Fetal rights is a term used in some countries (see below) in reference to legislation that grants legal rights to fetuses. The term is used most often in the context of the abortion debate, as the basis for an argument in support of the pro-life stance.
Legislative measures sometimes seek to establish a right to life of the fetus from the moment of fertilization. Such laws regard the fetus as a person whose legal status is on par with that of any other member of the specieshomo sapiens:
Other governments have laws in place that state that fetuses are not legally recognized persons:
Much opposition to legal abortion in the West is based on a concern for fetal rights. Similarly many pro-choice groups oppose fetal rights, even when they do not impinge directly on the abortion issue, because they perceive this as a slippery slope strategy to restricting abortions.
Pregnant Woman Detained For Violating 'Fetal Protection' Law
Pregnant Woman Detained For Violating 'Fetal Protection' Law
Pregnant Woman Detained For Violating 'Fetal Protection' Law
"Alicia Beltran cried with fear and disbelief when county sheriffs surrounded her home on July 18 and took her in handcuffs to a holding cell. She was 14 wee...
Abortion debate: mothers rights vs. fetal rights
Abortion debate: mothers rights vs. fetal rights
Abortion debate: mothers rights vs. fetal rights
http://www.mslaw.edu Does the humanization of fetuses go hand in hand with the dehumanization of women and the loss of their civil rights? Professor Connie R...
Fetal Circulation Right Before Birth
Fetal Circulation Right Before Birth
Fetal Circulation Right Before Birth
Watch how the blood flows through the fetal circulation and compare it to what happens in the baby's body. Rishi is a pediatric infectious disease physician ...
Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" for Planned Parenthood TX Mega-Center
Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" for Planned Parenthood TX Mega-Center
Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" for Planned Parenthood TX Mega-Center
Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Director of Research Says Department Contributes Significantly to Bottom Line, Has History of Selling Aborted Fetal Tissue, Suggests “Splitting the Specimens into Different Shipments” to Hide Profit in 5th Undercover Video
Contact: David Daleiden, media@centerformedicalprogress.org, 949.734.0859
HOUSTON, Aug. 4--The fifth undercover video in the controversy over Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts shows the Director of Res
Fetal Rights
Fetal Rights
Fetal Rights
My PSA for Rhetoric of Activism.
When is a fetus human? - Abortion and Human RIghts FAQ with Brendan Malone
When is a fetus human? - Abortion and Human RIghts FAQ with Brendan Malone
When is a fetus human? - Abortion and Human RIghts FAQ with Brendan Malone
New Zealand bioethics and life issues speaker, Brendan Malone, explores the question "When is a fetus human?" in relation to abortion and human rights.
Gynocentric Bigotry and Anti-Fetal Rights Extremism in the Press
Gynocentric Bigotry and Anti-Fetal Rights Extremism in the Press
Gynocentric Bigotry and Anti-Fetal Rights Extremism in the Press
The latest example of gynocentric bigotry in the abortion debate in the press: http://blogs.reuters.com/faithworld/2010/10/20/brazils-ugly-abortion-reality-l...
Stem Cell Research: Fetal Rights Now (vlog80) AtomSound TV
Stem Cell Research: Fetal Rights Now (vlog80) AtomSound TV
Stem Cell Research: Fetal Rights Now (vlog80) AtomSound TV
Stem Cell Research is on the move! However, there is a very "dark side" to the industry. Read "fetal farming" - Fetus Attraction by Robert P. George. ...if y...
Fetal Rights In Canada
Fetal Rights In Canada
Fetal Rights In Canada
Fetal Rights is always a hot topic in Canada. Especially surrounding Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The issue around if a fetus is...
Dying Fetus - Infatuation with Malevolence (1995) [Full Album]
Dying Fetus - Infatuation with Malevolence (1995) [Full Album]
Dying Fetus - Infatuation with Malevolence (1995) [Full Album]
RWW News: Rubio: Women 'Pushed Into Abortions' For Fetal Tissue Profits
RWW News: Rubio: Women 'Pushed Into Abortions' For Fetal Tissue Profits
RWW News: Rubio: Women 'Pushed Into Abortions' For Fetal Tissue Profits
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this video, Marco Rubio claims that women are "pushed into abortions" for fetal tissue profits.
Fetal doppler Tutorial and Week 11 Pregnancy Vlog
Fetal doppler Tutorial and Week 11 Pregnancy Vlog
Fetal doppler Tutorial and Week 11 Pregnancy Vlog
I recently purchased the Facelake (Angelsounds) brand JPD-100B Fetal Doppler. In this video I give a quick review and tutorial on how I use it to hear my babies' heartbeat(s).
I'm 11 weeks pregnant this week. Not too many uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms to report. My nausea and fatigue has gone way down along with the breast tenderness. I have had more energy and have been able to get much more done this week! Having the fetal doppler has been wonderful. Weston and I love listening to our babies' precious heartbeats!
Where I purchased my fetal doppler:
Mia Raven of Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates Talks About HB405 "Fetal Heartbeat Act", 4-14-15
Mia Raven of Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates Talks About HB405 "Fetal Heartbeat Act", 4-14-15
Mia Raven of Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates Talks About HB405 "Fetal Heartbeat Act", 4-14-15
Mia Raven, Director of Legislative Affairs for Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates (ARRA), speaks out against HB405, the" Fetal Heartbeat Act" at the Alabama State House during Moral Monday on April 14, 2015.
Please pardon the shakiness of the video, our videographer was handing out stickers while filming.
Man's animated journey from womb to tomb. The original version of Fetal was made in 2000-2001 as a high school animation project, and managed to win awards a...
