24 Hours on Craigslist is a 2005 American feature-length documentary that captures the people and stories behind a single day's posts on the classified ad website Craigslist. The film, made with the approval of Craigslist's founder Craig Newmark, is woven from interviews with the site's users, all of whom opted in to be contacted by the production when they submitted their posts on August 4, 2003. The documentary screened in nine film festivals during 2004 and 2005, winning a 'best feature documentary', and played in a limited, self-distributed, theatrical release in 2005 and 2006. The film was released on DVD on April 25, 2006.
24 Hours on Craigslist tells the story of 121 people who used Craiglist on August 4, 2003.
Michael Ferris Gibson, an independent filmmaker, was inspired one night in early 2003 to surf every category of Craigslist's San Francisco. Three hours later he had the inspiration for 24 Hours on Craigslist. After spending five more hours drafting a treatment, he contacted Craig Newmark about the idea. Two days later Michael met with Jim Buckmaster, Craigslist's CEO, and Craig Newmark to discuss the film concept: creating a documentary entirely 'from' Craigslist; crew, cast, and music would all be sourced from the site.
24 hours, split three ways.
Because you bought one third, you own everything.
Shut off the possibility, and wipe out the imagination.
Now the world stands still.
I'll take it with me to my grave.
Wrap your hands around my neck.
Now choke me slowly, but I won't die.
I know one thing, and one thing only: you are what you learn to need.
I'll surround myself with things that look like me.