- published: 22 Feb 2021
- views: 551
Father Jaime Balmes y Urpiá (Catalan: Jaume Llucià Antoni Balmes i Urpià; 28 August 1810 – 9 July 1848) was a Spanish Catholic priest known for his political and philosophical writing.
Balmes was born at Vic, Catalonia, Spain and baptized the same day in the cathedral of that city with the name of Jaime Luciano Antonio. He died in the same city.
In 1817, Balmes began his studies at the seminary in Vic: three years of Latin grammar, three of Rhetoric and, from 1822, three of Philosophy. In 1825, in Solsona, he received the tonsure from the Bishop of this city, Manuel Benito Tabernero.
From 1825 to 1826, Balmes studied courses of Theology, also in Vic Seminary. He studied four courses of Theology, thanks to a scholarship, in the College of San Carlos at the University of Cervera.
For two years in 1830, because of the closure of the University of Cervera, Balmes continued studying in Vic, on his own. On 8 June 1833 he received his degree in theology.
On 20 September 1834, in the chapel of the episcopal palace of Vic, Balmes was ordained a priest by bishop don Pablo de Jesús Corcuera. He continued his studies in theology and of Canons, again at the University of Cervera. Finally, in 1835, he received the title of Doctor of Theology and Bachelor of Canons.
Lipdub realitzat el 16 de desembre de 2011 a l'institut Jaume Balmes com a Treball de Recerca de la Patrícia Bautista
#formacionprofesional #farmacia #parafarmacia
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Aquí és Nadal i estic content Escola jaume balmes El Prat de Llobregat
Per segon any consecutiu, els alumnes de l'escola Jaume Balmes col·laboren en el Gran Recapte dels Aliments. Una iniciativa que ha agradat molt als veïns i veïnes de Santa Bàrbara, en veure als xiquets tan implicats en aquesta tasta de voluntariat, que també els ajuda en el seu dia a dia a l'escola. Així, durant tot el matí, un grup de voluntaris de quart són els encarregats d'anar classe per classe a recollir els aliments que han portat la resta d'alumnes del centre. Durant tot el dissabte i matí de diumenge, els veïns del poble que vulguen col·laborar, trobaran, entre altres, als voluntaris de l'escola repartits pels supermercats de Santa Bàrbara.
Mannenquin Challenge LA MÀGIA DEL NADAL Alumnes de 5è Escola Jaume Balmes (Castellbell i el Vilar) Curs 2016-17
LipDub de L'escola Jaume Balmes, Prat de Llobregat. Projecte realitzat amb la cançó "Amigos para siempre", de "Los manolos", propietat de Sony Music. El LipDub es va realitzar el 15 de juny de 2010 amb un total de 120 persones; alumnes, docents, administració i col·laboradors. La il·lusió i la iniciativa han fet possible que els nostres alumnes gaudeixin del seu propi LipDub de l'escola. Enregistrat amb una càmera domèstica i editat amb Pinnacle Studio 14.0. (Director del projecte: David Vercher) Web de l'Escola; http://www.xtec.cat/ceip-jaumebalmes-elprat/ Making off; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEdOkmvlQEc
Father Jaime Balmes y Urpiá (Catalan: Jaume Llucià Antoni Balmes i Urpià; 28 August 1810 – 9 July 1848) was a Spanish Catholic priest known for his political and philosophical writing.
Balmes was born at Vic, Catalonia, Spain and baptized the same day in the cathedral of that city with the name of Jaime Luciano Antonio. He died in the same city.
In 1817, Balmes began his studies at the seminary in Vic: three years of Latin grammar, three of Rhetoric and, from 1822, three of Philosophy. In 1825, in Solsona, he received the tonsure from the Bishop of this city, Manuel Benito Tabernero.
From 1825 to 1826, Balmes studied courses of Theology, also in Vic Seminary. He studied four courses of Theology, thanks to a scholarship, in the College of San Carlos at the University of Cervera.
For two years in 1830, because of the closure of the University of Cervera, Balmes continued studying in Vic, on his own. On 8 June 1833 he received his degree in theology.
On 20 September 1834, in the chapel of the episcopal palace of Vic, Balmes was ordained a priest by bishop don Pablo de Jesús Corcuera. He continued his studies in theology and of Canons, again at the University of Cervera. Finally, in 1835, he received the title of Doctor of Theology and Bachelor of Canons.