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Maximus: Same Circus, Different Clowns

solidarity collective | 05-03-2015 23:42 | Health | Public sector cuts | Repression | Birmingham | Cambridge | Liverpool | London | Oxford | Sheffield | South Coast | Wales

On Monday 2nd of March 2015, there were demonstrations in over 30 towns and cities around the UK (plus Toronto) against Maximus, the US based health insurance corporation that has taken over the contract from the French IT Company Atos to administer the Work Capability Assessment on behalf of the Department Of Work And Pensions. Atos announced its exit from the contract in early 2014 following an intense period of direct action against the company by groups such as Disabled People Against the Cuts.

The day of action was timed to coincide with the first working day of the new contract, with the spotlight turned on Maximus as well as the continued use of Work Capability Assessments and the life-threatening consequences of the ongoing government attacks on the sick and disabled.

In central London, to the chorus of "David Cameron is a W*****" (YouTube) activists from DPAC hit the streets, taking direct action to block traffic and at one stage bringing traffic to a standstill on Victoria Street in the shadow of Big Ben.

The demonstrations across the UK on the streets were complemented with an online Twitter campaign using the hashtags #Maximarse and #ScrapWCA, the latter trending for a number of hours. This gave the opportunity for those unable (including through sickness and disability) to make it to demonstrations to vent their anger and frustation around the Work Capability Assessment and at a government hell-bent on targeting the sick and disabled.

On the Newswire: Maximarse is more than a farce | Mental Health Resistance Network Statement | Wrexham joins National Day of Protest Against WCA & Maximus

Other links: Johnny Void | Video: Maximarse the Movie (YouTube)

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Dignity not destitution! Support the right to asylum

26-06-2013 10:56 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression | Sheffield

Shared National Day of Asylum Seekers Taking Action

This Saturday 29th June will see protests across the country by asylum seekers and supporters calling for 'Dignity not Destitution'.

In June 2012, 250 asylum seekers and supporters marched through Bristol to tell people our problems and to demand Dignity For Asylum Seekers [ Report | Press Release ]. This gave us more confidence to speak out. After last year's march we campaigned to get Bristol City Council to support us. We are pleased to say that in January they voted overwhelmingly to support us and condemn the government’s policy on forced destitution. Now, we are joining together with groups around the country to take action on the same day to say that forced destitution is wrong. Read the full article for details of events around the country.

On the newswires:
Call-outs for 29 June Leeds | Glasgow | Previous Bristol actions: Reports 1 | 2 | 3 | Audio 1 | 2
Other links:
Still Human Still Here | City of Sanctuary

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Support the Antifascist Prisoners

UK Indymedia Features | 21-07-2011 22:03 | Anti-racism | Repression | Sheffield | World

Wormwood Scrubs. Photo David Hawgood CC A-SA
In a miscarriage of justice reminiscent of the Ratcliffe case, six antifascist are currently being held in Wormwood Scrubs and one is on bail after being found guilty of "conspiracy to commit violent disorder". The first trial, of 11 of the 22 activists facing this absurd charge, ended on 28th June 2011 with four people being acquitted, four sentenced immediately to 21 months in jail, two others sent to prison awaiting sentencing, and the other released on bail pending sentence. A second trial of the 11 other activists is threatened to start on 12th September 2011.

The incident that led to police raids across the country and 23 arrests occurred on 28th March 2009 when a number of antifascist activists travelled to Welling in south-east London to protest against a neo-Nazi "Blood and Honour" skinhead gig at the Duchess of Edinburgh Pub. No fascists have been arrested or charged or have even appeared as witnesses in the court case and in the absence of any evidence forthcoming from the fascists the Police and Crown Prosecution Service spent a vast amount of time and resources to press charges which are tantamount to a thought crime and if widely applied would in effect make it illegal to organise protests against fascist events. The use of "conspiracy" charges against large groups of activists — charging them for things that might have thought about rather than charging them for anything they have actually done is clearly being done to suit a political agenda which involves the draconian repression of progressive activists, no doubt intended as a "deterrent" to others. While at the same time real corporate criminal conspiracies are covered up and swept under the carpet, contrast the treatment of the activists with the kid-glove treatment by the state of the Murdoch media crime family, as the collusion between powerful media, corrupt police and the political establishment is further exposed.

