Its Raining its Pouring…

So its been raining – not a lot to do when it is raining, or at least I think thats the popular assumption.

Could be really boring and go to the Cinema, Ice skating or bowling, but I’ve done all that a thousand times already!! Personally I think everyone goes to Westfeild when it rains.

I often wondered how buisness was crossing the constantly empty slip road on my way across our brand spanking new (albiet 50 years late) access bridge across the A40 – no one ever seems to be driving in or out of Westfield – but come the rains? my gosh it is like they are qeuing to get out of Glastonbury.

I find it totally annoying that when I attempt to use this route on the way home on a night out, which is quite frequently at the monement with the constant closures and works at Latimer road tube when all the Westfeild security gaurds at 20 metre intervals, ask me what I think I am doing – Walking home I say. Last time, the finally one near the bridge lift told me I would ‘they would kill me there’ – the cars at the top, or my fellow estate residents? He then informed me I wasn’t allowed to use this path. Why build a bridge if you are going to pester everyone that wants to use it? – and as I informed him that access path and birdge to my Estate and the rest of North Kensington was compulsary to the building of the centre, planning was refused until it was there. FACT – that totally shut him up although I am still interested to find out who exactly was going to kill me *rolls eyes*


I’ve been wondering what The Serpentine Pavillion looks in the rain, I go every year on a nice warm summers day, and take an abundance of photos, is it as cool in the rain? I wonder – am aiming to find out this weekend.

So this weekend, if it rains – I will be taking another look at Jean Nouvel’s Red Pavillion, getting away with NOT watering my garden, and probably not joining the rest of the City in Westfeild… what are you up to?

Fire & Knives: Issue 4.

One of the advantages of having a very interesting boss, is that you tend to find interesting things lying around the office/warehouse. One of those recent things was Issue 3 of Fire & Knives, a lovely food quarterly that began publication in November last year.

Issue 4 is slated for imminent release, while I understand that copies of Issue 3 are still available in Foyles and Magma Books. There’s a fairly obvious degree of inspiration coming from the guys at MeatPaper magazine in San Francisco, but this is duly noted on the inside cover, and takes nothing away from the London publication.

While you’re waiting for Issue 4, it’s probably a good idea to sit back and enjoy an espresso. Now… what to serve it in?

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N.E.R.D. Album Preview @ Present, Shoreditch.

Last night an eager crowd – kept cool and loose by the bartenders of 69 Colebrook Row – crammed into the men’s clothing store Present on Shoreditch High Street, to hear a preview of N.E.R.D.’s latest record. Pharrell was on-hand to introduce each track, but not until after we as an audience had been sternly warned about impending prosecution should we record, photograph, or fail to clap anything during the performance. Eyes rolled, the music played, Pharrell wandered around and chatted to people. A surprisingly low-key affair, all-in-all.

Not having an in-depth prior knowledge of  N.E.R.D. personally, I won’t offer any kind of re(pre?)view, other than that the record is pretty eclectic and choppy. Mid-September release, we’re told. More here:


I am SO going to the V&A Lates on the 27th August, Its Retro Hollywood Glamour!
Marilyn Monroe (universal studios)

I was just tucking myself up for bedtime, and having a quick flick through the Royal Borough, and there it was staring at me in the ‘events section’ – Now I’m wide awake trying to decide which of my favourite starlets to be!

“bask in Technicolor 1950s Hollywood glamour at the V&A with the likes of Grace Kelly, Alfred Hitchcock and Marilyn Monroe”

They also mention The Fiztrovia Radio Hour, a really cool theatrical production, thats like a radio show acted out on the stage I once got to see, well gatecrashed at the Globe. They were terrific and every single member of the audience was in vintage clothing.

Too awesome – I have a problem though. It is a very close girlfriends birthday bash that night, in Angel at a pretty decent cocktail bar with a equally decent happy hour. I will either have to decide or work out how to excuse showing up late, in a mid-thigh slit velvet cocktail dress… or does that just work?

