- published: 16 Dec 2014
- views: 483
The golden jackal (Canis aureus), also known as the Eurasian golden jackal,common jackal, Asiatic jackal or reed wolf is a canid native to southeastern and central Europe, Asia Minor, the Middle East, and South Asia. It is classified by the IUCN as least concern, due to its widespread range in areas with optimum food and shelter. It is a social species, the basic social unit of which consists of a breeding pair and any offspring it might have. The golden jackal is very adaptable, being able to exploit many foodstuffs, from fruit and insects to small ungulates. As of 2005, MSW3 recognises 13 subspecies, though genetic studies published in 2015 revealed that six supposed golden jackal subspecies living in Africa were members of a separate species, Canis anthus, reducing the number of actual golden jackal subspecies to seven.
Although similar to a small grey wolf, the golden jackal is distinguished by a more slender build, a narrower, more pointed muzzle, a shorter tail, and a lighter tread. Its winter fur also differs from a wolf's by its more fulvous-reddish colour. Despite its name, the golden jackal is not closely related to black-backed or side-striped jackals, being instead more closely related to grey wolves, coyotes, and Ethiopian wolves. It is capable of producing fertile hybrids with both grey and African wolves.
#2 Canis Aureus x Lux Arte - Dwie nagie katany
Чакал (Canis aureus) Golden Jackal
Golden Jackal (Canis aureus)
Song of the jackal
Golden Jackals (Gouden Jakhalzen; Canis aureus), Sámos Greece, April 2015.
Asiatic Jackal (Canis aureus)
Golden jackals (Canis aureus) in Pelješac peninsula
oglašanja šakalov / golden jackal howling / Canis aureus
#16 Canis Aureus x Lux Arte - Niedomknięta furtka
Canis aureus
Ten numer jest szczególnie dla nas ważny. To od niego zaczęła się nasza praca nad krążkiem. Jest to efekt fascynacji kulturą wschodu. Zawsze to lepiej niż tłuc po raz setny opowieści o tagowaniu klatek i walkach na osiedlu, Wszystkie numery robimy dla siebie. Za wszelkie propsy i konstruktywną krytykę serdecznie dziękujemy :)
Golden Jackal (Canis aureus) is a widely distributed Canid in Asia and Africa. In India, it is known in different names like Kurukkan (Malayalam), Gidar (Hindi) and Gulle Naree(Kannada). The clip here is part of a series which aim to familiarize children and others with the common mammals found in India. For more rare and exclusive wildlife videos, visit http://indianbiodiversitytalk.blogspot.in/p/videos.html
Golden jackal (Canis aureus) is a widespread canid species ranging from central, eastern and southern Europe to northern Africa, Middle East and Southeastern Asia. Since the beginning of the 20th century the species’ range is expanding. Today it is widespread throughout many lowlands of eastern Mediterranean, including Adriatic coast and neighboring areas. However, population densities and habitat use of golden jackals in this region have so far been poorly understood. Golden jackal population densities in Pelješac are amongst the highest in Europe. Nowhere more so than around Trpanj, where the only dumpsite on the peninsula is located. Jackals are thougt to howl in order to establish territorial status and to reinforce family bonds. This is a glimpse in to their secretive life. This is ...
via YouTube Capture
The Asiatic jackals (Canis aureus) feature prominently in Middle-Eastern and Asian folklore and literature. It is also known as the Eurasian golden jackal, common jackal, Asiatic jackal or reed wolf, canid native to southeastern and central Europe, Asia Minor, the Middle East, and South Asia. It is classified by the IUCN as least concern, due to its widespread range in areas with optimum food and shelter. In a morning of last rainy season, I was working on population estimation of non-human primates in Madhupur National Park, Tangail, Bangladesh. My van driver took my attention locating 3 Jackals coming to us from opposite direction. I got a chance to encounter those closely and made several video clips. Here, i am uploading one.
Jackals living in extremely high densities, howling at the dump site.
Zavijanje tropa šakalov nekje na Komenskem Krasu. V ozadju se sliši oglašanje podhujke (Caprimulgus europaeus). http://narava.net/
Nie mamy się za Bogów podwórek i idoli młodych wilków. Robimy to wszystko dla siebie. facebook.com/canisxarte