Eric is Free!

Dear friends and comrades,

It is with bursting hearts that we write to tell you some amazing news. Today, January 8, Eric was ordered released from prison. It has been almost 9 years exactly since he was arrested in Auburn, CA, on January 13, 2006.

Eric’s release came about because of the habeas petition that he and his legal team filed in May 2012. Because the government withheld important documents from the defense at trial, Eric’s original judgment and sentencing were vacated and he pleaded guilty to a lesser charge that carried a five year maximum sentence. This means Eric has already spent four years longer in prison than could have been required under the statute for the charge he pleaded guilty to. He received credit for time served and was ordered released.

Eric’s projected release date – until today – was February of 2023.

We are beyond thrilled that Eric will soon be back home with us, where he belongs. But nothing can change the fact that Eric and his loved ones have had 9 years stolen from them by the state. At times, this fight seemed almost impossible. Eric endured hunger strikes, solitary, the separation of hundreds of miles from everyone and everything he loved, andthe isolation and cold walls and wire of prison. These things were meant to break him – but the state has utterly failed in this endeavor. Eric remains steadfast and strong. Eric fought the charges against him 9 yearsago because he knew it was the right thing to do. He has maintained his integrity all of these years by staying true to himself and to the things he believes in. But he has not done this in a vacuum. Thank you to everyone who has shown their love and support these last nine years. It has made all the difference. To everyone who has ever written a letter, sent drawings of dragons or pictures of fairies, or included pictures of something as simple as a blade of grass… you have given Eric’s life color, fire and connection these past 9 years. You have proven that our
solidarity is our strongest weapon.

We are anxious to celebrate! But we also must remember that Eric’s case is just one among many – and it is by no means the most egregious. Since 9/11 the state has engaged in political prosecutions of hundreds of people in this country – the majority of them from Muslim communities – for their religious and political affiliations. And our comrades continue to be targeted and arrested for daring to dream. We are overjoyed that Eric is coming home. But we also know that we must never rest until all are free.

Eric has been released from Sacramento County jail, but his struggle is far from over. He received two years of
supervised release and will be under their watch during that time. Coming out of prison is a complicated and difficult journey, but it is one that we are excited and ready to begin.

Thanks again to all of you – and a big shout out to Eric’s lawyers – Mark Vermeulen and Ben Rosenfeld – who have worked tirelessly and passionately on his case for years, pro bono.

We will be in touch in the coming weeks. Until then – celebrate! Struggle! And as Eric would say…Find UR Joy!

So much love to you all.

Until all are free!

-Sacramento Prisoner support

Eric Is Being Transferred

Dear Friends,
Please hold off on sending Eric mail right now because he is being transported to Sacramento and finally getting a procedural hearing related to his habeas petition. We will let you know his new address when he arrives.

January 12, 2013 Update

Hello everyone,

It is the eve of D’s arrest date… Below is a letter from him, followed by one from jenny (his partner).

7 yrs… i can’t say it’s easy 2 put these words dn on paper – that it doesn’t pain me 2 look bk over these past 7 trips around the Sun… w/the process of the courts continuing n the final appeal stages; it’s end yet 2 show up on the horizon = no illusions, while still Dancing w/wishes… Love & Joy have also made their presence known = the overwhelming support from all over the Earth ~ i wish 2 Thank every persyn/grp that has written & supported me along this journey – Ur intents, N which ever forms they’ve taken, have aided & nourished me N remembering who i am N a situation & environment bent on unraveling, dismembering & remolding…along w/all the communal Solidarity, i’m grateful 4 the support of friends & family – & how i’ve been buoyed by the Love and Passionate Patience of my Partner = i Love you J, you R my Joy… … i’m unable 2 adequately express my feelings of Respect & Solidarity 4 all the folx Dancing w/the overt repression across the continent while staying True 2 their Hearts… 2 the folx Dancing w/Grand Juries = bide Ur time, this is 1 of the few circ.s where time is on the SD of the oppressed… w/N this cultural climate the Path is not easy or simple by any means – making it all the more important 2 find those unique, ever changing, beautiful & sustainable ways 2 aid & nurture each other… …. i’ll close wishing that each of U continue 2 explore & heal Ur Hearts & communities; may U find the space & time over the coming yr 2 let Ur minds play w/new & safe communication skills, & Ur bodies w/self-defense…

