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Les Blough
Les Blough is founding editor of He has been writing political essays for many years and poetry since his youth. He earned an B.A. in psychology at the University of Tennessee and an M.S. in counseling psychology at Penn State University. During his 8 years of college and graduate school, he worked at the Tennessee State Prison (Nashville, TN) and at Rockview State Penitentiary (Bellefonte, PA.). Following his professional training, he worked as the director of a research clinic at a University of Pennsylvania teaching hospital in Williamsport, PA. This employment was followed by work as a psychotherapist and rehabilitation counselor in Boston, MA. He opened his own practice in Boston in 1988 where he worked as a psychotherapist, vocational evaluator and expert witness. In earlier years, following his theological training at Bob Jones University (1961-1965), he was ordained as a Christian minister, and served as pastor of a church in Pennsylvania for over 6 years. He has terminated his private practice in psychology to devote himself as an activist, correspondent and full-time editor of Axis of Logic. For greater detail of his history see the About Us section at the top of Axis of Logic's Front Page. His essays are listed below and his poetry can be read in Axis of Logic's Poetry Library

  • Les Blough, Editor, TeleSUR Staff Writers , TeleSUR, Axis of Logic

    Editor's Comment: This shipment of new buses from China is only one of several received in Venezuela over the last couple of years. We received the last shipment of 900 buses in early 2014. Venezuela provides excellent bus service, locally and long distance. These new buses are put in service... » read this article
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