Pregnant Woman Detained For Violating 'Fetal Protection' Law
Pregnant Woman Detained For Violating 'Fetal Protection' Law
Pregnant Woman Detained For Violating 'Fetal Protection' Law
"Alicia Beltran cried with fear and disbelief when county sheriffs surrounded her home on July 18 and took her in handcuffs to a holding cell. She was 14 wee...
Abortion debate: mothers rights vs. fetal rights
Abortion debate: mothers rights vs. fetal rights
Abortion debate: mothers rights vs. fetal rights
http://www.mslaw.edu Does the humanization of fetuses go hand in hand with the dehumanization of women and the loss of their civil rights? Professor Connie R...
Fetal Circulation Right Before Birth
Fetal Circulation Right Before Birth
Fetal Circulation Right Before Birth
Watch how the blood flows through the fetal circulation and compare it to what happens in the baby's body. Rishi is a pediatric infectious disease physician ...
Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" for Planned Parenthood TX Mega-Center
Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" for Planned Parenthood TX Mega-Center
Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" for Planned Parenthood TX Mega-Center
Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Director of Research Says Department Contributes Significantly to Bottom Line, Has History of Selling Aborted Fetal Tissue, Suggests “Splitting the Specimens into Different Shipments” to Hide Profit in 5th Undercover Video
Contact: David Daleiden, media@centerformedicalprogress.org, 949.734.0859
HOUSTON, Aug. 4--The fifth undercover video in the controversy over Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts shows the Director of Res
Fetal Rights
Fetal Rights
Fetal Rights
My PSA for Rhetoric of Activism.
When is a fetus human? - Abortion and Human RIghts FAQ with Brendan Malone
When is a fetus human? - Abortion and Human RIghts FAQ with Brendan Malone
When is a fetus human? - Abortion and Human RIghts FAQ with Brendan Malone
New Zealand bioethics and life issues speaker, Brendan Malone, explores the question "When is a fetus human?" in relation to abortion and human rights.
Gynocentric Bigotry and Anti-Fetal Rights Extremism in the Press
Gynocentric Bigotry and Anti-Fetal Rights Extremism in the Press
Gynocentric Bigotry and Anti-Fetal Rights Extremism in the Press
The latest example of gynocentric bigotry in the abortion debate in the press: http://blogs.reuters.com/faithworld/2010/10/20/brazils-ugly-abortion-reality-l...
Stem Cell Research: Fetal Rights Now (vlog80) AtomSound TV
Stem Cell Research: Fetal Rights Now (vlog80) AtomSound TV
Stem Cell Research: Fetal Rights Now (vlog80) AtomSound TV
Stem Cell Research is on the move! However, there is a very "dark side" to the industry. Read "fetal farming" - Fetus Attraction by Robert P. George. ...if y...
Fetal Rights In Canada
Fetal Rights In Canada
Fetal Rights In Canada
Fetal Rights is always a hot topic in Canada. Especially surrounding Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The issue around if a fetus is...
Dying Fetus - Infatuation with Malevolence (1995) [Full Album]
Dying Fetus - Infatuation with Malevolence (1995) [Full Album]
Dying Fetus - Infatuation with Malevolence (1995) [Full Album]
RWW News: Rubio: Women 'Pushed Into Abortions' For Fetal Tissue Profits
RWW News: Rubio: Women 'Pushed Into Abortions' For Fetal Tissue Profits
RWW News: Rubio: Women 'Pushed Into Abortions' For Fetal Tissue Profits
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this video, Marco Rubio claims that women are "pushed into abortions" for fetal tissue profits.
Fetal doppler Tutorial and Week 11 Pregnancy Vlog
Fetal doppler Tutorial and Week 11 Pregnancy Vlog
Fetal doppler Tutorial and Week 11 Pregnancy Vlog
I recently purchased the Facelake (Angelsounds) brand JPD-100B Fetal Doppler. In this video I give a quick review and tutorial on how I use it to hear my babies' heartbeat(s).
I'm 11 weeks pregnant this week. Not too many uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms to report. My nausea and fatigue has gone way down along with the breast tenderness. I have had more energy and have been able to get much more done this week! Having the fetal doppler has been wonderful. Weston and I love listening to our babies' precious heartbeats!
Where I purchased my fetal doppler:
Mia Raven of Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates Talks About HB405 "Fetal Heartbeat Act", 4-14-15
Mia Raven of Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates Talks About HB405 "Fetal Heartbeat Act", 4-14-15
Mia Raven of Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates Talks About HB405 "Fetal Heartbeat Act", 4-14-15
Mia Raven, Director of Legislative Affairs for Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates (ARRA), speaks out against HB405, the" Fetal Heartbeat Act" at the Alabama State House during Moral Monday on April 14, 2015.
Please pardon the shakiness of the video, our videographer was handing out stickers while filming.
Man's animated journey from womb to tomb. The original version of Fetal was made in 2000-2001 as a high school animation project, and managed to win awards a...
Fetal Alcohol and Human rights
Fetal Alcohol and Human rights
Fetal Alcohol and Human rights
Jeff talks with Dr. Gordon atherley host of Family Caregivers Unite
Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts
Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts
Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts
PPFA Senior Director of Medical Services Deborah Nucatola, Other Planned Parenthood Leadership Documented Selling Aborted Baby Parts in 3-Year Investigative Journalism Study
Contact: David Daleiden, media@centerformedicalprogress.org, 949.734.0859
LOS ANGELES, July 14—New undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted fetuses, and admitting
The Faces of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
The Faces of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
The Faces of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
School project (a "P.S.A.") for Mrs. Morales; Parenting and Child Development. Song: Apologize by Silverstein I own no rights to any of these photos or this ...