Stay safe & have fun finding Ur Joy

N Solidarity
w/much Love

Hello friends,

Tomorrow, January 13th, marks the 7th year of D’s arrest. It’s strange how life really does move in cycles. Glancing at the note I sent you all last year my eyes are greeted by good news. After his move to Terminal Island last year – right before the New Year – D and I were finally allowed to hold hands during our visits for the first time since his arrest. After 6 years. It was a reminder of how precious such seemingly insignificant acts can be – and to remember to never take them for granted.

On New Year’s Eve this year I spent the day visiting D at Terminal Island. The visit started normally – a much awaited hug and kiss, slowly moving to our chairs, but letting our hands linger – fingers intertwined as we reached across the tiny table between us. That lasted about 30 seconds. They called D up to the podium where they sit and watch… I heard a flurry of voices with undertones of urgency, although never hostility. When he came back he told me they weren’t allowing us to hold hands anymore. He tried once more to get them to check their own rules, but to no avail. After over a year of being granted this glorious privilege, it was yanked from underneath us.

So many things have been taken from us.

A million thoughts swim through your head at times like that. I knew this might happen. It’s always in the back of your mind – what they can/might/will take one day. I’m more prepared for it now than I used to be – which is to say it’s slightly less devastating when it happens.

I spent much of the car ride home thinking about loss. Sometimes it feels like my heart has broken so many times that the thing I am mending bears no resemblance to the original. That thought scares me. But then I think of the alternative. A friend recently told me that she always felt like love should be a safe space… I wish I could agree. But that has never been my experience. With love we throw our hearts wide open – which means everything gets in. The good, the bad, the ugly. And sometimes that means we hurt like hell. But other times that means we get to experience so much joy and beauty that we almost can’t stand it. And that is what I have experienced with D. And I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

D is an amazing individual. His heart is bigger than any i’ve ever known and his mind powerfully creative and beautiful… and his commitment to his friends, his family, and struggle is rock solid. Being his partner has been the most amazing, beautiful journey. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Even with all of the loss.

Sometimes my heart gets so heavy… but then I remember our friends and comrades who have followed similar paths. Many of whom are now out here with us, again. And then I remember all of you – who have been a part of this struggle. Who have been here with us every step of the way. And together we inch closer to that light at the end of the tunnel…

Tomorrow is the 13th. I’ll be driving down to visit D again. He called me the day after our last visit to tell me they found the “memo” that allows us to hold hands. How strange that a piece of paper can dictate my interactions with my partner of 7+ years. And that someone misplacing that piece of paper can be such a cause for panic, sorrow and reflection. I’m glad they found it. But D has told me it doesn’t seem to have fixed the problem… either way, I’m not holding my breath. Nothing is ever certain. And even if they don’t have it fixed…I know that nothing can stop us. Because we have each other. And we have all of you.

To all of our friends and comrades who have experienced so much loss this year – our unending love, support, and solidarity. You are never alone.

And to our friends and comrades who have gained their freedom – or at least pieces of it – welcome home.

With love and solidarity,

Eric has been in prison a long time…and he has a lot more to go. Please let him know that you are still thinking about him! Letters, books, donations, fundraisers and support events are still always needed. For more information on how to write Eric a letter or how to donate to his support fund, please visit:

Eric’s Birthday

Dear friends,

Eric’s 35th birthday is on October 7th! Please take a minute to send him a card or a letter. Let’s make sure he knows he is still present here with us every day (but maybe especially so on his birthday…).

You can write to Eric at:

Eric McDavid 16209-097
FCI Terminal Island
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 3007
San Pedro, CA 90731

If you would like more information on how to write Eric, please visit:

Thank you all for your continued support!


Zine by Eric Now Available

Dear friends,

We wanted to let you know that a beautiful new zine of writings by Eric is now available from the good folks at Because We Must. You can order it online here:

All of the proceeds from the zine will go to Eric’s support fund.