Articles: Leeds ABC Rebel Night! A benefit for imprisoned antifascists | UK Antifascist Prisoners In Need Of Support | Freedom: Comrades Jailed | Inside SchNEWS | Support Our Six Proud Antifascists | UK Antifascist Prisoners | Antifascist Prisoners In Need Of Support | Antifascist Prisoners In Need Of Support

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Massive Protests Expected at the Liberal Democrats Spring Conference in Sheffield

Sheffield Indymedia | 01-03-2011 00:15 | Public sector cuts | Repression | Sheffield

Sheffield City Centre has been turned into a virtual police state from 11th till the 13th March, as the Liberal Democrats converge on the City for their annual spring conference. The Sheffield Telegraph reported that there will be a six foot security fence, but now it's erected it's clearly higher (2.5m). The Sheffield Star has reported that there will be 1,000 police officers defending the conference with plans to use riot gear and kettling if necessary, at a cost of £2 million. Activists have reported Police surveillance in the run-up to the conference and there are section 14 and section 12 restrictions on freedom of movement in place from the Police. The official conference webpage links to the agenda and papers and delegates information, party members are registering at the Millennium Gallery, fringe meetings are taking place in the City Hall, Mercure St Paul’s Hotel, Jurys Inn and Leopold Hotel, see the listings for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

The police initially told the media that they were expecting between 2,500 and 3,000 protestors but have now said they are expecting up to 10,000 demonstrators. Sheffield ConDem Resistance have produced a flyer for the weekend. On Friday 11th March at 4.30pm there will be a demo assembling at the Town Hall and on Saturday 12th March a protest has been organised by the SWP's Right to Work campaign with the support of the Sheffield Anti Cuts Alliance with agreement with the Police — assemble 11am on Devonshire Green for a rally and a then a march to another rally. There are also other campaigns organising protests.

Newswire: Protests at the First Day of the Liberal Democrat Conference | Liberal Democrat Conference: Police State Sheffield | Liberal Democrats meet behind metal barrier | Information on planned protests in Sheffield 11-13th of March | Protest against Lib Dem Conference Organisers - Police surveillance actions

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Gateway 303: Police Disinformation on UK Indymedia

Sheffield Indymedia | 22-01-2011 22:35 | History | Indymedia | Policing | Repression | Sheffield

In the wake of the outing of 4 undercover police infiltrators into the UK activist scene, SchNews, have broken a story about police posts to Indymedia. For over two years suspected police articles and comments have been tracked by filters that are triggered by matching IP addresses, the first comment tracked in this manner dates from August 2008 and the last from January 2011. The full lists of gateway 202 and 303 posts has now been published so activists can do their own analysis on the police posts. A feature article about the abuse has also been published by Birmingham Indymedia, this feature article, first started in in December 2009, has been the subject of a huge amount of internal discussion within UK Indymedia and has been one of the reasons behind the decision to fork the project. Sheffield Indymedia supports the use of anti-abuse features to track and remove disinformation from the site and long argued for the feature article exposing the state abuse to be published.

