A Simple Solution to Boost Workers Across the Planet Alternet There's a progressive way to approach global trade that can help workers abroad and at home at the same time. | In the competition for jobs between U.S. workers and developing world workers, American workers are losing, and the TPP, which the Obama a...
Remembering the Dead and Fighting for the Living Huffington Post Today is International Workers Memorial Day on the 28 April, where we remember those who have been affected by tragedy and ill health in the workplace, and to show solidarity to ensure that rules and regulations are being properly implemented, and en...
It’s OK for Corporations to Kill Workers Alternet Republicans will do whatever it takes to ensure that corporations can sicken and kill workers with impunity. | Alan White couldn’t shout jubilation from the rooftop on March 25 when he heard that the U.S. Department of Labor, after decades of tryin...
Guide to nationalist parties challenging Europe BBC News Many European countries are witnessing electoral gains for far-right and nationalist parties, though they span a wide political spectrum. | The migrant crisis has fuelled a backlash against the political establishment, but the wave of discontent also taps into long-standing fears about globalisation and a dilution of national identity. | How is thi...
Fast Food Identified as a Significant Source of Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals Mercola Fast food contains many ingredients that compromise health, but did you know these convenience meals also come with an extra serving of endocrine-disrupting chemicals? According to recent research, people who eat drive-through hamburgers and take-out pizzas have higher levels of phthalates in their urine. | The Centers for Disease Control and Preve...