A HUGE special thanks to the person who compiled the zine and put together the artwork. You know who you are… We think you’re awesome.

The zine will also be available at all of the Never Alone Tour stops. For a complete schedule and updates, visit:

We hope to see you all there!


Never Alone: National Long-Term Anarchist Prisoner Support Tour, April 2012

Never Alone: National Long-Term Anarchist Prisoner Support Tour, April 2012

It’s 2012. The world is ending. So what are we at Sacramento Prisoner Support and Marie Mason Support Crew gonna do? Go on an epic road trip to talk about prisoner support, of course! Because unless we actually make this the last year of their world, our comrades will still be in there the next.

The nationwide Never Alone tour will be crisscrossing the country in April 2012, featuring the usual suspects speaking about long-term anarchist prisoner support. Focusing specifically on the cases of Eric McDavid and Marie Mason, the tour will mark the spots where the events of these cases unfolded, using multimedia presentations to bring the facts of these cases to light.

As well as raising awareness and support for Eric and Marie, the tour will also feature strategizing about how to more effectively grow a culture of resistance that can breach the prison walls and sustain us and our friends for the long term, a security culture beyond 101 workshop (updated for 2012, now with extra tech!) and some awesome guest speakers. Truly, you won’t want to miss this.

When our friends and loved ones are snatched from us and held captive by the state, we become all too aware that we are never alone. The eyes of the state are always upon us, attempting to silence our voices and still our hands. To keep us from doing the work we know must be done. We must act despite this.

Because we also know that it is imperative that our friends on the inside know that they, too, are never alone. That we will stand by them throughout their time in prison, and welcome them with open arms when they return. That the struggles they were involved in continue on, and that they are empowered to continue on in struggle from inside the prison walls.

And we know that we can’t do this alone. We need the active support of our communities to give us the strength and courage to struggle for our friends and their freedom.

Our friends remind us of what is possible. They remind us that we don’t have to wait for permission to do what we know is right. They remind us that we are not powerless. Like Marie and Eric, we are tired of watching all that we love be destroyed by all that we hate. We know what needs to happen.

We are in it for the long haul.

Are you?

Find out more about the tour:
Questions? Trolling? Contact us at neveralonetour (A) riseup dot net.

About Marie Mason

Marie Mason is a loving mother of two and a long-time activist in the environmental and labor movements. In March 2008, she was arrested by federal authorities after her former partner, Frank Ambrose, turned informant for the FBI. Facing a life sentence if she went to trial, she accepted a plea bargain in September 2008, admitting her involvement in two acts of property destruction that occurred in 1999 and 2000 – damaging an office connected to GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) research, and destroying a piece of logging equipment. No one was injured in either act. On February 5, 2009, she was sentenced to just under 22 years. She is now serving the longest sentence of any “Green Scare” prisoner. Marie is currently being held in an incredibly restrictive unit at the prison in Carswell, TX. Other political prisoners, such as Lynne Stewart, are also housed there. For more information on Marie and her case, please visit

About Eric McDavid

Eric McDavid was arrested on January 13, 2006 and charged with a single count of “conspiracy to damage and destroy property by fire and explosive.” No action ever took place. Eric was arrested after being entrapped by a government informant, known as “Anna,” who was paid over $65,000 for her work with the FBI. Eric stood strong in the face of great repression and refused to cooperate with the government, choosing instead to take his case to trial (even after both of his former co-defendants took a plea bargain and agreed to testify against him in court). After a trial riddled with errors, a jury convicted Eric in September 2007. Many of these same jurors later went on record making damning statements about the FBI. Two of them later submitted declarations to the court stating that they believed Eric deserves, at the very least, a new trial. Despite this, in May 2008, the judge in Eric’s case sentenced him to an outrageous 19 years and 7 months in prison. Eric is now serving an almost 20 year sentence for what amounts to “thought crime.” For more info on Eric and his case, please visit

This tour is part of the collaboration for International Day of Solidarity for Long-term Anarchist Prisoners, June 11.

We’re excited to see you there!