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Detroit Bar -Covent Garden

Firstly – this is an AMAZING BAR, I feel really bad for them that on the night I visited, the toilets were exploding, literally.
As myself and Jules came down the awesome formed staircase- terracotta in colour and made of some material I didnt quite reconise, the first thing we saw was a very unimpressed member of the bar staff with two buckets and a mop. Yikes.

I was cool I was on platforms. Well I was cool until I needed to pee anyway!

We were there for a good friend Dean’s birthday, so we ploughed through and found him – eventually, past the bar and down a TUNNEL behind the DJ as he had directed us. Yup.. this place is like a rabbits warren, twisting underneath Earlham Street. Unfortunately my phone camera is flashless so I only have photos I took at the bar. Londontown has much better ones :D

I really like the service coverings here, yes I am a total design geek, what can I say? Most places tend to keep these things in huge industrial shafts, or leave it exposed, I really like the way the designer here has made a feature of it, and a very nice one too, its almost like bubbles flowing across the top of the chambers.

Prices were ok too. I got a orange and pineapple juice for £2.50, and the girls a bottle of wine for 14 quid. considering where we were, I thought that was really good. Later in the evening, myself and Beth treated ourselves to cocktails. There was a variety ranging from £6.95 (ours of course) up to about 20 quid.

Beth got a Alfresco, and I a Pear Harbour, a pear version of the famous American cocktail Pearl Harbour. We had a really good night, however none of us wanted to use the toilet so an early night was had, and I was home by Midnight.

Damn you exploding toilets !

What’s this?

Myself and my friend Marlena noticed these pictures on the way to Portobello Market the other day. They are on the wall of The Parkside Clinic, W11. It strikes me as really weird because the clinic has always specialised in dealing with children’s counselling and these do not look like kid’s pictures – even if the clinic has generalised over the years, are they really going to put patient’s therapy pics on the walls?

The text says “please send more yellow birds for the day interior ______” and on the bottom by the root is RIP something, but again we couldn’t make it out :C

A mystery! I counted nine pictures last week, and no more have arrived(or been taken down) in the two visits I’ve paid since. If you have any clues or ideas, please let us know – and we will keep our eyes on it…

*makes The Outer Limits music*

Let them eat Cake!!

I can’t remember if I’ve ever told you about the Hummingbird Bakery before…. So forgive me if this is a repeat, but the place is worth mentioning a hundred times – and I’ve never been exposed to quite so much before!

A good friend of mine has recently got engaged to her Boyfriend of TEN years, and only the best could do for the engagement party cake. That’s a THREE tier red velvet, and the mini cakes are also red velvets… Mmmmmm
Sorry for the rubbish photo – my phone camera has no flash, but if you squeeze your eyes a little you can make out the baby versions of my favourite EVER cupcake.

When I was broke and going to KCC another really good friend on my course that I haven’t seen for ages :S, and I used to walk ourselves all the way up Portobello Road whenever the day had been significantly mean to us to get a cupcake. They are not cheap cupcakes at £1.85 but they definately fit the bill for a super treat – and personally as I tell the world I would pay double for the taste of those little bites of heaven <3

We'd get them put into a little box, and once back in the Studio we'd totally demolish them. Eery now and again we'd get a new flavour or a different cake, but it was ALWAYS the red velvet that is the best.

That was back in 2004, and since then the shop has become massive, they have opened a second shop in South Ken, and more recently another in Soho (I haven't quite made to either yet, but the above cakes were got there by Chele (they are just as good – something that bothered me) and I’ve heard tourists in the original Portobello shop say that they had been told by friends to ensure they visited the Bakery before they had left home!

I think its an amazing story! Has any of your favourite places ever gone big?

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under the Westway W10

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A little love…

Wow its a bit quiet around here isn’t it?

