- published: 09 May 2014
- views: 8132452
Us Now is a documentary film project "about the power of mass collaboration, the government and the Internet" The New York Times describes it as a film which "paints a future in which every citizen is connected to the state as easily as to Facebook, choosing policies, questioning politicians, collaborating with neighbours."
The documentary weaves together the perceptions of leading thinkers on the power of the web, with the overriding suggestion that people gain a sense of satisfaction from active participation rather than symbolic representation in decision-making processes. (Rebecca Frankel, editor of Channel 4's FourDocs)
The project claims the founding principles of mass collaborative projects, including transparency, self-selection and open-participation are nearing mainstream social and political lives. Us Now describes this transition and confronts politicians George Osborne and Ed Miliband with the possibilities for collaborative government as described by Don Tapscott and Clay Shirky amongst others.
Starship - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
Us Now - The Governement & Benefits of the internet | Documentary
Starship - "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" - ORIGINAL VIDEO - HQ
Sky News Live
Sleigh Bells - It's Just Us Now (Official Video)
Magandang Buhay: Aizan and Alainna sing "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now"
Out And Proud: Where Brexit Leaves Us Now
Courts Afraid of Us Now & Lawful Bank - Roger Hayes British Constitution Group
Net Neutrality in the US: Now What?
Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know (feat. Kimbra) - official video
Starship's official music video for 'Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now'. Click to listen to Starship on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/StarshipSpotify?IQid=StarSNGS As featured on Hits. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes: http://smarturl.it/StarshipHits?IQid=StarSNGS Google Play: http://smarturl.it/NGSUNGPlay?IQid=StarSNGS Amazon: http://smarturl.it/SHitsAmazon?IQid=StarSNGS More from Starship Sara: https://youtu.be/32ScTb6_KHg Find Your Way Back: https://youtu.be/Dj4gqJzlIvc It's Not Enough: https://youtu.be/zSZnq5ZbP1w More great 80s videos here: http://smarturl.it/Ultimate80?IQid=StarSNGS Follow Starship Website: http://www.starshipcontrol.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/starshipcontrol Twitter: https://twitter.com/starshipcontrol Subscribe to Starship on YouTube: http://sma...
Us Now documentary takes a look at how this type of participation could transform the way that countries are governed. Buy Film http://amzn.to/1ZmynxP It tells the stories of the online networks whose radical self-organising structures threaten to change the fabric of government forever. If you liked this Documentary, Us Now , here are some other short films for you: - The Dust Never Settles : http://bit.ly/1FiVwr0 - Wwoofing: http://bit.ly/17pXhrs Visit the Renderyard WEBSITE: http://www.renderyard.com Follow Renderyard on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/renderyard Like Renderyard on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/renderyard Follow Renderyard on PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/renderyard Follow Renderyard on GOOGLEPLUS: https://plus.google.com/+renderyard/p... About Renderyard...
FIND ME AT https://twitter.com/DoryStentorian One of the various incarnations of Jefferson Airplane - but this hit #1 and features Grace Slick. It was used in the film "Mannequin" - clips from which feature in this video. For more surreality (it's a word) hit http://morpheusatloppers.wordpress.com/2010/06/11/morpheus-on-sleep-riding/
SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more great videos: http://www.youtube.com/skynews Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/skynews and https://twitter.com/skynewsbreak Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/skynews For more great content go to http://news.sky.com and download our apps: iPad https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/Sky-News-for-iPad/id422583124 iPhone https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/sky-news/id316391924?mt=8 Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bskyb.skynews.android&hl;=en_GB
DIRECTED BY DEREK MILLER DIRECTORS OF PHOTOGRAPHY: CHARLOTTE KAUFMAN, NICK KRAUS PRODUCED BY JASON SELVIG EDITED BY SLEIGH BELLS, NICK KRAUS, CHARLOTTE KAUFMAN COLORED BY DAVID O'BRIEN, SLEIGH BELLS EXECUTIVE PRODUCED BY WILL HUBBARD HAIR/NAILS/MAKEUP BY RIA LOPEZ From the album ‘Jessica Rabbit’, to be released November 11th, 2016. LP/CD: http://smarturl.it/sbjr_physical Digital: http://smarturl.it/sbjr_digital http://www.tornclean.com https://www.facebook.com/sleighbells/ https://twitter.com/sleighbells https://www.instagram.com/sleighbells/ http://www.vevo.com/watch/GBS371600100