FULL FOOTAGE: Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" for Planend Parenthood TX Mega-Center
FULL FOOTAGE: Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" for Planend Parenthood TX Mega-Center
FULL FOOTAGE: Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" for Planend Parenthood TX Mega-Center
Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Director of Research Says Department Contributes Significantly to Bottom Line, Has History of Selling Aborted Fetal Tissue, Suggests “Splitting the Specimens into Different Shipments” to Hide Profit in 5th Undercover Video
Contact: David Daleiden, media@centerformedicalprogress.org, 949.734.0859
HOUSTON, Aug. 4--The fifth undercover video in the controversy over Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts shows the Director of Res
Pregnancy Fetal Development
Pregnancy Fetal Development
Pregnancy Fetal Development
http://unbornhumanrights.blogspot.com/ The Most Holy of Mothers Pray for us: Dearest Mary, I look to you now for the help of your maternal love. You understa...
Infant Annihilator - Immeasurable Foetal Mutilation (Lyrics in Motion)
Infant Annihilator - Immeasurable Foetal Mutilation (Lyrics in Motion)
Infant Annihilator - Immeasurable Foetal Mutilation (Lyrics in Motion)
Infant Annihilator - Immeasurable Foetal Mutilation From the album: The Palpable Leprosy of Pollution. All rights reserved by Infant Annihilator. This video ...
Material Autonomy and Maternal Responsibility: Possible Conflicts of Rights and Obligations
Material Autonomy and Maternal Responsibility: Possible Conflicts of Rights and Obligations
Material Autonomy and Maternal Responsibility: Possible Conflicts of Rights and Obligations
Dr. Mercurio discusses physician obligations to the pregnant woman and to the fetus, and professional guidelines related to potential conflicts between mater...
Abortion Rights Group Sues Kansas Over Ban on Fetal Procedure
Abortion Rights Group Sues Kansas Over Ban on Fetal Procedure
Abortion Rights Group Sues Kansas Over Ban on Fetal Procedure
An abortion-rights group challenged Kansas’ first-in-the-nation ban on a second-trimester procedure. Anti-abortion activists describe the procedure as dismembering a fetus.
The lawsuit was filed Monday in Shawnee County District Court by the Center for Reproductive Rights. The suit asks the court to declare the law unconstitutional and block it from taking effect in July as scheduled. The suit was filed on behalf of two doctors at the Center for Women’s Health in Overland Park.
Governor Sam Brownback signed the legislation on April 7th.
Megyn Kelly: Ben Carson responds to fetal organ harvesting defenders
Megyn Kelly: Ben Carson responds to fetal organ harvesting defenders
Megyn Kelly: Ben Carson responds to fetal organ harvesting defenders
Ben Carson responds to fetal organ harvesting defenders
Jul. 16, 2015 - 4:19 - Doctor and 2016 GOP presidential candidate reacts to Planned Parenthood video on 'The Kelly File'
Pregnant Woman Detained For Violating 'Fetal Protection' Law
"Alicia Beltran cried with fear and disbelief when county sheriffs surrounded her home on July 18 and took her in handcuffs to a holding cell. She was 14 wee...
"Alicia Beltran cried with fear and disbelief when county sheriffs surrounded her home on July 18 and took her in handcuffs to a holding cell. She was 14 wee...
http://www.mslaw.edu Does the humanization of fetuses go hand in hand with the dehumanization of women and the loss of their civil rights? Professor Connie R...
http://www.mslaw.edu Does the humanization of fetuses go hand in hand with the dehumanization of women and the loss of their civil rights? Professor Connie R...
Watch how the blood flows through the fetal circulation and compare it to what happens in the baby's body. Rishi is a pediatric infectious disease physician ...
Watch how the blood flows through the fetal circulation and compare it to what happens in the baby's body. Rishi is a pediatric infectious disease physician ...
Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Director of Research Says Department Contributes Significantly to Bottom Line, Has History of Selling Aborted Fetal Tissue, Suggests “Splitting the Specimens into Different Shipments” to Hide Profit in 5th Undercover Video
Contact: David Daleiden, media@centerformedicalprogress.org, 949.734.0859
HOUSTON, Aug. 4--The fifth undercover video in the controversy over Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts shows the Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, advertising the Texas Planned Parenthood branch’s track record of fetal tissue sales, including its ability to deliver fully intact fetuses.
In the video, actors posing as representatives from a human biologics company meet with Farrell at the abortion-clinic headquarters of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Houston to discuss a potential partnership to harvest fetal organs.
“Where we probably have an edge over other organizations, our organization has been doing research for many many years,” explains Farrell. When researchers need a specific part from the aborted fetus, Farrell says, “We bake that into our contract, and our protocol, that we follow this, so we deviate from our standard in order to do that.”
Asked specifically if this means Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast can change abortion procedures to supply intact fetal specimens, Farrell affirms, “Some of our doctors in the past have projects and they’re collecting the specimens, so they do it in a way that they get the best specimens, so I know it can happen.”
The investigators ask Farrell how she will frame a contract in which they pay a higher price for higher quality fetal body parts, and she replies, “We can work it out in the context of--obviously, the procedure itself is more complicated,” suggesting that “without having you cover the procedural cost” and paying for the abortion, the higher specimen price could be framed as “additional time, cost, administrative burden.”
Farrell finally summarizes her affiliate’s approach to fetal tissue payments: “If we alter our process, and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. It’s all just a matter of line items.”
The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). Federal law also requires that no alteration in the timing or method of abortion be done for the purposes of fetal tissue collection (42 U.S.C. 289g-1).
