DD Metro also known as DD 2 was Doordarshan's Hindi-language general entertainment channel. At the time, DD Metro was on air, the channel was kept as a terrestrial channel, instead of exclusive satellite channel. However, it was available on many of the cable operators in India. On 3 November 2003, the Prasar Bharati Corporation replaced DD Metro channel with their new news channel, DD News.
DD Metro programming consisted of many genres of television programmes, including family dramas boasting female protagonists, comedies, reality TV shows, and others. DD Metro's Prime Time shift Metro Gold was a landmark in Indian television history, and DD Metro replaced STAR Plus as the top Hindi Entertainment channel for 2000-2001. DD Metro also telecast some of the top Indian TV programmes from its sister channel, DD National. In addition, DD Metro was also known for dubbing the most popular Hollywood movies into Hindi.
Note:Following is a list of programmes that were broadcast on DD Metro channel at the time it was on-air. Most of these shows have also been re-aired on other Indian television channels.
"30 Minut (30 Minutes)"
Zarevet ubezhat
Ili dver na zamok
I molchat I lezhat
Izuchat potolok
I mechtat ne kad vse
Tselovat nebesa
Potolok karusel
Polchasa polchasa
Polchasa poezda pod otkos
Palchasa ne tvoya polosa
Palchasa, palchasa v ne vopros
Ne otvet polchasa, polchasa
Polchasa bez tebya, polchasa
Polchasa on I ya, polchasa
Kazhdyi sam, kazhdyi sam Polchasa
po svoim adresam Polchasa
Sorvalas I kak vse
Kak vo sne
Ya ni ya
Ne moya karusel
I mechta ne moya
Ili dym, ili grust
Ili dozhd, po glazam
Ya vernus, ya vernus
Polachasa, polchasa
Polchasa poezda pod otkos
Palchasa ne tvoya polosa
Palchasa, palchasa v ne vopros
Ne otvet polchasa, polchasa
Polchasa bez tebya, polchasa
Polchasa on I ya, polchasa
Kazhdyi sam, kazhdyi sam Polchasa
po svoim adresam
DD Metro also known as DD 2 was Doordarshan's Hindi-language general entertainment channel. At the time, DD Metro was on air, the channel was kept as a terrestrial channel, instead of exclusive satellite channel. However, it was available on many of the cable operators in India. On 3 November 2003, the Prasar Bharati Corporation replaced DD Metro channel with their new news channel, DD News.
DD Metro programming consisted of many genres of television programmes, including family dramas boasting female protagonists, comedies, reality TV shows, and others. DD Metro's Prime Time shift Metro Gold was a landmark in Indian television history, and DD Metro replaced STAR Plus as the top Hindi Entertainment channel for 2000-2001. DD Metro also telecast some of the top Indian TV programmes from its sister channel, DD National. In addition, DD Metro was also known for dubbing the most popular Hollywood movies into Hindi.
Note:Following is a list of programmes that were broadcast on DD Metro channel at the time it was on-air. Most of these shows have also been re-aired on other Indian television channels.
Independent online (SA) | 18 Sep 2018
WorldNews.com | 18 Sep 2018
WorldNews.com | 18 Sep 2018
WorldNews.com | 18 Sep 2018
The Independent | 18 Sep 2018
Yahoo Daily News | 18 Sep 2018