I guess that’s what happens in a big massive City with big massive problems, changes and responsibilities. Things get left till later, re-prioritised and eventually forgotten. :C

Poor Metroblogging London. We – I forgot about you. Im sorry. I was supposed to look after you, and instead I just had loads and loads of fun (and some studying) and I didn’t bother to bring you in.

Im a bad person. I promise to be better. I made you a twitter to make up for it ( I don’t think website’s like roses), and I promise to come and see you everyday… even if I didn’t do anything to tell you about, we will look for something together.

Don’t look at me like that… We always had Flickr. We’ve had sixish years together now… We can make this better again.

Ruby x

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Surface Design Show 2010

There are two shows I attend year in year out without fail. The first is of course 100% Design, a round up of everything fabulous in the design industry. The second is The Surface Design Show, a more detailed, trade focussed event open to the public showcasing the current uses and trends in interior and exterior surfacing. A lot smaller that 100percent, this event is all about new product launches, samples to you door via a scan badge (:D) and an amazing seminar programme –

BRE Seminars
Day 1 (17th February)
11.30 – 12.00: Responsible Sourcing of Construction Products
13.00 – 13.30: Resource Efficiency
14.30 – 15.00: The Green Guide to Specification
15.30 – 16.00: ‘How Green is Green?’
Day 2 (18th February)
11.30 – 12.00: Environmental Profiles specifically focusing on flooring
13.00 – 13.30: Materials Fire-Testing and Certification
14.30 – 15.00: Environmental Profiles
15.30 – 16.00: BREEAM

The RIBA Lunchtime Portraits
Day 1 (17th February)
Future Intelligence in Material Application – Healthcare
13.00- 14.00: UCL Cancer Institute, with Neven Sidor at Grimshaw Architects and Prof. Mark Enright at Imperial College
Day 2 (18th February)
13.00 – 14.00: Sustainable Concretes and Surface Innovation – Housing
The Tarling Estate- with S333 Architects and Elaine Toogood at the Concrete Centre

The Construction Products Association Seminars
Day 1 (17th February)
14.00 – 14.30: The New Energy Efficiency Regulations 2010
Day 2 (18th February)
12.00 – 12.30: Responsible Sourcing

RIBA CPD Seminars
Day 1 (17th February)
12.00 – 12.30: Muraspec – Disability Discrimination Act and Colour Contrast CPD
15.00 – 15.30: Mapei – Epoxy Resin and Cementitious Flooring
Day 2 (18th February)
14.00 – 14.30: Schott Glass – Reflections in Glass

“Visitors already booked for 2010 include architects, designers and project managers from: Zaha Hadid Architects, Gensler, HOK, Foster & Partners, Will Alsop & RMJM, KCA International, PRP Architects, Nokia, Ford Motor Co, Aston Martin, Selfridges, Harrods, The London Regency Hotel, Southampton University Hospitals’ NHS Trust, London Underground and more!”

Business Design Centre
52 Upper Street
N1 0QH
Register here

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Free Ben and Jerrys Ice Cream

Via Leap Anywhere‘s twitter page

Tomorrow morning in Leicester Square –
“Get in the mood for summer extra early with a Ben and Jerrys ice cream on Fair Cone Day, when Leicester Square plays host to none other than the company’s co-founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield.”

Free Ben and Jerrys Ice Cream in London – Fair Cone Day in London, Ben and Jerrys Fair Cone Day in London.

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Keep Warm

this weekend at the Small World Solar Stage and Festival Winter Warmer II. Small Worlds is a twice yearly festival group promoting sustainable living and creating nurturing communities in music.

“This is our big winter gathering of the year, it’s the event everyone makes it to.
A real chance to meet up with the summer friends we loose touch with over the winter.
A chance to smile, and mean it.
A chance to make plans and find you’ve just inspired others in theirs

But mostly a chance to celebrate in the way we love.”