Farrell also indicates to the investigators over lunch that the specimen sales from her department contribute significantly to Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast’s overall finances: “I think everyone realizes, especially because my department contributes so much to the bottom line of our organization here, you know we’re one of the largest affiliates, our Research Department is the largest in the United States. Larger than any the other affiliates’ combined.” In a Texas Senate hearing on July 29, former Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast clinic director Abby Johnson estimated that the affiliate had previously made up to $120,000 per month off of aborted fetal tissue.
The video is the fifth by The Center for Medical Progress documenting Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted fetal parts. Project Lead David Daleiden notes: “This is now the fifth member of Planned Parenthood leadership discussing payments for aborted baby parts without any connection to actual costs of so-called tissue ‘donation.’ Planned Parenthood’s system-wide conspiracy to evade the law and make money off of aborted fetal tissue is now undeniable.” Daleiden continues, “Anyone who watches these videos knows that Planned Parenthood is engaged in barbaric practices and human rights abuses that must end. There is no reason for an organization that uses illegal abortion methods to sell baby parts and commit such atrocities against humanity to still receive over $500 million each year from taxpayers.”
See the video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egGUEvY7CEg
Tweet: #PPSellsBabyParts
For more information on the Human Capital project, visit centerformedicalprogress.org.
The Center for Medical Progress is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances.
Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Director of Research Says Department Contributes Significantly to Bottom Line, Has History of Selling Aborted Fetal Tissue, Suggests “Splitting the Specimens into Different Shipments” to Hide Profit in 5th Undercover Video
Contact: David Daleiden, media@centerformedicalprogress.org, 949.734.0859
HOUSTON, Aug. 4--The fifth undercover video in the controversy over Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts shows the Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, advertising the Texas Planned Parenthood branch’s track record of fetal tissue sales, including its ability to deliver fully intact fetuses.
In the video, actors posing as representatives from a human biologics company meet with Farrell at the abortion-clinic headquarters of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Houston to discuss a potential partnership to harvest fetal organs.
“Where we probably have an edge over other organizations, our organization has been doing research for many many years,” explains Farrell. When researchers need a specific part from the aborted fetus, Farrell says, “We bake that into our contract, and our protocol, that we follow this, so we deviate from our standard in order to do that.”
Asked specifically if this means Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast can change abortion procedures to supply intact fetal specimens, Farrell affirms, “Some of our doctors in the past have projects and they’re collecting the specimens, so they do it in a way that they get the best specimens, so I know it can happen.”
The investigators ask Farrell how she will frame a contract in which they pay a higher price for higher quality fetal body parts, and she replies, “We can work it out in the context of--obviously, the procedure itself is more complicated,” suggesting that “without having you cover the procedural cost” and paying for the abortion, the higher specimen price could be framed as “additional time, cost, administrative burden.”
Farrell finally summarizes her affiliate’s approach to fetal tissue payments: “If we alter our process, and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. It’s all just a matter of line items.”
The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). Federal law also requires that no alteration in the timing or method of abortion be done for the purposes of fetal tissue collection (42 U.S.C. 289g-1).
Farrell also indicates to the investigators over lunch that the specimen sales from her department contribute significantly to Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast’s overall finances: “I think everyone realizes, especially because my department contributes so much to the bottom line of our organization here, you know we’re one of the largest affiliates, our Research Department is the largest in the United States. Larger than any the other affiliates’ combined.” In a Texas Senate hearing on July 29, former Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast clinic director Abby Johnson estimated that the affiliate had previously made up to $120,000 per month off of aborted fetal tissue.
The video is the fifth by The Center for Medical Progress documenting Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted fetal parts. Project Lead David Daleiden notes: “This is now the fifth member of Planned Parenthood leadership discussing payments for aborted baby parts without any connection to actual costs of so-called tissue ‘donation.’ Planned Parenthood’s system-wide conspiracy to evade the law and make money off of aborted fetal tissue is now undeniable.” Daleiden continues, “Anyone who watches these videos knows that Planned Parenthood is engaged in barbaric practices and human rights abuses that must end. There is no reason for an organization that uses illegal abortion methods to sell baby parts and commit such atrocities against humanity to still receive over $500 million each year from taxpayers.”
See the video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egGUEvY7CEg
Tweet: #PPSellsBabyParts
For more information on the Human Capital project, visit centerformedicalprogress.org.
The Center for Medical Progress is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances.
New Zealand bioethics and life issues speaker, Brendan Malone, explores the question "When is a fetus human?" in relation to abortion and human rights.
New Zealand bioethics and life issues speaker, Brendan Malone, explores the question "When is a fetus human?" in relation to abortion and human rights.
The latest example of gynocentric bigotry in the abortion debate in the press: http://blogs.reuters.com/faithworld/2010/10/20/brazils-ugly-abortion-reality-l...
The latest example of gynocentric bigotry in the abortion debate in the press: http://blogs.reuters.com/faithworld/2010/10/20/brazils-ugly-abortion-reality-l...
Stem Cell Research is on the move! However, there is a very "dark side" to the industry. Read "fetal farming" - Fetus Attraction by Robert P. George. ...if y...
Stem Cell Research is on the move! However, there is a very "dark side" to the industry. Read "fetal farming" - Fetus Attraction by Robert P. George. ...if y...
Fetal Rights is always a hot topic in Canada. Especially surrounding Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The issue around if a fetus is...
Fetal Rights is always a hot topic in Canada. Especially surrounding Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The issue around if a fetus is...
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this video, Marco Rubio claims that women are "pushed into abortions" for fetal tissue profits.
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this video, Marco Rubio claims that women are "pushed into abortions" for fetal tissue profits.
