cognition in Information Visualization, by presenting a series of interaction design principles for exploring complex ne...
My Portraits are picturing reality artificially 600 shots in 30 minutes for one facial landscape: Daniel Boschung cartographies faces. The composed mega portraits are irritating. ‘The Machine View’ is the Swiss publicity and coverage photographer’s newest project. He cartographies faces. Instead of taking pictures himself, he removes himself out of the process by delegating the work to an ABB industrial robot driven by a control software, which was written exlusivly for this task. The standardized portraits have a surprising impact. Boschung uses a Canon EOS Mark ll camera with a 180mm macro lens, which he transformed into a telecentrical lens. For his flash installation his uses the Scoro S 32000 RFS 2 from Broncolor, one of only a few flash generators able to cope with these extraor...
TRAILER for the 2013 release of "TIBET - The Truth." 'TIBET - The Truth' is a brief, yet comprehensive, film examining the evolution of Tibet as an integral part of China beginning around 600 AD. Tibet's geo-political history is fairly clear up to the 19th and 20th centuries. It was during this period that Western Imperialism began to muddy the waters and campaigns were launched to create an insecure western border for China. Additional influences include rampant civil unrest within China, the forming of the Republic of China after the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Japanese aggression that tormented the people of China for many years, and finally, the involvement of the United States (namely the CIA) in using the 14th Dalai Lama as a poster-child and ally in its Anti-Communist agenda...
My short film is about the Winstanley estate, a social housing estate in south London, built in the 1960s in Battersea, near to Clapham Junction station, Britain's greatest railway intersection. Its title pays homage to Los Angeles Plays Itself, Thom Andersen's video essay about LA which uses clips of films in which LA was the filming location "to documentary effect". My own film aims to do something different but complementary, combining a voiceover of a script made from edited text of the Survey of London - www.bartlett.ucl.ac.uk/architecture/research/survey-of-london - the official history of London's streets and buildings on which I work as a historian, with archive photographs, maps and fiction (feature) film and newsreel clips of the estate, to create something both factually inform...
'TIBET - The Truth' is a brief, yet comprehensive, film examining the evolution of Tibet as an integral part of China beginning around 600 AD. Tibet's geo-political history is fairly clear up to the 19th and 20th centuries. It was during this period that Western Imperialism began to muddy the waters and campaigns were launched to create an insecure western border for China. Additional influences include rampant civil unrest within China, the forming of the Republic of China after the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Japanese aggression that tormented the people of China for many years, and finally, the involvement of the United States (namely the CIA) in using the 14th Dalai Lama as a poster-child and ally in its Anti-Communist agenda during the Cold War. Before 1959, the year the Peopl...
TRAILER for 2014 release of "TIBET - The Truth." 'TIBET - The Truth' is a brief, yet comprehensive, film examining the evolution of Tibet as an integral part of China beginning around 600 AD. Tibet's geo-political history is fairly clear up to the 19th and 20th centuries. It was during this period that Western Imperialism began to muddy the waters and campaigns were launched to create an insecure western border for China. Additional influences include rampant civil unrest within China, the forming of the Republic of China after the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Japanese aggression that tormented the people of China for many years, and finally, the involvement of the United States (namely the CIA) in using the 14th Dalai Lama as a poster-child and ally in its Anti-Communist agenda dur...
Apps.co, la iniciativa de apoyo a emprendedores del MinTIC, presentó durante su segundo Demo Day, las nueve aplicaciones más sobresalientes de la convocatoria que busca identificar las mejores ideas y desarrollos digitales del país. Después de una fase de ocho semanas, liderada por Apps.co, un grupo de emprendedores consolidaron una idea de negocio TIC, la convirtieron en un prototipo y la exhibieron al mercado colombiano. Ahora fueron seleccionadas para ser presentadas a empresarios inversionistas y convertirlas en un negocio sostenible. Las aplicaciones más sobresalientes fueron seleccionadas por el Ministerio TIC y Colciencias, y presentadas ante un grupo de empresarios colombianos, altos funcionarios de gobierno y 600 emprendedores de todo el país. “Hemos apostado por la creación de...
'TIBET - The Truth' is a brief, yet comprehensive, film examining the evolution of Tibet as an integral part of China beginning around 600 AD. Tibet's geo-political history is fairly clear up to the 19th and 20th centuries. It was during this period that Western Imperialism began to muddy the waters and campaigns were launched to create an insecure western border for China. Additional influences include rampant civil unrest within China, the forming of the Republic of China after the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Japanese aggression that tormented the people of China for many years, and finally, the involvement of the United States (namely the CIA) in using the 14th Dalai Lama as a poster-child and ally in its Anti-Communist agenda during the Cold War. Before 1959, the year the Peopl...
'TIBET - The Truth' is a brief, yet comprehensive, film examining the evolution of Tibet as an integral part of China beginning around 600 AD. Tibet's geo-political history is fairly clear up to the 19th and 20th centuries. It was during this period that Western Imperialism began to muddy the waters and campaigns were launched to create an insecure western border for China. Additional influences include rampant civil unrest within China, the forming of the Republic of China after the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, Japanese aggression that tormented the people of China for many years, and finally, the involvement of the United States (namely the CIA) in using the 14th Dalai Lama as a poster-child and ally in its Anti-Communist agenda during the Cold War. Before 1959, the year the Peopl...
