Season 6 of “Game of Thrones” will be premiering on HBO in a matter of hours and most of the fans are actually waiting when Jon Snow will come back from the dead.
Despite the denial of the production team and cast members of “Game of Thrones” including Kit Harrington, the actor who plays the character, it is obvious that Jon Snow is going to be resurrected from the dead in Season 6.
The only question remaining is to when or what particular episode of Season 6 he will come back and rise. The bet is that it is going to happen anytime in the first three episodes because his character is too important to be missed, especially with the fact that Winter is coming.
That being said, the bigger battle for the Seven Kingdoms is at hand. And it is not going to be between the remnants of the army of Stannis Baratheon and the Boltons over at Winterfell, nor would it be a battle between the returning Daenerys Targaryen and the Lannisters and Baratheons of Westeros. Apparently, with the onset of the long Winter, the bigger battle will be between the living and the dead – the white walkers versus the men of the Nightwatch and the wildings.
In such battle, which was given a preview on episode 8 of Season 5 last year, Jon Snow will play an important role so the likelihood of him being part of that war is very high.
In fact, if some of the keen viewers would notice, Jon Snow was shown in one of the trailers of “Game of Thrones” Season 6 riding a horse.
High on payback
Other than the storyline on the resurrection of Jon Snow, also high on the plotlines of “Game of Thrones” Season 6 is payback.
It appears that a lot of paybacks will be given in light of the debacles that happened to major characters during Season 5.
Based on previous rumors from as early as late last year, the Starks will have their paybacks on those who overrun Winterfell. Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Bran Stark, and Rickon Stark will be back in Winterfell after defeating and driving away the Boltons. Ramsay Bolton will get what he deserved with Sansa’s wrath at play.
Cersei Lannister, the queen regent at Westeros, will also deliver her payback on the sanctimonious High Septon and his sparrows. In fact, in one of the trailers, Jamie Lannister is shown intensely talking to the High Septon and the latter asking him if he was willing to spill blood on the Holy Place. Obviously, the Lannisters want nothing but payback after the High Septon incarcerated Cersei during the past season and made her walk naked back to the castle, details the Mirror of UK.
After being attacked at Mereen by the Sons of Harpy, Daenerys will return along with her prodigal dragon and a bigger Dothraki army led by Khal Moro.
Without George R.R. Martin’s books to provide viewers with the spoilers, much of which are heart-wrenching, it looks like Season 6 will be a feel-good season for a change.
While there will still be some more disappointments along the way, the general theme would be mostly revenge and payback.
Of course, there is still Arya Stark in Braavos who has to pay for her going against the order of the House of Black and White and contending with her blindness.
The true parents of Jon Snow
Bereft of the usual spoilers from the books of George R.R. Martin, there are rumors going around that Season 6 of “Game of Thrones” shall also deal with the true parents of Jon Snow.
While every viewer of “Game of Throne” knows that Jon Snow is the bastard son of Ned Stark of Winterfell, nobody knows his mother.
Based on the fantasy novel series “A Song of Ice and Fire,” Lyanna Stark, Ned’s sister, was already betrothed to Robert Baratheon. But she was abducted by Rhaegar Targaryen, the son of the Mad King, Aerys Targaryen, before they got married.