I recently purchased the Facelake (Angelsounds) brand JPD-100B Fetal Doppler. In this video I give a quick review and tutorial on how I use it to hear my babies' heartbeat(s).
I'm 11 weeks pregnant this week. Not too many uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms to report. My nausea and fatigue has gone way down along with the breast tenderness. I have had more energy and have been able to get much more done this week! Having the fetal doppler has been wonderful. Weston and I love listening to our babies' precious heartbeats!
Where I purchased my fetal doppler:
Our Facebook page:
opening music: "11-6-64" by Steven Curtis Chapman
Other music "Good Starts" You Tube Download.
All rights belong to their respective owners. I do not claim ownership of any music in this video.
I recently purchased the Facelake (Angelsounds) brand JPD-100B Fetal Doppler. In this video I give a quick review and tutorial on how I use it to hear my babies' heartbeat(s).
I'm 11 weeks pregnant this week. Not too many uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms to report. My nausea and fatigue has gone way down along with the breast tenderness. I have had more energy and have been able to get much more done this week! Having the fetal doppler has been wonderful. Weston and I love listening to our babies' precious heartbeats!
Where I purchased my fetal doppler:
Our Facebook page:
opening music: "11-6-64" by Steven Curtis Chapman
Other music "Good Starts" You Tube Download.
All rights belong to their respective owners. I do not claim ownership of any music in this video.
published:08 Mar 2014
Mia Raven of Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates Talks About HB405 "Fetal Heartbeat Act", 4-14-15
Mia Raven, Director of Legislative Affairs for Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates (ARRA), speaks out against HB405, the" Fetal Heartbeat Act" at the Alabama State House during Moral Monday on April 14, 2015.
Please pardon the shakiness of the video, our videographer was handing out stickers while filming.
Mia Raven, Director of Legislative Affairs for Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates (ARRA), speaks out against HB405, the" Fetal Heartbeat Act" at the Alabama State House during Moral Monday on April 14, 2015.
Please pardon the shakiness of the video, our videographer was handing out stickers while filming.
Man's animated journey from womb to tomb. The original version of Fetal was made in 2000-2001 as a high school animation project, and managed to win awards a...
Man's animated journey from womb to tomb. The original version of Fetal was made in 2000-2001 as a high school animation project, and managed to win awards a...
PPFA Senior Director of Medical Services Deborah Nucatola, Other Planned Parenthood Leadership Documented Selling Aborted Baby Parts in 3-Year Investigative Journalism Study
Contact: David Daleiden, media@centerformedicalprogress.org, 949.734.0859
LOS ANGELES, July 14—New undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted fetuses, and admitting she uses partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts.
In the video, Nucatola is at a business lunch with actors posing as buyers from a human biologics company. As head of PPFA’s Medical Services department, Nucatola has overseen medical practice at all Planned Parenthood locations since 2009. She also trains new Planned Parenthood abortion doctors and performs abortions herself at Planned Parenthood Los Angeles up to 24 weeks.
The buyers ask Nucatola, “How much of a difference can that actually make, if you know kind of what’s expected, or what we need?”
“It makes a huge difference,” Nucatola replies. “I’d say a lot of people want liver. And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps. The kind of rate-limiting step of the procedure is calvarium. Calvarium—the head—is basically the biggest part.”
Nucatola explains, “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”
“And with the calvarium, in general, some people will actually try to change the presentation so that it’s not vertex,” she continues. “So if you do it starting from the breech presentation, there’s dilation that happens as the case goes on, and often, the last step, you can evacuate an intact calvarium at the end.”
Using ultrasound guidance to manipulate the fetus from vertex to breech orientation before intact extraction is the hallmark of the illegal partial-birth abortion procedure (18 U.S.C. 1531).
Nucatola also reveals that Planned Parenthood’s national office is concerned about their liability for the sale of fetal parts: “At the national office, we have a Litigation and Law Department which just really doesn’t want us to be the middle people for this issue right now,” she says. “But I will tell you that behind closed doors these conversations are happening with the affiliates.”
The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2).
A separate clip shows Planned Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards praising Nucatola’s work to facilitate connections for fetal tissue collection. “Oh good,” Richards says when told about Nucatola’s support for fetal tissue collection at Planned Parenthood, “Great. She’s amazing.”
The video is the first by The Center for Medical Progress in its “Human Capital” series, a nearly 3-year-long investigative journalism study of Planned Parenthood’s illegal trafficking of aborted fetal parts. Project Lead David Daleiden notes: “Planned Parenthood’s criminal conspiracy to make money off of aborted baby parts reaches to the very highest levels of their organization. Elected officials must listen to the public outcry for Planned Parenthood to be held accountable to the law and for our tax dollars to stop underwriting this barbaric abortion business.”
See the video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjxwVuozMnU
Tweet: #PPSellsBabyParts
For more information on the Human Capital project, visit centerformedicalprogress.org.
The Center for Medical Progress is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances.
PPFA Senior Director of Medical Services Deborah Nucatola, Other Planned Parenthood Leadership Documented Selling Aborted Baby Parts in 3-Year Investigative Journalism Study
Contact: David Daleiden, media@centerformedicalprogress.org, 949.734.0859
LOS ANGELES, July 14—New undercover footage shows Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted fetuses, and admitting she uses partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts.
In the video, Nucatola is at a business lunch with actors posing as buyers from a human biologics company. As head of PPFA’s Medical Services department, Nucatola has overseen medical practice at all Planned Parenthood locations since 2009. She also trains new Planned Parenthood abortion doctors and performs abortions herself at Planned Parenthood Los Angeles up to 24 weeks.
