- published: 31 Dec 2015
- views: 236
Cotton candy (U.S., India, Canada), candy floss (UK, Pakistan, Ireland, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Canada), or tooth floss (South Africa), and Fairy Floss (Australia) is a form of spun sugar. According to the New York Times, the confection "is almost 99.999 percent sugar, with dashes of flavoring and food coloring."
Made by heating sugar and spinning the liquified sugar out through tiny holes where it re-solidifies in minutely thin strands of "sugar glass," the final cotton candy contains mostly air; with a typical serving weighing approximately 1 ounce or 30 grams.
Often served at fairs, circuses, carnivals, and Japanese festivals, cotton candy is sold on paper batons, large toothpicks or in plastic bags.Food coloring can be used to change the natural white color, and numerous flavorings are available to change the taste.
Similar confections include the Persian Pashmak, and the Turkish Pişmaniye, although the latter is made with flour and water in addition to sugar.
A video hosting service allows individuals to upload and share personal, business or royalty-free videos and to watch them legally. Users generally will upload via the hosting service's website, mobile or desktop applications or APIs. The type of video content uploaded can be anything from short video clips all the way to full-length movies. The video host will then store the video on its server, and show the individual different types of embed codes or links to allow others to view this video. The website, mainly used as the video hosting website, is usually called the video sharing website.
With the increasing prevalence of technology and the Internet in everyday life, video hosting services serve as a portal to different forms of entertainment, whether it be comedy, shows, games, or music. Content may be either both user-generated or commercial product. The entertainment industry now uses this medium to release music and videos as well as movies and television shows directly to the public. Since many users do not have unlimited web space, either as a paid service, or through an ISP offering, video hosting services are becoming increasingly popular, especially with the explosion in popularity of blogs, internet forums, and other interactive pages.
"Thank you" is a common expression of gratitude. It often refers to a thank you letter, a letter written to express appreciation.
Thank You or Thank U may also refer to:
A middle school (also known as intermediate school or junior high school) is a school for students older than elementary school, but not yet in high school. The ages covered varies between, and sometimes within, countries.
In Afghanistan, middle school consists of grades 6, 7 and 8.
In Algeria, a middle school includes grades 6 through 10, consisting of students from ages 10 or 11 to 15.
Most regions of Australia do not have middle schools, as students go directly from primary school (for years K–6) to secondary school (years 7–12, usually referred to as high school).
As an alternate to the middle school model, some secondary schools divided their grades into "junior high school" (years 7 to 8) and "senior high school" (years 9, 10, 11, and 12.)
In 1996 and 1997, a national conference met to develop what became known as the National Middle Schooling Project, which aimed to develop a common Australian view of
Kyoto University (京都大学, Kyōto daigaku), or Kyodai (京大, Kyōdai) is a national university located in Kyoto, Japan. It is the second oldest Japanese university, one of the highest ranked universities in Asia and one of Japan's National Seven Universities. One of Asia’s leading research-oriented institutions, Kyoto University is famed for producing world-class researchers, including ten Nobel Prize laureates, two Fields medalists and one Gauss Prize.
The forerunner of the Kyoto University was the Chemistry School (舎密局, Seimi-kyoku) founded in Osaka in 1869, which, despite its name, taught physics as well. (舎密 is a transcription of a Dutch word chemie.) Later, the Third Higher School (第三髙等學校, Daisan-kōtō-gakkō) was established in the place of Seimi-kyoku in 1886, it then transferred to the university's present main campus in the same year.
Kyoto Imperial University (京都帝國大學, Kyōto-teikoku-daigaku) as a part of the Imperial University system was established on June 18, 1897, using the Third Higher School's buildings. The higher school moved to a patch of land just across the street, where the Yoshida South Campus stands today. In the same year of the university's establishment, the College of Science and Technology was founded. The College of Law and the College of Medicine were founded in 1899, the College of Letters in 1906, expanding the university's activities to areas outside natural science.
藤井舞乃空「君が大人になって」松尾優・ ORC200歌姫ライヴ Xmas Special
Petit Caprice「I Can Do Better」 Avril Lavigne 踊ってみた!第57回 京都大学11月祭
2015.Cotton Candy (京都女子大学)「デモサヨナラ 」踊ってみた!Dorothy Little Happy・第57回 京都大学11月祭・ November Festival・NF
創聖のアクエリオン_AKINO by mimi
Yumi ベリーダンス・KOBEみなとマルシェ
デバルバ エレオノーラ「秋風のアンサー」Flower・歌姫ライブ・ORC200
Yunoha no Mori sub español
Cotton Candy (京都女子大学)「行くぜっ!怪盗少女 」「Chai Maxx」「走れ!」踊ってみた!ももいろクローバーZ・第57回 京都大学11月祭
瀧未歩「道 」EXILE・ ORC200歌姫ライヴ Xmas Special
イヴの断片 歌ってみました!