Gerard "Aizan" Perez and his sister Alainna Perez perform a duet of Starship’s “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now.” Subscribe to ABS-CBN Entertainment channel! - http://bit.ly/ABS-CBNEntertainment Watch the full episodes of Magandang Buhay on TFC.TV http://bit.ly/MagandangBuhay-TFCTV and on IWANT.TV for Philippine viewers, click: http://bit.ly/MagandangBuhay-IWANTV Visit our official website! http://entertainment.abs-cbn.com/tv/shows/magandangbuhay/main http://www.push.com.ph Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ABSCBNnetwork Twitter: https://twitter.com/ABSCBN https://twitter.com/abscbndotcom Instagram: http://instagram.com/abscbnonline
Sunderland didn't decide the EU referendum on its own. But it reveals starkly almost all the invisible political, social and economic currents that led to the Leave vote. In this special report, Sky News' Faisal Islam visits the area to talk to people about their reasons for voting, and the city's outlook on Britain's future. SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more videos: http://www.youtube.com/skynews Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/skynews and https://twitter.com/skynewsbreak Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/skynews For more content go to http://news.sky.com and download our apps: iPad https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/Sky-News-for-iPad/id422583124 iPhone https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/sky-news/id316391924?mt=8 Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...
A rcoones video High Definition Video located here; http://youtu.be/kScy-FoO0d8 BT Trouble on this one. (medium resolution this) . There may be noise on the video.. rcoones video: Also see Manipulation Of Your Mind by Government Agenda - Brian Gerrish http://youtu.be/rfaIe4OWN8g Roger Hayes describes how the English Courts are now afraid of being confronted in court by the Lawful Rebellion movement which says the Judges are corrupt and are not following Common Law anymore. He also explains the workings of the Lawful Bank which will run parallel to the regular banks which are based upon debt. A whole new system based on Common Law...Banks and the Courts. (permission granted from rcoones102 to mranthonyjhilder) http://www.thebcgroup.org.uk/ Upcoming Events Constitutional Conventio...
Comprehensive info. Time is of the essence, so forgive my inevitable errors. Much links and fun times below: We've stopped things like this before! You have power if you bother to take it. Video script and better formatted version of the links below can be found on my blog: http://vihart.com/net-neutrality-in-the-us-now-what/ Politicians love when you personally contact them! It is a fact. If you're not in the US, make sure your local government considers this state of affairs an embarrassment for the US, not something to model your own rules on. List of FCC commissioners and their twitters, emails, blogs, instagrams, etc: http://www.fcc.gov/leadership Don't know how to contact your representative? Find out who they are and let them know you're watching them! http://whoismyrepresenta...
Film clip for the Gotye song Somebody That I Used To Know, featuring Kimbra from the album Making Mirrors. Buy Somebody That I Used To Know here: http://www.smarturl.it/gotyesomebody Buy Making Mirrors here http://www.smarturl.it/gotye http://www.gotye.com/ http://www.facebook.com/gotye/ http://www.twitter.com/gotye/ http:///www.instagram.com/gotye ********************************************** Somebody That I Used To Know lyrics Now and then I think of when we were together Like when you said you felt so happy you could die Told myself that you were right for me But felt so lonely in your company But that was love and it's an ache I still remember You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness Like resignation to the end Always the end So when we found that we could not make sens...
McFadden & Whitehead - Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now Synthesizer Remix Instrumental by fl studio12. シンセサイザーによるリミックスで昨日のピアノデモのトラックでは納得行かなかったので再作成し直して原曲よりも重たく下を持ち上げた印象に作成したインストルメンタルだすNa(~_~;)w
McFadden & Whitehead - Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now Synthesizer Remix by fl studio12. シンセサイザーによるリミックスだすNa(~_~;)m 昨日のピアノデモのトラックでは納得行かなかったので再作成し直しただすNa(=_=;)m 原曲よりも重たく下を持ち上げた印象に作成しただすNa(~_~;)w
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Me and the baby
Rocket League goal for TommyT999s "TOP 10 goals of the week" Made by JackFoxer and Freezeray.