The buyers ask Nucatola, “How much of a difference can that actually make, if you know kind of what’s expected, or what we need?”
“It makes a huge difference,” Nucatola replies. “I’d say a lot of people want liver. And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps. The kind of rate-limiting step of the procedure is calvarium. Calvarium—the head—is basically the biggest part.”
Nucatola explains, “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”
“And with the calvarium, in general, some people will actually try to change the presentation so that it’s not vertex,” she continues. “So if you do it starting from the breech presentation, there’s dilation that happens as the case goes on, and often, the last step, you can evacuate an intact calvarium at the end.”
Using ultrasound guidance to manipulate the fetus from vertex to breech orientation before intact extraction is the hallmark of the illegal partial-birth abortion procedure (18 U.S.C. 1531).
Nucatola also reveals that Planned Parenthood’s national office is concerned about their liability for the sale of fetal parts: “At the national office, we have a Litigation and Law Department which just really doesn’t want us to be the middle people for this issue right now,” she says. “But I will tell you that behind closed doors these conversations are happening with the affiliates.”
The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2).
A separate clip shows Planned Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards praising Nucatola’s work to facilitate connections for fetal tissue collection. “Oh good,” Richards says when told about Nucatola’s support for fetal tissue collection at Planned Parenthood, “Great. She’s amazing.”
The video is the first by The Center for Medical Progress in its “Human Capital” series, a nearly 3-year-long investigative journalism study of Planned Parenthood’s illegal trafficking of aborted fetal parts. Project Lead David Daleiden notes: “Planned Parenthood’s criminal conspiracy to make money off of aborted baby parts reaches to the very highest levels of their organization. Elected officials must listen to the public outcry for Planned Parenthood to be held accountable to the law and for our tax dollars to stop underwriting this barbaric abortion business.”
See the video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjxwVuozMnU
Tweet: #PPSellsBabyParts
For more information on the Human Capital project, visit centerformedicalprogress.org.
The Center for Medical Progress is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances.
School project (a "P.S.A.") for Mrs. Morales; Parenting and Child Development. Song: Apologize by Silverstein I own no rights to any of these photos or this ...
School project (a "P.S.A.") for Mrs. Morales; Parenting and Child Development. Song: Apologize by Silverstein I own no rights to any of these photos or this ...
Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Director of Research Says Department Contributes Significantly to Bottom Line, Has History of Selling Aborted Fetal Tissue, Suggests “Splitting the Specimens into Different Shipments” to Hide Profit in 5th Undercover Video
Contact: David Daleiden, media@centerformedicalprogress.org, 949.734.0859
HOUSTON, Aug. 4--The fifth undercover video in the controversy over Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts shows the Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, advertising the Texas Planned Parenthood branch’s track record of fetal tissue sales, including its ability to deliver fully intact fetuses.
In the video, actors posing as representatives from a human biologics company meet with Farrell at the abortion-clinic headquarters of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Houston to discuss a potential partnership to harvest fetal organs.
“Where we probably have an edge over other organizations, our organization has been doing research for many many years,” explains Farrell. When researchers need a specific part from the aborted fetus, Farrell says, “We bake that into our contract, and our protocol, that we follow this, so we deviate from our standard in order to do that.”
Asked specifically if this means Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast can change abortion procedures to supply intact fetal specimens, Farrell affirms, “Some of our doctors in the past have projects and they’re collecting the specimens, so they do it in a way that they get the best specimens, so I know it can happen.”
The investigators ask Farrell how she will frame a contract in which they pay a higher price for higher quality fetal body parts, and she replies, “We can work it out in the context of--obviously, the procedure itself is more complicated,” suggesting that “without having you cover the procedural cost” and paying for the abortion, the higher specimen price could be framed as “additional time, cost, administrative burden.”
Farrell finally summarizes her affiliate’s approach to fetal tissue payments: “If we alter our process, and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. It’s all just a matter of line items.”
The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). Federal law also requires that no alteration in the timing or method of abortion be done for the purposes of fetal tissue collection (42 U.S.C. 289g-1).
Farrell also indicates to the investigators over lunch that the specimen sales from her department contribute significantly to Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast’s overall finances: “I think everyone realizes, especially because my department contributes so much to the bottom line of our organization here, you know we’re one of the largest affiliates, our Research Department is the largest in the United States. Larger than any the other affiliates’ combined.” In a Texas Senate hearing on July 29, former Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast clinic director Abby Johnson estimated that the affiliate had previously made up to $120,000 per month off of aborted fetal tissue.
The video is the fifth by The Center for Medical Progress documenting Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted fetal parts. Project Lead David Daleiden notes: “This is now the fifth member of Planned Parenthood leadership discussing payments for aborted baby parts without any connection to actual costs of so-called tissue ‘donation.’ Planned Parenthood’s system-wide conspiracy to evade the law and make money off of aborted fetal tissue is now undeniable.” Daleiden continues, “Anyone who watches these videos knows that Planned Parenthood is engaged in barbaric practices and human rights abuses that must end. There is no reason for an organization that uses illegal abortion methods to sell baby parts and commit such atrocities against humanity to still receive over $500 million each year from taxpayers.”
See the video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egGUEvY7CEg
Tweet: #PPSellsBabyParts
For more information on the Human Capital project, visit centerformedicalprogress.org.
The Center for Medical Progress is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances.
Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Director of Research Says Department Contributes Significantly to Bottom Line, Has History of Selling Aborted Fetal Tissue, Suggests “Splitting the Specimens into Different Shipments” to Hide Profit in 5th Undercover Video
Contact: David Daleiden, media@centerformedicalprogress.org, 949.734.0859
HOUSTON, Aug. 4--The fifth undercover video in the controversy over Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts shows the Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, advertising the Texas Planned Parenthood branch’s track record of fetal tissue sales, including its ability to deliver fully intact fetuses.