ORC200歌姫ライヴ Xmas Special オーク広場 藤井舞乃空 https://twitter.com/manoa_kimiko [おすすめ動画] Radiant ③・須磨ビーチサイド Tokonatsu Idol Festival https://youtu.be/aPSXJcrEh3c 大阪女学院 中学 高等学校 バトン部 ・ Junior high school baton part https://youtu.be/oB6nAE6D1B8 神戸ウエディングクイーン ・神戸みなとまつり Kobe Port Festival・Kobe Wedding Queen https://youtu.be/5ukUOXhgkQQ ペーター・君の神話〜アクエリオン第二章 KOBEぽっぷカルチャ https://youtu.be/CQTQTimGRJM Cotton Candy 「The Middle Management~女性中間管理職~ 」 「都会っ子 純情」「Danceでバコーン!」 ℃-ute https://youtu.be/MLVoJK-7q14 動画共有OKです。 チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします。 Video sharing OK. Subscribe Thank you. KAWAII
第57回 京都大学11月祭 第57回 京都大学11月祭 京都大学 吉田キャンバス 吉田グラウンド 京都大学 女子オンリーダンスサークル Petit Caprice https://twitter.com/petitcaprice_ku 57th Kyoto University in November Festival Kyoto University Yoshida canvas Yoshida ground [おすすめ動画] 絶対領域 ニーハイファッションショー 神戸ぽっぷカルチュアーフェスティバル 4th https://youtu.be/6iaDxSh9xls 天空音パレード リハーサル 南港チャリティーライブ2015in ATC https://youtu.be/1J1cclk0UeA ナシバラ 「Set me fire!~火をつけて下さい~」 ORC200歌姫ライヴ Xmas Special https://youtu.be/5lOBIp4i9FU 大宙さや×DJコイケ「ビバハピ」 KOBEぽっぷカルチャ https://youtu.be/Iy2l4xkGB1Y ペーター・君の神話〜アクエリオン第二章 KOBEぽっぷカルチャ https://youtu.be/CQTQTimGRJM 動画共有OKです。 チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします。 Video sharing OK. Subscribe Thank you. KAWAII
第57回 京都大学11月祭 京都大学 吉田キャンバス 吉田グラウンド 京都女子大学公認 アイドルコピーダンスサークル 『Cotton Candy』 (コットンキャンディ) 女子大生アイドル日本一決定戦 UNIDOL (ユニドル) 関西大会 2015 優勝 《3連覇達成》 8/28 東京本戦 ZeppDiverCity3位入賞 57th Kyoto University in November Festival Kyoto University Yoshida canvas Yoshida ground Kyoto Women's University Official recognition Idol copy Dance Circle "Cotton Candy" 『Cotton Candy』 https://twitter.com/CottonCandy_KWU Radiant ③・須磨ビーチサイド Tokonatsu Idol Festival https://youtu.be/aPSXJcrEh3c 大阪女学院 中学 高等学校 バトン部 ・ Junior high school baton part https://youtu.be/oB6nAE6D1B8 神戸ウエディングクイーン ・神戸みなとまつり Kobe Port Festival・Kobe Wedding Queen https://youtu.be/5ukUOXhgkQQ 大宙さや×DJコイケ「ビバハピ」 KOBEぽっぷカルチャ https://youtu.be/Iy2l4xkGB1Y ペーター・君の神話〜アクエリオン第二章 KOBEぽっぷカルチャ https://youtu.be/CQTQTimGRJM 動画共有OKです。 チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします。 Vid...
