- published: 10 Apr 2016
- views: 147108
OpTic vs Millenium Bo7 | Crown Invitational CWL 2016 S4 Grand Finals | OpTic Gaming vs Millenium
CWL - PS4 Top 5 Plays of the Year [Search and Destroy]
EnVyUs vs Splyce #CODChamps 2016 Finals | nV vs Splyce CWL COD XP 2016 Finals EU vs NA
Optic vs coL Bo5 | Call of Duty Championship 2016 Group H | OpTic Gaming vs compLexity | CWL 2016
CWL - PS4 Top 5 Plays of the Year [Hardpoint]
OpTic Gaming vs Team EnVyUs Game 1 | CWL 2016 Stage 2 NA - W8 | OpTic vs EnVyUs | Cod TV
Black Ops 3 CWL - Season 1 Match 21 - OpTic vs. FaZe
4/10 - CWL Crown Melbourne Invitational: Day Two
CWL - PS4 Top 5 Plays of the Year [OpTic Gaming]
CWL – PS4 Top 5 Plays [Stage 2 Week 1] | Vortex takes out entire team in 3 seconds
Welcome to Cod TV Channel . Here you can watch Call of Duty : Black ops 3 tournaments ! Enjoy Call of Duty : Black ops 3 commentary english and stick around with my channel to help you get more familiar with your favorite Call of Duty Black ops 3 pros.Subscribe for more video.Thank you so much ! # Sub 4 More : http://bit.ly/1NJRMbF # G+ : http://tinyurl.com/Google-CodTV # Gaming : http://tinyurl.com/CodTV-Live ♦ Cod TV Playlist - All Events - http://bit.ly/1R4vc7X ► COD CHAMPS 2016 : http://bit.ly/2c11gkn • Group Play - COD CHAMPS 2016 : http://bit.ly/2bD5Swn • Knockout Bracket - COD CHAMPS 2016 : http://bit.ly/2bRucrV ♦ MLG Orlando Open 2016 - http://bit.ly/2aZiNL4 ♦ Call of Duty World League 2016 -CWL 2016 : • CWL Stage 2 - http://tinyurl.com/Stage2CWL-All • CWL Stage 1 - http://tinyu...
You've got one life per round. You're outnumbered. Your team needs you to come up clutch and the odds are stacked against you. Some of the most intense moments in the Call of Duty World League Presented by PlayStation 4 come from this game mode - watch this year's top five plays from across all three regions. Follow us for the latest in Call of Duty esports: Web: http://www.callofduty.com/CWL Twitter: https://twitter.com/CODWorldLeague
The EnVyUs (nV) vs Splyce, EU vs NA finals, the final call of duty championship BO5 match up at COD XP 2016. This was an absolutely amazing match up with Splyce making Europe proud making it to the finals but in the end the boys in blue took the win 3-1. CWL season 2 winners envyus lost the first game (hardpoint) with a 100 point lead nV gets caught up and loses to an amazing comeback by Splyce thanks to some great plays by Bance and others. Envyus takes the early lead in an SnD vs Splyce in map 2 thanks to an ace by John, unfortunately he gets team killed in round two... They take the win with a confident 6-2. Envy take map 3 vs Splyce which they start off by an 8 point uplink, by the end of the thirst half it's 8-3. In the second half Splyce tries the comeback and for a while it seems ...
Optic vs coL Bo5 | Call of Duty Championship 2016 Group H | OpTic Gaming vs compLexity | CWL 2016 Welcome to "Call of duty Black ops 3" Channel. Feed your competitive spirit right here on the Call of Duty Black Ops 3 YouTube channel as we bring you the best that professional Call of Duty Black Ops 3 has to offer. Here you'll find all matches from major leagues : Call of Duty Championship 2016 ,MLG Orlando Open 2016 .... Stay for the action, but stick around the Call of Duty Black Ops 3 channel for additional video features and interviews to help you get more familiar with your favorite Call of Duty Black Ops 3 pros. Subscribe for more video.Thank you so much ! ► Sub 4 More : http://bit.ly/2atwbDm ♦ G + : http://bit.ly/2bCJDYZ ♦ Call of Duty Black Ops 3 full events : http://bit.ly/2cbAenO ...
