February Sydney Hoyden Meet Up

It’s time for our semi-regular Sydney meet up at Coogee Beach. Salient points follow.


  • Sunday 7 February at 11am Note: this is a new time, changed from 2pm!



  • Family and friends are welcome, and there’s no level of participation in the femosphere required – commenter, lurker, blogger, whatever – just be a nice person and present
  • Be mindful that some people will use meatspace names at the meet up, but may not wish for them to be used online. Feel free to introduce yourself with your Internet pseudonym, by the way

Further notes:

  • Don’t photograph anyone without their explicit consent and let them know prior to snapping your shot if you’re wanting to publish it online or elsewhere
  • Be there? Let me know in comments or by emailing me at chally.zeroatthebone [at] gmail [dot] com
  • My wet weather plan has fallen through because a place I thought was wheelchair accessible is apparently now not. Can someone who knows Coogee better than me suggest a couple of cafés I can enquire about? I’ll update the post when we find something. UPDATE: the wet weather plan is to meet at Tropicana Café.

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5 replies

  1. I think there is a small possibility that I might be able to make this one!

  2. I’m so sorry that I have not been helping with figuring out the details for this, I just got back yesterday, and neither my body nor mind have been in Coogee. But I can make it on Sunday!


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