Eviction Free Zone's blog

Inside the Growing Tenants Movement that is Fighting Mass Displacement

Gentrification, rent hikes, and no-cause evictions are creating mass displacement in urban areas around the country. In Portland, Oregon, Brooklyn, San Francisco, and other cities, tenants are building a movement to use solidarity and collective action to fight back.

Portland Renters Confront County Over Rising Rents and Evictions[VIDEO]

Portland Tenants United leads renters to challenge the Multnomah County Commission to use emergency powers to halt rents and evictions and treat Portland's gentrification as a wave of destruction.

Are Solidarity Networks the future of housing justice?

As tenant movements heat our cities up, what edge to solidarity networks give to the struggle?

Minimum Living Wage: Oregon Organizer Confront Weakened Wage and Renter Rights Proposals [VIDEO]

After the Oregon legislature brings forwarded a dramatically weakened minimum wage proposal and undercut possible renter protections, organizers occupy the Governor's office and disrupt the active legislative session.

Portland stands up against housing discrimination and retaliation

Portland Tenants United leads a rally and march to confront rising retaliation and discrimination against tenants, which they say will only be solved by creating tenant power through direct action.

#EvictionFree2016: against retaliation, against discrimination

As Portland slips into a declared "renter state of emergency," tenants are being pushed out of the city as rents skyrocket and greedy landlords strip renters of their stability and voice. Now, Portland Tenants United, the newest tenants union in Portland, is launching a citywide campaign with a rally and march geared to take the tenant rights movement to the next level.

Portland Tenants United: the goals of a metro tenant's union

A new tenants union in Oregon is announcing its long-term goals, which will build on a united renter's movement forming.

Solidarity in action: housing and labor groups support workers at Janus negotiations

Housing and labor groups come to support the workers of the Janus Youth Shelters as they challenge the boss during IWW negotiations. Workers and organizers confront the director of Janus, asking why he pays poverty wages while making $150k a year.

Housing for all: the tenants movement takes the streets

Video from the Housing for All March, uniting Pacific Northwest tenant organizers against no-cause eviction, houselessness, rising rents, and landlord control.

Beyond procedural justice: finding our foundations in the worst case scenario

When organizing around housing, there are almost always extenuating circumstances like bank fraud and illegal actions by property managers and landlords. But what about when there isn't? Do we no longer organize against evictions and foreclosures, or does this reveal the real goal of housing justice work?

UnOccupy the prisons: challenging Wells Fargo's investment in private prisons

Video from a 2011 joint action between Occupy Wallstreet and Take Back the Land to target Wells Fargo's investment in the private prison system.

Why We Fight II: Anarchism vs. Fascism

With recent tragic event bringing the threat of fascist ideas and organizations into front view, we look back on anarchism as a direct challenge to these ideas.

Why we fight I: What is the real threat of fascist organizing?

As the far right begins to rise in the United States, what is the real threat that they hold?

Standing Together: Reporting from the Portland Renter Assemblies

The Renter's Assemblies are just beginning in Portland, but already they are showing to have the potential to revive a real tenants movement.

Solidarity in spring: challenging racist violence at Portland’s May Day 2015

A look at where the violence of the police took the stage at 2015's May Day event.

Portland demands a raise: PDX joins the Fight for Fifteen global day of action

230 cities around the world joined together for April 15th's Global Day of Action for Fight for Fifteen, and Portland has a unique place in this movement as it joined the mobilization.

Taking Housing Justice Into the Future (Part I)

The first part of a speech given at the Howard Zinn Bookfair in 2014 on Take Back the Land, Occupy Our Home, and burgeoning housing movements after the financial crisis.

Ready to fight: Developing a 21st century community syndicalism

As we develop new strategies to work on community organizing campaigns, what ideas and strategies can we port over from the history of syndicalist workplace struggles?

Tenants rising: PDXSol makes its demands

The Portland Solidarity Network supports two tenants as they make demands on their exploitative former property management company, and the video captures their moment of community power.