Articles: Full list of Gateway 303 and 202 posts to IMC UK | Advocating Domestic Extremism - Cops on Indymedia - An Exposé | INTER-NETCU: Government Agency Caught Infiltrating Activist Media Outlet | State infiltration and attempted disruption of activist websites | UK Police Agent Provocateurs Exposed | Nottingham Indymedia statement on recent events | IMC London Statement on the recent Schnews Article | Bristol Indymedia's position on IP logging

Other Press Coverage: SchNews: INTER-NETCU | SchNews: Gateway Gate: Straight from the Pig's Mouth | Slashdot: UK Authorities Accused of Inciting Illegal Protest

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Cop Infiltrators: PC Mark Kennedy AKA "Mark (Flash) Stone", "Lyn Watson", "Mark (Marco) Jacobs" and PC Jim Boyling, "Jim Sutton"

Sheffield Indymedia | 17-01-2011 22:53 | History | Policing | Repression | Sheffield | World

PC Mark Kennedy (AKA "Mark Stone"), "Lyn Watson" and "Mark Jacobs"

On 21st October 2010 a statement posted to Indymedia revealed that Nottingham based activist "Mark Stone" was in fact PC Mark Kennedy and he was an "undercover police officer from 2000 to at least the end of 2009". This news didn't get picked up in a big way by the corporate press until a story was spun that the trail of the Ratcliffe 6 had collapsed because he had "gone native" and had considered testifying for the defense. The "gone native" story was probably police disinformation.

In an interview with the Mail on Sunday (16th January 2011), for which he was allegedly paid a six figure sum, Mark Kennedy stated that he had taped a planning meeting at which the defendants were present. The Mail goes on to say that the "covert recordings he supplied police proved undeniably that the six men facing trial last week for conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass were innocent". The same Mail article also contains the claim that Mark Kennedy, "knows of at least 15 other officers who infiltrated the ranks of green campaigners in the past decade and of four who remain undercover". The Guardian has reported that an activist who knew him has said "The trouble with Mark is you don't know what is real, he was an absolutely extraordinary liar trained by the British state."

The media frenzy has also led to three further undercover police officers being exposed, Officer A, "Lyn Watson" who was undercover in Leeds from 2004 till 2008, Officer B, "Mark (Marco) Jacobs", who appeared in Brighton in 2004 and then moved to Cardiff in 2005 and was active there till 2009 and PC Jim Boyling, "Jim Sutton". A summary of the activities of the 3 agent provocateurs has been put together and activists are asked to publish any better photos or information about their political activity to this thread.

Legal Statments: Bindmans comments on collapse of prosecution against 6 environmental campaigners at Nottingham Crown Court today | Bindmans seek disclosure of material of convicted power station activists | Statement from Mike Schwarz, Lawyer to the Defendants

Feature Articles: Three undercover political Police unmasked as infiltrators into UK Anarchist, Anti-Fascist and Climate Justice movements | Undercover police officer back in the spotlight | Guilty verdict in Ratcliffe trial | Mark Kennedy/Stone exposed as undercover cop

Newswire: Photos of undercover Cop Simon Wellings | The Guardian-Mark Kennedy: Confessions of an undercover cop | The Real Facts Regarding Mark Kennedy’s Infiltration of Saving Iceland | Mark Kenney: A detailed chronology of his activities | Exposed: police spy in Worthing | Mark Cassidy undercover 1995 - 2000 | 'Peter Black' undercover 1993 to 1997 | Jim Sutton - undercover cop in Reclaim the Streets | New Photos of Officer A "Lynn Watson" and Officer B "Mark Jacobs" | Jim Sutton - undercover cop in Reclaim the Streets | An account of Marco Jacobs' time in Brighton | Statement from Cardiff Anarchist Network (CAN) on the infiltration by Mark ‘Marc | Exposure of police spy in UK sheds light on covert operations | Officer "B" Marco Jacobs- further info and photos | Ratcliffe trial last two sentences | Did the CPS unlawfully authorise undercover work? | Three undercover political Police unmasked as infiltrators into UK Anarchist, Anti-Fascist and Climate Justice movements | Kennedy Mania in the Mainstream Media | Kennedy/Stone talks to Mail on Sunday | Three undercover political Police unmasked as infiltrators into UK Anarchist, Anti-Fascist and Climate Justice movements | Officer 'B' revealed as Cardiff based 'Marco' Jacobs | Mark Kennedy: secret policeman's sideline as corporate spy | Post Flash Fallout, Lessons and Activist security | The 'censored' Mark Kennedy article | I can't forgive Mark Kennedy's betrayal of activists | IMPORTANT: A respectful request to all activists regarding Mark "Stone" | Undercover police officer back in the spotlight | Release the Kennedy Files | Ratcliffe: 2nd Court Case of 6 activist Collapses | Ratcliffe trial collapses! | Judge sentences 18 of Ratcliffe defendants | Statement from the defendants | Ratcliffe Trial Day 15 – Jury says Guilty | Activists found guilty in Ratcliffe coal climate trial | Ratcliffe Trial Day 14 – Jury Still Retired | Ratcliffe Day 10 – Defence calls more Defendants | Ratcliffe Trial Day 9 – Defence Calls More Experts

