
BFTP: If more Hollywood producers read Bob the Angry Flower

This is a Lazy Summer repost of an old post, with some highlights from comments on the original post added, since they add to the snarkfest. Given that the Abbott government seems to be full of “rationalist” policies owing more than a small debt to Objectivist Libertarianism, it seemed like a good time to remind folks what unregulated government of prime movers for prime movers would actually look like.

Marry, Shag or Cliff? Sean Bean edition

Remember the rules? It’s been a while: you must choose one of each of the three candidates to match each fate. No skipping any.

Or you could just talk about your favourite entertainments, since this is just a hook to hang some pop culture on. How about this awards season, eh?

Friday Hoydens: Chihiro, Ofelia and Coraline

Last night my family sat down together to watch Coraline, and I found myself instinctively grouping it with two other films centred on little girls navigating dark and strange fantasy lands, Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away and Guillermo Del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth.


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