
Media Circus: No More Knights And Dames Edition

Although isn’t it lovely that we do at least now have a Queen of the Sport of Kings? Kudelka nails the much more important announcement that this week’s distractions have successfully pushed off the media cycle’s agenda.

What’s piqued your media interests lately?

Signal Boost: Eastside Ride

This Sunday in Centennial Park, Sydney, is the Eastside Ride. From 9am to 3pm, Loch Avenue South area. Free music, yoga, Try2Wheels and general outdoorsy happy vibe. Tina Harrod will be playing at 2pm. This is a family event, with a bit of something for everyone. In support of green living and community togetherness.

Expectations of Deception

Gary Younge is upset about the level of deception which is present within everyday society. He feels this is dangerous, and we’re in danger of subsiding into a culture of fakery and deceit. He uses the examples of Beyonce’s lip-synching the US national anthem during the presidential inaguration, the discovery of horse DNA in budget beef burgers in the UK, and Lance Armstrong’s very public confession of taking performance enhancing drugs during his professional cycling career as examples of this tendency.

I have a slightly different take on things. I think it comes down to the tyranny of expectations.

Retro Hoyden: “Feisty Olympians defy the odds”

Despite being born with the use of both legs, many of these bipedal athletes inspire us with their commitment and guts. Having typically learned to walk around the age of one, these amazing Olympians don’t let their lurching two-phase locomotion hold them back. Thought they may look unwieldy to the naive eye, as viewers their movements soon look natural to us. We can see their grace and nimbleness shine through.

London Olympics 2012: “Sexy” women’s volleyball and basketball uniforms updated at last

Some of you oldie Hoydens might remember my 2008 post on Australian Olympics uniforms, Women still the sex class in international elite sports. I thought I’d do a bit of an update on gender and our Aussie uniforms for the 2012 Olympics. And – how often does this happen? – things have actually changed for the better, at least in two sports!

Most notably, the regulations dictating that all women playing beach volleyball must wear teeny-tiny bikinis has changed. Female beach volleyball players will now have the choice of wearing shorts or bikini bottoms. This change ostensibly took place to enable the participation of more women from countries and cultures which restrict the amount of skin women may show, which is great; it also allows women from other cultures the opportunity to cover up a little more should they so desire.


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