In the video, actors posing as representatives from a human biologics company meet with Farrell at the abortion-clinic headquarters of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Houston to discuss a potential partnership to harvest fetal organs.
“Where we probably have an edge over other organizations, our organization has been doing research for many many years,” explains Farrell. When researchers need a specific part from the aborted fetus, Farrell says, “We bake that into our contract, and our protocol, that we follow this, so we deviate from our standard in order to do that.”
Asked specifically if this means Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast can change abortion procedures to supply intact fetal specimens, Farrell affirms, “Some of our doctors in the past have projects and they’re collecting the specimens, so they do it in a way that they get the best specimens, so I know it can happen.”
The investigators ask Farrell how she will frame a contract in which they pay a higher price for higher quality fetal body parts, and she replies, “We can work it out in the context of--obviously, the procedure itself is more complicated,” suggesting that “without having you cover the procedural cost” and paying for the abortion, the higher specimen price could be framed as “additional time, cost, administrative burden.”
Farrell finally summarizes her affiliate’s approach to fetal tissue payments: “If we alter our process, and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. It’s all just a matter of line items.”
The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). Federal law also requires that no alteration in the timing or method of abortion be done for the purposes of fetal tissue collection (42 U.S.C. 289g-1).
Farrell also indicates to the investigators over lunch that the specimen sales from her department contribute significantly to Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast’s overall finances: “I think everyone realizes, especially because my department contributes so much to the bottom line of our organization here, you know we’re one of the largest affiliates, our Research Department is the largest in the United States. Larger than any the other affiliates’ combined.” In a Texas Senate hearing on July 29, former Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast clinic director Abby Johnson estimated that the affiliate had previously made up to $120,000 per month off of aborted fetal tissue.
The video is the fifth by The Center for Medical Progress documenting Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted fetal parts. Project Lead David Daleiden notes: “This is now the fifth member of Planned Parenthood leadership discussing payments for aborted baby parts without any connection to actual costs of so-called tissue ‘donation.’ Planned Parenthood’s system-wide conspiracy to evade the law and make money off of aborted fetal tissue is now undeniable.” Daleiden continues, “Anyone who watches these videos knows that Planned Parenthood is engaged in barbaric practices and human rights abuses that must end. There is no reason for an organization that uses illegal abortion methods to sell baby parts and commit such atrocities against humanity to still receive over $500 million each year from taxpayers.”
See the video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egGUEvY7CEg
Tweet: #PPSellsBabyParts
For more information on the Human Capital project, visit centerformedicalprogress.org.
The Center for Medical Progress is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances.
http://unbornhumanrights.blogspot.com/ The Most Holy of Mothers Pray for us: Dearest Mary, I look to you now for the help of your maternal love. You understa...
http://unbornhumanrights.blogspot.com/ The Most Holy of Mothers Pray for us: Dearest Mary, I look to you now for the help of your maternal love. You understa...
Infant Annihilator - Immeasurable Foetal Mutilation From the album: The Palpable Leprosy of Pollution. All rights reserved by Infant Annihilator. This video ...
Infant Annihilator - Immeasurable Foetal Mutilation From the album: The Palpable Leprosy of Pollution. All rights reserved by Infant Annihilator. This video ...
Dr. Mercurio discusses physician obligations to the pregnant woman and to the fetus, and professional guidelines related to potential conflicts between mater...
Dr. Mercurio discusses physician obligations to the pregnant woman and to the fetus, and professional guidelines related to potential conflicts between mater...
An abortion-rights group challenged Kansas’ first-in-the-nation ban on a second-trimester procedure. Anti-abortion activists describe the procedure as dismembering a fetus.
The lawsuit was filed Monday in Shawnee County District Court by the Center for Reproductive Rights. The suit asks the court to declare the law unconstitutional and block it from taking effect in July as scheduled. The suit was filed on behalf of two doctors at the Center for Women’s Health in Overland Park.
Governor Sam Brownback signed the legislation on April 7th.
This video was produced by Wochit using http://wochit.com
An abortion-rights group challenged Kansas’ first-in-the-nation ban on a second-trimester procedure. Anti-abortion activists describe the procedure as dismembering a fetus.
The lawsuit was filed Monday in Shawnee County District Court by the Center for Reproductive Rights. The suit asks the court to declare the law unconstitutional and block it from taking effect in July as scheduled. The suit was filed on behalf of two doctors at the Center for Women’s Health in Overland Park.
Governor Sam Brownback signed the legislation on April 7th.
This video was produced by Wochit using http://wochit.com
published:01 Jun 2015
Megyn Kelly: Ben Carson responds to fetal organ harvesting defenders
Ben Carson responds to fetal organ harvesting defenders
Jul. 16, 2015 - 4:19 - Doctor and 2016 GOP presidential candidate reacts to Planned Parenthood video on 'The Kelly File'
Ben Carson responds to fetal organ harvesting defenders
Jul. 16, 2015 - 4:19 - Doctor and 2016 GOP presidential candidate reacts to Planned Parenthood video on 'The Kelly File'
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Abortion debate: mothers rights vs. fetal rights
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Fetal Circulation Right Before Birth
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Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" for Planned Parenthood TX Mega-Center
published:04 Aug 2015
Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" for Planned Parenthood TX Mega-Center
Intact Fetuses "Just a Matter of Line Items" for Planned Parenthood TX Mega-Center
published:04 Aug 2015
Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast Director of Research Says Department Contributes Significantly to Bottom Line, Has History of Selling Aborted Fetal Tissue, Suggests “Splitting the Specimens into Different Shipments” to Hide Profit in 5th Undercover Video
Contact: David Daleiden, media@centerformedicalprogress.org, 949.734.0859
HOUSTON, Aug. 4--The fifth undercover video in the controversy over Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts shows the Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, advertising the Texas Planned Parenthood branch’s track record of fetal tissue sales, including its ability to deliver fully intact fetuses.
