Greektown is a colloquial English language term used to describe neighborhoods that consist primarily of Greek residents and Greek-themed organizations and businesses.
The oldest Greek dominated neighborhood outside of Greece were probably the Fener in Istanbul or the Ash Shatibi in Alexandria.
For many centuries in Vienna existed the Griechenviertel (Greek quarter) in the Innere Stadt (inner town). Later the Greek community moved to other newer quarters. A traditional Austrian restaurant there is called Griechenbeisl (Greek tavern) and a street Griechengasse (Greek lane).
Many Greeks reside in Wood Green, Green Lanes and Palmers Green, the latter habouring the largest community of Greek-Cypriots outside Cyprus, resulting in these areas bearing local nicknames whereby the Green is replaced by Greek – as in Greek Lanes and Palmers Greek.
It feels like a part of me
is falling asleep
And there will be
no chance for awakening
The ship of death awaits me to embark
An endless journey - the ascension of mine
I stand in front of the holy shrine
But I forever renounce Christ
I thought to leave - forever the light
when I had the never known wisdom
to cast a forgotten spell of sight
To open the hidden gate to freedom
of the ones who rest - forever in peace
I follow myself - to the ruins of pain
Where old wounds do open wide
Hurted by drops of blood - the red rain
of remembrance that will never remain
I imagine their souls - uneven in the dark
No chance for being released
as grave candles illuminate the grief
Believe in Me!