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Ratcliffe on Trial

Notts IMC, Tash + Ratcliffe on Trial | 02-12-2010 17:58 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Repression | Sheffield

I would stop emissions too!

A year and a half after their pre-emptive arrests, 20 climate change activists began their trial at Nottingham Crown Court last week. The defendants were part of a group of 114 people detained by police in Nottingham last April, suspected of organising to shut down Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station. The defendants are arguing that their planned action was necessary to reduce the environmental devastation of Ratcliffe's emissions.

Newswire: Opening 1 | 2 | 3 | Prosecution 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Defence 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Previous feature: Mass Arrest of 114 Climate Activists in Raid

Links: Ratcliffe on Trial

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No to Deportations and Destitution

IMC Sheffield | 01-12-2009 17:23 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression | Sheffield | World

In March 2007 the Home Office published "Enforcing the Rules": stating that its purpose was to ensure that for people seeking asylum, life "becomes ever more uncomfortable and constrained until they leave or are removed." From October this year they have stepped their efforts to make life hard for asylum seekers (and perhaps win some votes from the most ignorant and racist parts of the electorate). In particular: cutting asylum benefits to £5 a day for asylum seekers over 25; attempting (disastrously) to deport people to Baghdad, claiming that it is "safe" (one of the people on the demo had lost a friend to car bomb in Baghdad weeks before); making the process of claiming asylum even more of maze that it already is and announcing their intention to forcibly deport people to Zimbabwe by claiming there were "positive changes" there.

Sheffield's Zimbabwean community felt this attack on them should be resisted. They fled Zimbabwe to find safety here and there is no less danger in Zimbabwe now than before the latest "Unity" Government. Initiated by them and backed by the South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG) we decided to speak out against this latest stepping up of the Government's war against asylum seekers. So 100-120 people demonstrated outside the Town Hall: asylum seekers from Zimbabwe, Uganda, Iraq, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Chechnia, Uzbekistan and Sudan joined SYMAAG, Sheffield and Barnsley Trades Councils, ASSIST, No Borders, CDAS, Sheffield Green Party, the Bishop of Sheffield and council leader Paul Scriven to show our opposition. As well as speeches there was dancing from members of the Zimbabwean group. The demonstration received coverage from Radio Sheffield, Sheffield Live and The Star and passers-by took 200 leaflets explaining why we were protesting. We left, cold but proud that we stood up for asylum rights in our city.

Next SYMAAG meeting: Monday 7th December 7pm at Scotia Works, Leadmill Road, Sheffield S1 4SE

Links: Protest Notice | Protest Photos

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Hosting Indymedia Servers is Illegal?

indymedia | 12-02-2009 18:30 | Indymedia Server Seizure | Indymedia | Repression | Sheffield

Indymedia targeted

This Monday (9 February 2009), Kent Police arrested a man in Sheffield under the Serious Crime Act 2007 in relation to the recent Indymedia server seizure. His home was raided, all computer equipment and related papers taken. He was released after eight hours. The person had neither technical, administrative nor editorial access to the Indymedia UK website. He was only associated to the project by hosting its server.