歌ってみた☆ *音声のみ*
KOBEみなとマルシェ 第12回神戸港開港150周年に向けて メリケンパーク パフォーマンスステージ Yumi belly dance Raghed (Oriental Routine) - Al-Ahram Orchestra KOBE Minato Marche 12th Kobe opened Towards the 150th anniversary Meriken Park Performance Stage ※著作権に該当する音源を 削除しています。m(_ _)m Radiant ③・須磨ビーチサイド Tokonatsu Idol Festival https://youtu.be/aPSXJcrEh3c 大阪女学院 中学 高等学校 バトン部 ・ Junior high school baton part https://youtu.be/oB6nAE6D1B8 神戸ウエディングクイーン ・神戸みなとまつり Kobe Port Festival・Kobe Wedding Queen https://youtu.be/5ukUOXhgkQQ 大宙さや×DJコイケ「ビバハピ」 KOBEぽっぷカルチャ https://youtu.be/Iy2l4xkGB1Y ペーター・君の神話〜アクエリオン第二章 KOBEぽっぷカルチャ https://youtu.be/CQTQTimGRJM 動画共有OKです。 チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします。 Video sharing OK. Subscribe Thank you. KAWAII
歌姫ライヴ ~紅葉スペシャル~ ORC200 2F オーク広場 デ・バルバ・エレオノーラ https://twitter.com/giglioeleo 秋風のアンサー ・Flower [おすすめ動画] Radiant ③・須磨ビーチサイド Tokonatsu Idol Festival https://youtu.be/aPSXJcrEh3c 大阪女学院 中学 高等学校 バトン部 ・ Junior high school baton part https://youtu.be/oB6nAE6D1B8 神戸ウエディングクイーン ・神戸みなとまつり Kobe Port Festival・Kobe Wedding Queen https://youtu.be/5ukUOXhgkQQ ペーター・君の神話〜アクエリオン第二章 KOBEぽっぷカルチャ https://youtu.be/CQTQTimGRJM HONEY BEE・武庫川女子大学 2部・ KOBEみなとマルシェ https://youtu.be/4QDQXxBpHGY 動画共有OKです。 チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします。 Video sharing OK. Subscribe Thank you. KAWAII
Waaa hace mucho que no subía nada, espero que les guste, esta canción es de un anime que se llama Aquarion Evol, es el segundo ending... ;w; es tan triste y tan adictiva ;w; ... *Nota: perdón por la última parte de la canción, hay una parte en la que mi sony vegas se volvió loco y no lo pude arreglar OTL
第57回 京都大学11月祭 京都大学 吉田キャンバス 吉田グラウンド 京都女子大学公認 アイドルコピーダンスサークル 『Cotton Candy』 (コットンキャンディ) 女子大生アイドル日本一決定戦 UNIDOL (ユニドル) 関西大会 2015 優勝 《3連覇達成》 8/28 東京本戦 ZeppDiverCity3位入賞 57th Kyoto University in November Festival Kyoto University Yoshida canvas Yoshida ground Kyoto Women's University Official recognition Idol copy Dance Circle "Cotton Candy" 『Cotton Candy』 https://twitter.com/CottonCandy_KWU Radiant ③・須磨ビーチサイド Tokonatsu Idol Festival https://youtu.be/aPSXJcrEh3c 大阪女学院 中学 高等学校 バトン部 ・ Junior high school baton part https://youtu.be/oB6nAE6D1B8 神戸ウエディングクイーン ・神戸みなとまつり Kobe Port Festival・Kobe Wedding Queen https://youtu.be/5ukUOXhgkQQ 大宙さや×DJコイケ「ビバハピ」 KOBEぽっぷカルチャ https://youtu.be/Iy2l4xkGB1Y ペーター・君の神話〜アクエリオン第二章 KOBEぽっぷカルチャ https://youtu.be/CQTQTimGRJM 動画共有OKです。 チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします。 Vid...
ORC200歌姫ライヴ Xmas Special オーク広場 [おすすめ動画] Radiant ③・須磨ビーチサイド Tokonatsu Idol Festival https://youtu.be/aPSXJcrEh3c 大阪女学院 中学 高等学校 バトン部 ・ Junior high school baton part https://youtu.be/oB6nAE6D1B8 神戸ウエディングクイーン ・神戸みなとまつり Kobe Port Festival・Kobe Wedding Queen https://youtu.be/5ukUOXhgkQQ ペーター・君の神話〜アクエリオン第二章 KOBEぽっぷカルチャ https://youtu.be/CQTQTimGRJM Cotton Candy 「The Middle Management~女性中間管理職~ 」 「都会っ子 純情」「Danceでバコーン!」 ℃-ute https://youtu.be/MLVoJK-7q14 動画共有OKです。 チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします。 Video sharing OK. Subscribe Thank you. KAWAII
Everything would turn out fine
If we'd reach the borderline.
Everything would be just fine if we'd...
If we'd kill ourselves.
Me and my girl,
We got a plan:
We go to Cape Canaveral
And piss of if we can.
We're on the hate-trip,
Kidnapping a space-ship,
Cause we are the kind of people
Who ain't got no other choice.
Me and my girl,
We got a plan:
We'll wipe out every.stupid.little.body
If we can.
I told her on the phone:
We're ment to be left alone,
We're the ones who god should better
Leave alone to play together.
Everything would turn out fine
If we'd reach the borderline.
Everything would be just fine if we'd...
If we'd kill ourselves.
Me and my girl,
We got a gun,
And I swear we're gonna use it
When the showdown has begun.
Oh sweetheart, don't you see?
You had the time to believe me.
Now you'd better hurry up
To save us from ourselves.
Everything would turn out fine
If we'd reach the borderline.
Everything would be just fine if we'd...
If we'd kill ourselves.
This goes on until I die,
Things will never change.
This won't stop until I die,
Life always goes on like this.
Everything would turn out fine
If we'd reach the borderline.
Everything would be just fine if we'd...