【If you like the film, you can "Like" & "subscribe".Your support is my best encouragement.】 【如果你喜歡這部影片,可以按個讚或是訂閱我。你們的支持是我的最大動力。】 地點:台北信義新光三越 - 香榭大道 羅小白S.white https://www.facebook.com/swhite523 羅小白-VIP-分享區 https://www.facebook.com/groups/374620826060368/
Yo its back! You know it were playing the DLC baby wooooooooo! Lets cause some zombie carnage! Have a great day and thank you for taking the time to check out my content. If your felling particularly generous please visit the links down below. Follow me on social media Facebook - https://facebook.com/XaladinGaming Twitter - https://twitter.com/XaladinGaming Art created by - Saiivee https://twitter.com/Saiiveeart https://Saiivee.deviantart.com Outro song - Warptech - Resolution (feat. Cory Friesenhan) Provided by NoCopyrightSounds Listen to the full song at - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hNdLnEbS68 Song artists social media Warptech https://soundcloud.com/warptech https://www.facebook.com/WarptechOffi... https://www.youtube.com/user/pumpinbas Cory Friesenhan https://www.facebo...
*Clique no ícone "Legendas" do player para ativar a legenda em pt-br.* Legendas disponíveis em: http://dotsub.com/translate/34591ca8-0ef5-48fb-82e6-163a9f21298d/por_br e em http://www.addic7ed.com/movie/74096 Licença em: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ Download do vídeo e doações em: http://vodo.net/usnow Ano de lançamento: 2009 Dirigido por Ivo Gormley, "Us Now" é um documentário "sobre o poder da colaboração em massa, governo e a Internet". Obs: No dotSub e no Addic7ed, as legendas sempre podem ser aperfeiçoadas. Se você entende o suficiente de inglês e/ou português, crie sua conta e contribua no link onde está referenciado como "Legendas disponíveis em:".
I don't own the rights to this album. All the rights belong to the owner of the album and I'm not profiting by publishing. 1. Coming Home - 0:00 2. Chestermans Valley - 4:41 3. Reap What You Sow - 9:28 4. New Reggae - 12:30 5. Five White Boys - 16:09 6. Officer Down 2 - 19:23 7. How Could They Trust Us Now - 22:17 8. So I Say 9. Plain To See 10. Al Capone 11. Eye For An Eye 12. Chasing 13. Brumner
The Lesson Material can be found here: http://www.talkingbass.net/aint-stopping-us-now-lesson-analysis/ Visit www.talkingbass.net for more free online bass lessons, articles and downloads and subscribe to receive the free Scale Reference Manual. This lesson is another in the series of lessons on short, popular bass riffs. This week we'll be looking at the disco classic Ain't No Stopping Us Now by Mcfadden & Whitehead. As a supplement to the basic lesson, I'll be analysing the riff and showing how you can use the basic building blocks of the melody and rhythm to come up with your own cool bass lines. These Free Online Bass Lessons are released weekly so subscribe for updates and visit www.talkingbass.net for a complete lesson map and all the downloadable lesson material.
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Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rnp-CySclyhxyjA4f14WQ Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com Report date: 03.10.2016 US is dead last of the 18 countries in basic skills solving.Press foundation reports that the Obama administration is not transparent but blocks most of the freedom of information requests.Pentagon admits that they spy on the American people with predator drones. Pentagon drawing up plans to go into Libya with massive air raids. Special operations will be increased in Libya and troops will be needed. Northern thunder ends this week. US now blaming Iran for cyber attacks on a damn back in 2013. US preparing for major battles in the middle east. All source links to the report can b...
Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rnp-CySclyhxyjA4f14WQ Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com Report date: 03.24.2016 Insurance companies are now raising deductibles because of the backlash on rising premiums. HRW wants all countries to stop supplying weapons to Saudi Arabia because of the war crimes it has committed in Yemen. France says 800,000 refugees ready to leave Libya and they need to act now. There are more troops in Iraq than reported. Document confirm the IS has been working with Turkey and the US. Brussels bombing pushing NATO and Europe to begin the offensive in the middle east. All indicators in the bombing point to a false flag to create a police state, and to pull together NATO and...
Death, swords and inhuman minds control our world
Marxists, nazies and communists steel freedom
From our lifes
Go wild you banging crowd
Destroy there rules of tyranny
What we will stay about life, when we are living free
Fight for, fight for right
Fight for, fight for fight for freedom now
Fight for, fight for right
Fight to stop the tyranny
The masses of people are on the road
And starting riot and strikes
Spending all of their energy to kill