- published: 12 Sep 2016
- views: 748
Majdanpek (Serbian Cyrillic: Мајданпек) is a town and municipality in Bor District of Serbia. According to 2011 census, the municipality of Majdanpek had a population of 18,179 people, while the town of Majdanpek had a population of 7,367.
The name "Majdanpek" is derived from the words majdan meaning "quarry" (from Arabic maydān) and pek meaning "much, big, very" in Turkish. In Serbian Vlach (and Romanian), the town is known as simply Maidan.
Aside from the town of Majdanpek, the municipality includes the following settlements:
Eneolithic excavations exist in Kapetanova Pecina, Praurija, Kameni Rog and Roman site of Kamenjar.
The town is famous as a copper mine district, since the early 17th century. The origin of the name is based on words majdan (related to Turkish madän, mine) and river Pek - mine on river Pek. Throughout its history, mining development was held by many foreign owners (Czechs, Belgians, Austrians), and was extensively exploited. The town was industrialized in the mid-20th century, by the industrial program supported by SFR Yugoslavia's Government of that time, and the personal influence of J.B.Tito (marshal and lifetime prime minister since the end of WWII until 1980). Through the late 20th century, the town was in a period of industrial progress and one of the most developed areas in copper mining and metallurgy.
Majdanpek film 12 sept 2016
Majdanpek Open Bodybuilding 11.09.2016
Majdanpek 5 5 2015 by Syma x5c 1
RFK Majdanpek - Evo koga smo mi pitali
VIS Tetini - Come Back To Majdanpek (Official Video)
Majdanpek,moj grad - 24.08.2014.god.
Završeno asfaltiranje ulaza u Majdanpek, 04. avgust 2016. (RTV Bor)
Delije Majdanpek (29.05.2016)
Stari Majdanpek - Rudnik Bakra Majdanpek 1954. - 1981.godina
RFK Majdanpek, šampioni 2016
Milan Nikolic Serbia Centar za Kulturu Majdanpek
Тетини су вокално-инструментални састав из града на два Тимока који свира тврдокорни агро/треш реп. Овај ансамбл чине Ика, Облога, Замер, Цвеле и од недавно Боки, градска деца из радничких породица насељених махом у Влашкој мали. Мајданпек у овој нумери не носи никакву негативну конотацију, већ је поменут као метафора. Линкови: https://soundcloud.com/tetini https://www.facebook.com/vistetini Видео: Фото Пера (Хајп Вилијамс) https://www.youtube.com/user/milanpetrovicvideos
Na ulazu u opštinu Majdanpek završena je i asfaltirana deonica puta duga gotovo jedan kilometar, koja je do skora bila najveći problem za stanovnike ove opštine, kako zbog prašine tako i zbog bezbednosti. Na ovu deonicu puta je pre nešto više od godinu dana preusmeren prilazni put zbog proširenja površinskog kopa u Rudniku bakra Majdanpek. Asfaltiranje puta završeno je u saradnji sa Vladom Republike Srbije, od koje je dobijeno i obećanje da će i ostale deoniuce puteva u opštini Majdanpek koje su u nešto lošijem stanju uiskoro biti pokrivene novim slojem asfalta Autor: Dejan Đorđević Produkcija: Radio televizija Bor ( RTV Bor) http://www.rtvbor.rs
Istorija RBM - a.
One thing that many folks ask me about is the 'white card'. That is what many folks call the police registration card that is required for all foreigners to get within 24 hours of arriving into Serbia. You must take the homeowner to the police station to register your stay. If you stay at a hotel, hostel or motel, they do it for you and you aren't required to do it. Keep the card in your passport in case you are asked for it.
We stayed at the Sofitel in downtown and took this walking tour of the city. It was amazing. The guide was a British guy who was studying and living in Berlin for 5 years. He was so energetic and passionate about what he did. He took us to the Holocaust memorial, book burning site, Hitler's bunker, Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin Wall, and much more.
We find big bugs and the only stonehenge that matters and generally just make a lot of jokes because bored, in the last two countries of our Balkan trip.
Dnevnik, nedelja, 18. septembar 2011 - izlozba Umetnost u minijaturi --------------------------------------------------------- On the II international exhibition "Art in Miniature 2011" exhibition in the selection of the place and found my two marquetry miniature "Eros in the fingers" and "Suburbium Petrovaradiniense". This international exhibition, organized by The Association of Arts, Culture and Tourism "MajdanArt" from Majdanpek, opened on 11 September 2010 and will last until 11 October 2010. Than 279 authors (429 artistic works) exposure is selected 359 artistic works of 232 artists from 24 countries worldwide. Are selected works from 23 countries of the world: Argentina, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Chile, Dominican Republic, Greece, Croatia, India, ...
- Archaeological Museum, Zagreb. - Archäologisches Museum zu Zagreb. - Musée archéologique de Zagreb. ザグレブ考古學博物館。
Vodopad iznad zamka, pogled sa mosta.