The arrest took place under Section 44-46 of the Serious Crime Act, which was passed into law on 1st October 2008 to combat serious international crime like drug trafficking, prostitution, money laundering and armed robbery. Sections 44-46 refer to “encouraging or assisting offences”.

Kent police claim that they are after the IP address of the poster of two anonymous comments to a report about a recent animal liberation court case, which included personal details of the Judge. The IP address of the poster is not stored as Indymedia does not log IP addresses. This was acknowledged by British Transport Police in 2005, after the Bristol IMC server seizure.

For the police to arrest the person who happened to sign the contract for server hosting, is sheer intimidation, in light of Indymedia’s openly stated policy of no IP logging.

With the implementation of the EU Data Retention Directive in March 2009, the UK government attempts to turn every internet service provider in the country into part of the law enforcement apparatus. This legislation will provide a legal basis to track, intimidate, harass, and arrest people who are doing valuable and necessary work for social change, for example as peace activists, campaigners for economic and social justice or against police brutality.

The present intimidation of the open publishing alternative news platform Indymedia will have serious implications for anyone running a server in the UK which allows user contributions – blogs, social networking sites, wikis. This is an attempt to close down sites that respect the privacy of their contributors, pure and simple.

CMI Brasil (pt) | donations to imc uk

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Obama, Guantánamo and the “War on Terror”

imc-uk-features | 01-02-2009 15:53 | Guantánamo | Repression | Terror War | Sheffield | World

Update: Binyam Mohamed/UK involvement in torture

Former Guantánamo prisoners including Moazzam Begg and Chris Arendt, a former guard, are completing a UK speaking tour to “mark seven years of unlawful detention, abuse and torture”. The tour, organised by Cage Prisoners started in London on 11th January 2009, exactly seven years after the first transfers to the prison torture camp at Guantánamo Bay at date which was marked in London by a weekend of actions. Sami al-Haj, a former Guantánamo prisoner and Al Jazeera journalist was due to be one of the speakers but instead he joined a Free Gaza boat which was fired on and didn’t make it. By the Sheffield meeting, held on the date of Obama’s inauguration, he had been replaced by Omar Deghayes another former Guantánamo prisoner. In Liverpool the meeting “was held on the same day as the US president signed an order to close Guantanamo. Moazzam Begg was not impressed, and commented that Barack Obama spoke about ‘outlawing torture’ as though he himself had just decided to make it illegal: “It has ALWAYS been illegal, at least in any civilised country”" Further reports can be found on the tour blog.

Tour Reports: London (audio) | Bristol | Sheffield (audio: 1 | 2) | Liverpool | Guantánamo Voices Tour Blog

Campaigns: Cageprisoners | The National Guantánamo Coalition | 100 Days to Close Guantánamo and End Torture | The Campaign against Criminalising Communities | Scotland Against Criminalising Communities (SACC) | Reprieve | Andy Worthington

Background: Andy Worthington on Antiwar Radio: Obama, Guantánamo and Torture (audio) | SchNews: [ Inside Guantanamo | Omar Deghayes Speaks to SchNews ] Seven Years of Guantánamo Bay: London Actions | Guantánamo - Obama could do better | Binyam’s Story: From Ladbroke Grove to GTMO | The Rendition Monolgues | Moazzam Begg and Andy Worthington on Human Rights in The War on Terror | Can Human Rights Survive the "War on Terror"? | Guantánamo Bay: The Case of Omar Deghayes | Craig Murray: Legality, Morality and the War on Terror

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Audio UG#729 - The Dynamics of Deep State Capture (The SEC, Bear Stearns,Gary Aguirre)
18-02-2016 13:21

Image ALERTA #ANTIFA: #PEGIDA BLOODY MAYHEM @slatukip @misscheeky666 @JLRFB @siegfails
04-02-2016 13:02

Image ALERTA #ANTIFA: TOMMY WHITE SUPREMACY @slatukip @misscheeky666 @JLRFB @siegfails
03-02-2016 20:05