Hardpoint is the most frantic and fast mode played in the Call of Duty World League presented by PlayStation 4. Some of the biggest individual performances come from this instant-respawn game mode, and the top players put up insane numbers. Watch this year's top five plays from across all three regions. Learn more about Team eLevate https://www.callofduty.com/esports/team/team-elevate Get ready for the Call of Duty Championship
Welcome to Cod TV Channel . Here you can watch Call of Duty : Black ops 3 tournaments ! Enjoy Call of Duty : Black ops 3 commentary english and stick around with my channel to help you get more familiar with your favorite Call of Duty Black ops 3 pros.Subscribe for more video.Thank you so much ! # Sub 4 More : http://bit.ly/1NJRMbF # G+ : http://tinyurl.com/Google-CodTV # Gaming : http://tinyurl.com/CodTV-Live ♦ Cod TV Playlist - All Events - http://bit.ly/1R4vc7X ► COD CHAMPS 2016 : http://bit.ly/2c11gkn • Group Play - COD CHAMPS 2016 : http://bit.ly/2bD5Swn • Knockout Bracket - COD CHAMPS 2016 : http://bit.ly/2bRucrV ♦ MLG Orlando Open 2016 - http://bit.ly/2aZiNL4 ♦ Call of Duty World League 2016 -CWL 2016 : • CWL Stage 2 - http://tinyurl.com/Stage2CWL-All • CWL Stage 1 - http://tinyu...
Please rate the video bros!! Teammate's Channels - Pamaj - https://www.youtube.com/user/PuR3Pamaj Flamesword - https://www.youtube.com/user/OpticFS Boze - https://www.youtube.com/user/MBoZeYT Maniac - http://www.youtube.com/maniacyt Crimsix - https://www.youtube.com/user/Crimsixian Hector - https://www.youtube.com/HECZWE Gymshark - http://www.gymshark.com/ My New controller - https://scufgaming.com/shop/scufone/s... Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/OpTic_Scumper MLG LiveStream - http://www.mlg.tv/Scump Apparel - http://shop.optic.tv/collections/scump Buy Scuf products using code 'Scump' for 5% savings ------ http://scufgaming.com/?redirect=US Buy Astro products using this link for 5% off ------- http://www.astrogaming.com/home?cvosr... Like, comment, Subscribe if you enjoyed th...
The Stage 1 winners from all three regions face off in the Call of Duty World League Presented by PlayStation 4 Crown Melbourne Invitational. Follow us for the latest in Call of Duty esports: Web: http://www.callofduty.com/cwl Twitter: https://twitter.com/CODWorldLeague
This week’s Top 5 Plays features the best plays by OpTic Gaming, the Number 1 Team in North America, from the past year of the Call of Duty World League presented by PlayStation 4. Watch as Crimsix, Formal, Karma, and Scump annihilate the competition in the NA region. Learn more about OpTic Gaming: https://www.callofduty.com/esports/team/optic-gaming Fill out your GameStop Winner's Bracket Challenge for a chance at $25,000: http://www.callofduty.com/bracket
Check the top 5 plays of Week 1 of Stage 2 of the Call of Duty World League Pro Division Presented by PlayStation 4, featuring clutch Hardpoint comebacks and a 3-second S&D; ace. Catch every Pro Division match streamed live at http://www.callofduty.com/CWL and head to https://www.callofduty.com/esports/schedule for the compete Stage 1 schedule.
Pay your respects to the vultures
For they are your future
Our fathers and mothers have
Our fathers and mothers have
They have failed to release us
They have failed to release us
They have failed to release us
Into the welcoming arms (repeated)
Of the amethyst deceivers
So pay your respects
So pay your respects
Pay your respects to the vultures
And to the crows
And to the carrion crows
And to the ravens
Those graven ravens
And to the carrion crows
And to the rooks
And to the rooks
And to the vultures
And to the vultures
And to the vultures
Pay your respects to the vultures
For they are our future (repeated)
For they are your future
Our fathers and mothers have
Our fathers and mothers have
Our fathers and mothers have
They have failed to release us
Into the welcoming arms
Into the welcoming arms
Into the welcoming arms
Of the amethyst
Of the amethyst
The little mushrooms
The little mushrooms
Welcoming arms
Of the amethyst (repeated)