10pm to 10am Saturday 20th February 2010
Facebook Event
133 Rye Lane
Peckham Rye
London SE15 4ST

Peckham Rye BR Station (Victoria & London Bridge) Buses and Night Buses



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Hamilton Gallery

Image by

Image by

One of the more cool things about studying Architecture, is the constant demand to visit spaces in and around Central London, as well as exhibitions galleries and talks. For our latest project, we are using the Hamilton Gallery in Carlos Place.

Currently showing ‘Something for Everyone’ a group exhibition of unseen work at the Gallery (ending January 16th), is it an extraordinary space. On immediate entrance you are at the top of a dual stair, set about a third above the floor of the first space,requiring you to descend into the space. Lit from above by a partial Skylight on the hip of the roof, a small corridor/Information area leads into another smaller space, this time entirely roofed in a triple peaked glass roof.

Here the overhead view is stunning, as the surrounding buildings range from two to six storeys, and the Gallery being of two heights – but both of one level is strikingly overlooked, yet welcomes this gaze in the use of the glazed roof over the main display space.

I really liked Mayfair Lady 5 by Miles Aldridge – It is a stunning Photograph and I’m really feeling the blue thing at the moment but to be frank nothing in particular tickled my fancy. Hopefully when I return for the ‘Maastricht 2010’ Exhbit in March, Although most of my tastes are contemporary and innovative designs, I have a great love for the Classics.

NYE Sorted?

“Seductive Alchemy is back with another NYE party! Happy Noir Eve is a hark back to the old Victorian era, where Zeppelins hover across the London Skyline, and clockwork servants scuttle around in the basement.”


This is another one of our concept events, and we’ve got an amazing line-up:

Richard Stark – Opera singer
Andrew Hubbard -Violinist
Steph West – Harpist
Firecat Masquerade – Fire spining
Etheric Chemistry – Alchemists
Madame De’la Cartomancer – Tarot
Pettigrew and Jones – Match-making service
Lord Frobisher-Pilbeam – Lord of the manor
Lady Frobisher-Pilbeam – Hostess for the evening
Doktor Von Science – Personal Physician & Alchemist

Ms C DJ (Chloe Thomas)
Shane Watcha
DJ Darlo
Clint Lee
Ben Jurassik

And a whole lot more…

Early bird tickets: £10

Ticket site
Discount code: alchemist

Website for details


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End of the Month Line Up

Sorry for the Silence, I went back the Middlesex in September and its been a bit of a haul to get things bak on track.
Of course getting on track has meant in terms of blogging – I’ve managed to keep up my social responsibilities (!) just not told anyone what’s happening! So what happening this weekend?

image :MOT International

image :MOT International

Ongoing until 20 December is Heather Cantrell – ‘A Study in Portraiture: Act II’ at MOT International – this is being curated by Caryn Coleman a former Metroblogging London Suthor so please, show show MB love to for her!

“Involving much more than mere photography, her practice entails a conceptual strategy that incorporates performance, theater, painting, sculpture, and sociology. The resulting photographic image represents these elements in one captured moment with all its beautiful ambiguity and intrigue. It is a ‘play-still.’”

54 Regents Studios,
8 Andrews Road,
London E8 4QN

Today, the Going out in London Group are hosting the awesome Croydon Tramlink Pub Crawl from Croydon to Wimbledon from 2pm they plan to meet at The Porter And Sorter, Station Rd, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 6BT, round the back of the station near the cab rank. A full list of the route can be found on the facebook page. Have a great time if you plan to Go, they are a lovely bunch.

omliquid_november_388Om Liquid at inSpiral lounge is also tonight for those of you that prefer Techno to trams.

“8pm to 2am – Free entry
Enjoy a warm drop of liquid techno with progressive vibes featuring residents Liquid Ross and Aliji and special guest Digoa from the exciting new label Microbiotic
The last Om liquid of 2009. Come and join us for a sensible drop of Liquid.”

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