Image DOVER R SOLES @misscheeky666 #ANTIFA @edlnews @siegfails @JLRFB @bikeyjezmo #edl
30-01-2016 19:13 | 1 comment

Image #ANTIFA: #Pegida Reveal Birmingham Route @slatukip @bikeyjezmo @JLRFB @edlnews
10-01-2016 10:47 | 3 comments

Audio UG#727 - The Terrorism-Surveillance Complex (Diane Roark, Operation Gladio 4)
05-01-2016 12:06

Audio UG#725 - An Ongoing Deep State Clean Up (Dennis Hastert, COINTELPRO 2, Gladio 2)
19-12-2015 16:23

Audio UG#724 - Calling a SCAD a SCAD(State Crimes Against Democracy,Operation Gladio1)
17-12-2015 14:57

Image RACIST TROLL IS BANKER @slatedl #ANTIFA @slatfascists @misscheeky666 #ukip #edl
30-11-2015 10:21 | 1 comment

Image ALERTA #ANTIFA BRIGHTON SHOP SUPPORTS EDL MfE @brightonanti @stopmfe @cowleyclub
17-11-2015 09:46

Text For the real class solidarity with the “refugee” and “immigrant” proletarians!
13-11-2015 19:04

Image GET IN BRADFORD BECK NAZIS #ANTIFA @carrington_andy @bradfordafn @2Ferdi7 @JLRFB
07-11-2015 12:01

Image GET IN BRADFORD BECK NAZIS #ANTIFA @bradfordafn @misscheeky666 @slatedl @2Ferdi7
05-11-2015 20:29 | 2 comments

Image PAUL WARREN ENGLAND'S WIBBLE @slatedl @nottssolfed @JLRFB @misscheeky666 #ANTIFA
19-10-2015 17:17 | 4 comments

Image EDL NONCE JAILED @misscheeky666 @slatukip @slatedl @JLRFB @ant1fane #ANTIFA #edl
17-10-2015 12:56 | 2 comments

Image BNP INCITE PRESTON VIOLENCE @hopenothate @ElectoralCommUK @misscheeky666 #EDL
10-10-2015 23:21 | 1 comment

Image POLICE IGNORE NAZI VIOLENCE @hopenothate @misscheeky666 @JLRFB @slatukip #ANTIFA
10-10-2015 22:49 | 2 comments

Image SS FLAG IN PRESTON @hopenothate @bullandroyal @misscheeky666 @slatedl ANTIFA EDL
10-10-2015 18:02

Audio UG#720 - The Conspiracy Of Silence (VIPaedophile, Blackmail and The Deep State)
09-10-2015 15:18

Image HITLER SALUTES IN WIGAN @asda #antifa @misscheeky666 @slatukip @slatedl #nazis
19-09-2015 23:04

Generic Syriza, Podemos, Left Front… May Capital’s Far Left Die!
03-08-2015 14:04 | 1 comment

Image ANTIFA ALERTA: NAZIS TARGET REFUGEE DEMO @misscheeky666 @slatukip @edlnews #edl
30-07-2015 10:16

Image SCHOOLBOY BOMB PLOT NOT TERRORISM @edlnews @misscheeky666 @ant1fane @leejasper
22-06-2015 15:25 | 1 comment

Audio Audio: No Platforming of Radical Feminists - @bindelj @TerrorizerMir @RadFemUK
06-06-2015 22:52 | 2 additions | 1 comment

Image New anti-establishment party on the rise in the UK
27-03-2015 13:46 | 2 comments

Audio Audio: 'Mass Surveillance, Liberty and Activism' with ORG Director Jim Killock
26-03-2015 00:40 | 3 comments

Audio UG#703 - Dispatches from Weimar America (Surveillance & Unchecked Power in USA)
30-01-2015 13:04

