LOOK: Cam Newton shocks school kids by hopping fence to play football

By John Breech | CBSSports.com

A group of seventh-graders in North Carolina got a huge surprise on Friday when Cam Newton randomly showed up at their recess to play football with them.

According to WSOC-TV, Newton was driving by the Community School of Davidson when he noticed a student on the playground wearing a Cam Newton jersey.

Apparently, a Cam Newton jersey basically works the same way as the Bat Signal, because as soon as Newton saw it, he decided to stop and go play with the students.

First, Newton had to jump over a fence to get on the school's property (all images via WSOC-TV).

Although it was a small fence, I'm sure Panthers general manager Dave Gettleman would prefer that Newton not jump over any fences this offseason.

Anyway, after the fence jump, Newton proceeded to play football with the kids.

He also took some time to briefly hang out with people who weren't that interested in football. They compare bracelets.

Of course, since this is Newton we're talking about, the hangout time ended with a group dab.

If you're wondering just how big Newton is in North Carolina, I'll let seventh-grade teacher Mimi Siadak explain.

"I saw one girl crying and hyperventilating and when I asked, 'Sweetheart what's wrong?' she said, 'That was just the best moment of my life,'" Siadak told WSOC-TV.

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