The loser left departs its ivory tower: Sanders, Corbyn and principled pragmatism for the Anglophone communist movement

Corbyn/Sanders is proud to announce that we will be taking part in the formation of the new transatlantic initiative to fight the rise of the far right in the UK and US.

We are living in dark times. For years now, on both sides of the Atlantic, we have been watching the ever-rightward shift of the political centre ground. We must now do what we can resist that shift.

For this reason, we are throwing all the weight of behind the recently-formed North Atlantic Anti-Fascist Front and support the electoral efforts of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn. Though we may have strong criticisms of both candidates, we must put those aside to stand united against a greater enemy, the threat to democracy posed both by Donald Trump and UKIP and the Tories' Brexit faction.

As such, we will not longer be running articles criticising the policies of either candidate. The time is simply not right.

Yes, it is true that we normally support principled abstention but this election really is the most important one of our lifetimes. As such, while not forgetting the core principles which define us as a movement, we must not allow them to become fixed dogma. As such we feel now is the time to be pragmatic and flexible to adopt the most beneficial approach for our class.

What can you do?

  • Campaign and vote for Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Primaries!
  • Campaign and vote for Sadiq Khan in the upcoming London mayoral election!
  • Campaign and vote for Britain to stay in Europe!
  • Get your political group or union branch to sign this statement!

Against Republican Trump fascism! Against Tory Brexit fascism! For a truly democratic and anti-fascist North Atlantic!

Supporters' signatories

Solidarity Federation
Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!
Twin Cities IWW
Class War
Hackney Unison
Rail, Martime and Transport Workers Union
Noam Chomsky
Michael Albert
Novara Media
West Midlands NUT
David Graeber
Unite Against Fascism
Northern Anarchist Network
Andrej Grubačić

Posted By

Apr 1 2016 08:23


Attached files


Apr 1 2016 08:55

Love it!! just right for an announcement on this auspicious day. Beats the UK Guardian spoof hands down. Might get a few complaints from some of our 'friends' though.

Apr 1 2016 09:45


Serge Forward
Apr 1 2016 10:17

Post removed for flaming Jeremy and Bernie.

Apr 1 2016 10:29

I thought that SPGB, CWO, AWL and NCP would participate, have they backed down?

Apr 1 2016 10:29


Apr 1 2016 12:22

Fight Fascism!!! ARM JOHN MCDONNELL NOW!!!

-although I am beginning to find even more revolutionary praxis in the feudal communist thought of Saint Thomas More, "the Peoples Lord Chancellor"

Apr 1 2016 12:24

I would propose to include the SWP in this broad, progressive, democratic alliance. And the Meakly Worker.

gram negative
Apr 1 2016 12:56

*post that implies that the real politics of libcop are finally revealed*

Apr 1 2016 12:57


Apr 1 2016 13:21

TC IWW Would tho. (jk)

Chilli Sauce
Apr 1 2016 14:26

Suprised not to see Zizek on that illustrious list of signatories.wink

Apr 1 2016 15:08
Chilli Sauce wrote:
Suprised not to see Zizek on that illustrious list of signatories.;-)

he is secretly a member of most of the listed orgs

Chilli Sauce
Apr 1 2016 15:13

The lead member of the libcom admin group, I hear.

jef costello
Apr 1 2016 15:33

I've recently joined the ICC and as such cannot comment on this until it has been approved by the central committee, so with any luck Bernie will be able to reach the same heights as FDR and I will be able to support him in his bid for a third term.

As communists we demand that Corbyn and Sanders issue an unequivocal statement repudiating all links with the parasite Philippe Bourrinet.

Chilli Sauce wrote:
The lead member of the libcom admin group, I hear.

I would like to express my solidarity with Zizek in the face of this attack.

Apr 1 2016 18:10
jef costello wrote:
Chilli Sauce wrote:
The lead member of the libcom admin group, I hear.

I would like to express my solidarity with Zizek in the face of this attack.


Apr 1 2016 18:20

WTF is going on here? Is there a coup-détat taking place at LibCom? Is this a 1st of april joke?!

Apr 1 2016 18:38

Definitively a change in libcom's politics. Through the grapevine I've heard that there have been an intense internal fight about this new direction, and from what I understand this is just the opening salvo. The admins that dissented were sent to the bitcoin mines..

The Pigeon
Apr 1 2016 19:09

You totally got me libcom you foolsters!! My heart skipped a beat when I found out the party heads wanted me to sign up for the Popular Front

Juan Conatz
Apr 1 2016 19:12

I thought that the Nightmare Communist Party (NCP) had also endorsed this?

Apr 1 2016 19:13


Apr 1 2016 19:52

I saw this, and didn't realize it was an April fools thing at first because I wouldn't be at all surprised by anarchists supporting electoral campaigns.


Apr 1 2016 20:36
Devrim wrote:
I saw this, and didn't realize it was an April fools thing at first because I wouldn't be at all surprised by anarchists supporting electoral campaigns.


I didn't think this April fools article was very funny until I read Devrims "dour faced leftcommie" impression. Suddenly the whole thing is hillarious!

Apr 1 2016 20:50

It's nice to know I made someone smile.


Apr 1 2016 21:45

Leftcoms are principled anti-electoralists. That's why they boycott orgs with more than 1 member.

Biffard Misqueegan
Apr 1 2016 21:52

My heart was broken til i figured it out.. SOBs wink

Apr 2 2016 02:58

Its april 1st everyday in the UK.

Apr 2 2016 03:26

Not funny, actually disappointing!

Apr 2 2016 10:39
Devrim wrote:
I saw this, and didn't realize it was an April fools thing at first because I wouldn't be at all surprised by anarchists supporting electoral campaigns.


screw you, Devrim

Apr 3 2016 07:16
jef costello wrote:
I've recently joined the ICC and as such cannot comment on this until it has been approved by the central committee, so with any luck Bernie will be able to reach the same heights as FDR and I will be able to support him in his bid for a third term.

As communists we demand that Corbyn and Sanders issue an unequivocal statement repudiating all links with the parasite Philippe Bourrinet.

btw.: Is there any way how I can become a parasite WITHOUT joining the ICC before?

Apr 3 2016 13:05
Steven. wrote:
screw you, Devrim

Have Class War supported electoral campaigns before? Does Chomsky support electoralism?