Episode 12 of Todd Tuckey's popular BARGAIN BASEMENT where you can buy WAY below retail, working arcade video games and pinball machines! These are sold AS IS WHERE IS---so make sure you want to or can do future repairs to them! We offer no further service on them---BUT, YOU Make out with a great deal! These are listed in order of their appearance in the video--minute marks are after the title! As they sell, we will mark them SOLD in this description! 66 Bally Midway PACMAN PCB Boards--make offer! :32 Working Pacman & Ms Pacman PCB Logic Boards $119 each! 1:10 Evel Knevel Pinball $800 2:52 Fireball Pinball $800 4:20 Alley Hoops SkeeBall $1500 5:35 Cruising Exotica $1500 7:19 World Class Bowling $350 7:37 Super Zaxxon $500 8:00 Kixx Soccer $1200 9:00 Jambo Safari Cockpit $600 ...
Novo Link na pagina: https://www.facebook.com/groups/527348014100042/ Galera sei que tem muita coisa para fazer ainda, mas já estou liberando mais uma vez meu pack atualizado pra galera testar, dessa vez com o GBA e o OpenBor. O HS é um vício e sempre temos mais e mais à fazer. Espero que curtam e quem fizer melhoria que compartilhes com todos nos. Pack de ser extraído no diretório O:. Contem tutorial para trocar letra da unidade no sistema. Roms avaliadas MAME = 425 (mais de 20mil roms com filtros best, fullpack, capcom, taito, snk, ...) Sega Naomi = 31 Sammy Atomiswave = 22 Taito Type X e X2 = 15 SNK Neo GEO AES = 216 Atari 2600 = 600 Atari 5200 = 72 Nintendo = 791 Super Nintendo = 722 N64 = 225 GBA = 1037 Master System = 222 Sega Genesis = 811 ( possui filtro Sega 32x com 33 roms) Ne...
Kate Willens interviews Sylvain Henry Importantant info about the TPP and Geo Engineering Contact info Phone 613-600-LEAD Email sylvain.henry@gmail.com CanadianSpartacus ( Google+) https://plus.google.com/1131407199576... CanadianSpartacus Sylvain Henry Website http://canadianspartacus.com/index.html YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/Canadian... CanadianSpartacus https://www.facebook.com/groups/Chemt... sylvain henry 613-600-5323 sylvain.henry (in skype) sylvain.henry@gmail.com به ایجاد "منطقه چراغ سبز"کم... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/satyagraha Twitter: sylvain henry (@911Satyagraha) | Twitter sylvain henry (@911Satyagraha) | Twitter The latest Tweets from sylvain henry (@911Satyagraha). https://t.co/qPGMSdDa7r #contentmarketing #smallbusinesscha...
Meet the giant forest hog, which at up to 600 pounds (275 kilograms) brings home the record-setting bacon as the world’s biggest pig. Despite its imposing size, there’s relatively little known about the African species, a bristly black animal with prominent cheeks and sharp tusks. In fact, the hog was only scientifically described in 1904—making it one of the last big mammals to be identified on the continent. Enter Rafael Reyna-Hurtado, a National Geographic explorer and wildlife ecologist who’s been studying the seven-foot-long (two-meter-long) beast in Uganda‘s Kibale National Park. Occasionally individuals in other pig species, especially domesticated ones, can grow larger than the giant forest hog, but as a species it’s the biggest overall. Giant forest hogs live across much of cen...
Sark ist die kleinste der drei Kanalinseln und bis heute nur per Fähre erreichbar, rund 600 Menschen leben hier einen ruhigen, naturnahen Alltag ohne Autos, ohne Straßenbeleuchtung. Doch die im Jahr 2008 eingeführte Demokratie bringen den Rhythmus auf Sark durcheinander. Viele Insulaner sind besorgt, dass die in 500 Jahren gewachsene Inselgemeinschaft auseinander zu brechen droht.
Love is just a game
Oooh ooh ooh ooh yeah yeah yeah (telling you)
You cant keep doing this shit...
Oh oh, love is just a game...
Oh, listen babe...
Quit playing around, like it's a game,
You tell me to go, you tell me to stay,
Living with you is emotional,
Roller coaster ride, like you're just gone and hide,
Crossing the T's, and dotting the I's,
Trying to make it work but you won't let me,
It's like you're fighting with your self,
But baby I can tell, that you really don't wanna leave,
Love is a game for you, I see, but it means a lot more to me,
To ride it out when the going gets rough,
Then she closed the first real love,
Can't keep playing around with me,
If you really don't want me to leave,
Cos if love is a game, then I don't wanna play,
Cos there's someone out there for me,
Love is just a game...
Heard you were on the phone just the other day,
Talking to your girls, telling you that I'm leaving,
If you didn't mean it then why did you say it,
Cos love it ain't a game to me,
I'm packing my bags here I go again,
Wanna kick me out, ok, well I'm leaving,
And with those shorties came, so baby tell me
What's it gonna be,
I'm tired of all the fussing, and the fighting
We can't keep, just going on this way
So tired babe and angry,
You hurting me over and over again,
You making me wanna leave,
U don't understand just what you're doing to me