- published: 15 Dec 2011
- views: 14596
Ai no Uta may refer to:
轉自youtube U Sann Aung
○プロフィール○ 高校2年生 16歳! 小学校6年生の頃から歌手を目指し、中1から様々なオーディションや、ライブに参加。高校が決まり「夢を絶対に叶えたい」「もっと沢山の方に歌を聴いてもらいたい」と強く思うようになり、定期的に個人でTwitter・YouTubeでの動画配信、都内での路上ライブを行い、夢に向かって積極的に現在も活動中。 ○YU-MIチャンネルについて○ 週に2回、月曜日、木曜日の18:00~1曲ずつカバー曲やオリジナル曲を歌ってアップしていくチャンネルになっております! いつか誰かの癒しや原動力になるようなアーティストを目指して頑張っていきます! Twitter →http://Twitter.com/1224Ymk Instagram →http://Instagram.com/YMK.1224 Amebaブログ →http://ameblo.jp/yu-mi1224yu-mi1224 個人YouTube →http://youtu.be/8JFwXjKF6Js 皆様良かったら遊びに来てください(^-^)☆
いつも動画視聴ありがとうございます♡ 【MI-YU】気軽に登録・いいね!して下さい♡ チャンネル登録はコチラ⇒https://www.youtube.com/user/miyukanazawa Official Blog ⇒ http://ameblo.jp/mi-yu-moco/ Facebook ⇒ https://www.facebook.com/MiyuJapan Twitter ⇒ https://mobile.twitter.com/miyu__0829 Instagram ⇒ https://instagram.com/miyu__0829/
不能說的秘密 遠遠的沙灘,白色的鋼琴上放著一個透明玻璃瓶,杰倫把想說的話、自己的歌錄在手機裡,放入瓶中拋向大海,這象徵「瓶中信」的手機,或許永遠沉入海裡,也或許哪一天被那女孩拾獲,揭曉這個藏在手機裡的不能說的秘密。MV拍攝手法和以往周董的抒情歌一樣走的是浪漫路線,鋼琴、樂團都搬到外景與大自然融入,特別的是他還設計了瓶中"機"的創意,透明玻璃瓶裡裝了周董代言的手機,手機裡錄的就是他「不能說的秘密」! 【追蹤更多周杰倫訊息】 ◎杰威爾官網JVR Official Site: http://www.jvrmusic.com/ ◎周杰倫Jay Chou Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jay ◎周杰倫Jay Chou in iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/tw/artist/jay-chou/id300117743
心を込めて歌いました(=゚ω゚)ノ よろしくお願いします(=゚ω゚)ノ
➤ YUI NEW SONG: https://youtu.be/IMsQDd0HJpE ------------------------------------------------ First album Mi (実) : http://goo.gl/AUvJDC Informations: http://goo.gl/nxmQdb -------------------------------------------------- TV commercials: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4Tg1tlfT7ub6OEPPP4UTBS8kd8mz6tqO ------------------------------------------------- Other Songs: Toumei na uta (とうめいなうた) : http://goo.gl/ByjdF6 Mite Iru: http://goo.gl/Y6b51X Kamisama: http://goo.gl/VpdzS4 Takaramono: http://goo.gl/pmJpGA Start Line:https: http://goo.gl/cuVjY0 -------------------------------------------------- Blog: http://yuibelem.blogspot.com
いつも動画視聴ありがとうございます♡ 【MI-YU】気軽に登録・いいね!して下さい♡ チャンネル登録はコチラ⇒https://www.youtube.com/user/miyukanazawa Official Blog ⇒ http://ameblo.jp/mi-yu-moco/ Facebook ⇒ https://www.facebook.com/MiyuJapan Twitter ⇒ https://mobile.twitter.com/miyu__0829 Instagram ⇒ https://instagram.com/miyu__0829/
Everything would turn out fine
If we'd reach the borderline.
Everything would be just fine if we'd...
If we'd kill ourselves.
Me and my girl,
We got a plan:
We go to Cape Canaveral
And piss of if we can.
We're on the hate-trip,
Kidnapping a space-ship,
Cause we are the kind of people
Who ain't got no other choice.
Me and my girl,
We got a plan:
We'll wipe out every.stupid.little.body
If we can.
I told her on the phone:
We're ment to be left alone,
We're the ones who god should better
Leave alone to play together.
Everything would turn out fine
If we'd reach the borderline.
Everything would be just fine if we'd...
If we'd kill ourselves.
Me and my girl,
We got a gun,
And I swear we're gonna use it
When the showdown has begun.
Oh sweetheart, don't you see?
You had the time to believe me.
Now you'd better hurry up
To save us from ourselves.
Everything would turn out fine
If we'd reach the borderline.
Everything would be just fine if we'd...
If we'd kill ourselves.
This goes on until I die,
Things will never change.
This won't stop until I die,
Life always goes on like this.
Everything would turn out fine
If we'd reach the borderline.
Everything would be just fine if we'd...