In the video, actors posing as representatives from a human biologics company meet with Farrell at the abortion-clinic headquarters of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Houston to discuss a potential partnership to harvest fetal organs.
“Where we probably have an edge over other organizations, our organization has been doing research for many many years,” explains Farrell. When researchers need a specific part from the aborted fetus, Farrell says, “We bake that into our contract, and our protocol, that we follow this, so we deviate from our standard in order to do that.”
Asked specifically if this means Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast can change abortion procedures to supply intact fetal specimens, Farrell affirms, “Some of our doctors in the past have projects and they’re collecting the specimens, so they do it in a way that they get the best specimens, so I know it can happen.”
The investigators ask Farrell how she will frame a contract in which they pay a higher price for higher quality fetal body parts, and she replies, “We can work it out in the context of--obviously, the procedure itself is more complicated,” suggesting that “without having you cover the procedural cost” and paying for the abortion, the higher specimen price could be framed as “additional time, cost, administrative burden.”
Farrell finally summarizes her affiliate’s approach to fetal tissue payments: “If we alter our process, and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. It’s all just a matter of line items.”
The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). Federal law also requires that no alteration in the timing or method of abortion be done for the purposes of fetal tissue collection (42 U.S.C. 289g-1).
Farrell also indicates to the investigators over lunch that the specimen sales from her department contribute significantly to Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast’s overall finances: “I think everyone realizes, especially because my department contributes so much to the bottom line of our organization here, you know we’re one of the largest affiliates, our Research Department is the largest in the United States. Larger than any the other affiliates’ combined.” In a Texas Senate hearing on July 29, former Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast clinic director Abby Johnson estimated that the affiliate had previously made up to $120,000 per month off of aborted fetal tissue.
The video is the fifth by The Center for Medical Progress documenting Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted fetal parts. Project Lead David Daleiden notes: “This is now the fifth member of Planned Parenthood leadership discussing payments for aborted baby parts without any connection to actual costs of so-called tissue ‘donation.’ Planned Parenthood’s system-wide conspiracy to evade the law and make money off of aborted fetal tissue is now undeniable.” Daleiden continues, “Anyone who watches these videos knows that Planned Parenthood is engaged in barbaric practices and human rights abuses that must end. There is no reason for an organization that uses illegal abortion methods to sell baby parts and commit such atrocities against humanity to still receive over $500 million each year from taxpayers.”
See the video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egGUEvY7CEg
Tweet: #PPSellsBabyParts
For more information on the Human Capital project, visit centerformedicalprogress.org.
The Center for Medical Progress is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances.
New Zealand bioethics and life issues speaker, Brendan Malone, explores the question "When is a fetus human?" in relation to abortion and human rights.
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Dying Fetus - Infatuation with Malevolence (1995) [Full Album]
RWW News: Rubio: Women 'Pushed Into Abortions' For Fetal Tissue Profits
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures ...
published:22 Sep 2015
RWW News: Rubio: Women 'Pushed Into Abortions' For Fetal Tissue Profits
RWW News: Rubio: Women 'Pushed Into Abortions' For Fetal Tissue Profits
published:22 Sep 2015
Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and activities of key right-wing figures and organizations by showing their views in their own words. In this video, Marco Rubio claims that women are "pushed into abortions" for fetal tissue profits.
Fetal doppler Tutorial and Week 11 Pregnancy Vlog
I recently purchased the Facelake (Angelsounds) brand JPD-100B Fetal Doppler. In this vide...
published:08 Mar 2014
Fetal doppler Tutorial and Week 11 Pregnancy Vlog
Fetal doppler Tutorial and Week 11 Pregnancy Vlog
published:08 Mar 2014
I recently purchased the Facelake (Angelsounds) brand JPD-100B Fetal Doppler. In this video I give a quick review and tutorial on how I use it to hear my babies' heartbeat(s).
I'm 11 weeks pregnant this week. Not too many uncomfortable pregnancy symptoms to report. My nausea and fatigue has gone way down along with the breast tenderness. I have had more energy and have been able to get much more done this week! Having the fetal doppler has been wonderful. Weston and I love listening to our babies' precious heartbeats!
Where I purchased my fetal doppler:
Our Facebook page:
opening music: "11-6-64" by Steven Curtis Chapman
Other music "Good Starts" You Tube Download.
All rights belong to their respective owners. I do not claim ownership of any music in this video.
Mia Raven of Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates Talks About HB405 "Fetal Heartbeat Act", 4-14-15
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published:15 Apr 2015
Mia Raven of Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates Talks About HB405 "Fetal Heartbeat Act", 4-14-15
Mia Raven of Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates Talks About HB405 "Fetal Heartbeat Act", 4-14-15
published:15 Apr 2015
Mia Raven, Director of Legislative Affairs for Alabama Reproductive Rights Advocates (ARRA), speaks out against HB405, the" Fetal Heartbeat Act" at the Alabama State House during Moral Monday on April 14, 2015.
Please pardon the shakiness of the video, our videographer was handing out stickers while filming.
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Man's animated journey from womb to tomb. The original version of Fetal was made in 2000-2001 as a high school animation project, and managed to win awards a...