Text Leadership Issues at ITUC Continue
29-01-2015 13:39 | 1 comment

Image ALERTA ANTIFA - PEGIDA NAZIS INVADE NEWCASTLE ON 28/02/15 @edlnews @slatfascists
29-01-2015 11:01 | 10 comments

18-01-2015 16:54 | 6 comments

Text In Rojava: People’s War is not Class War
25-12-2014 17:24 | 1 comment

Text John Pilger: War by Media and the Triumph of Propaganda #LoganCIJ14
05-12-2014 18:51

Image Paul Morris AKA Green Arrow has arrived on Twitter! @edlnews @slatfascists
17-11-2014 22:43

Text A Sheffield-based Death Squad?
11-11-2014 08:00

Audio UG#694 - Social Destabilization Tactics Post 1989 (The Terrifying War On Terror)
19-10-2014 17:47

Image Rotherham:Against Rape, Against Racism
17-10-2014 13:58

Image Safer Spaces Exposed
17-10-2014 12:21 | 11 comments

Audio UG#693 - Social Destabilization Post WW2(Operation Phoenix to the War On Terror)
03-10-2014 18:12

Audio UG#692 - The European Deep State Post WW2 (NATO's Secret Armies)
21-09-2014 04:26

Image Surveillance Project Exhibited in Nottingham
21-09-2014 00:23

Text Neither Ukrainian nor Russian!
19-08-2014 15:48

Audio What Does It Profit A Man? (Moneyless Living, The Canadian Genocide)
16-08-2014 17:23

Image Sheffield protest in solidarity with the oppression in Palestine
05-07-2014 17:50 | 1 comment

Audio UG#686 - The US Deep State, 1981-2001 (The Enterprise, Alec Station,9/11 Set-up)
24-06-2014 04:48

Image Lets Make Farage Hitler Photo Go Viral
27-05-2014 23:11 | 2 comments

Audio UG#680 - Unlawful Killing (Secrets of the UK and US Establishments)
23-04-2014 13:37

Audio UG#668 - Big Oil At Home And Abroad (How The 7 Sisters Took Us For A Ride)
28-10-2013 23:54

Image Yet another arrest at NSA Menwith Hill - call out for support next Tuesday
24-10-2013 20:49

Audio UG#666 - The Cancer in Occupy (What is Violence?)
17-10-2013 01:38

Audio UG#660 - Countering Intelligence 3 (The Necrophilous Underbelly of Imperialism)
26-08-2013 00:33

Audio UG#659 - Countering Intelligence 2 (Gladio, The Strategy of Tension, False Flags
15-08-2013 09:35

Audio UG#656 - Secret Wars Of The CIA (A Classic Speech by John Stockwell)
26-07-2013 09:38

Audio UG#654 - State Crimes Against Democracy (The Secret Government's War Of Terror)
19-07-2013 08:06

Image Undercover Police Officers Licensed to Rape and Discredit UK Citizens
24-06-2013 08:51 | 8 comments

Image Dignity for Asylum Seekers: Leeds protest Saturday 29th June 11am
22-06-2013 19:10 | 1 comment

Audio Audio: Sheffield Stop G4S Meeting
15-06-2013 11:34 | 1 comment

Text The assassination of Juan Vázquez Guzmán in Chiapas, Mexico
08-06-2013 05:32

Audio UG#641 - The Making Of The National Security State (The Power Principle 2)
23-05-2013 02:46

Audio UG#639 - Grave Reflections on Technology & Freedom (Techno-totalitarianism)
19-05-2013 01:35

Audio UG#636 - Bilking The Afflicted (Addiction, Drugs & Capitalism)
11-05-2013 15:33

Text Leeds residents in Bedroom tax Trap:
06-05-2013 09:30

Text Protest in London
28-04-2013 17:56

Text Further aggressions in San Marcos Aviles
24-04-2013 19:34

Text Private security fine the public on Public streets in Leeds
23-04-2013 10:47

Audio UG#628 - Asking Forbidden Questions (Why Do People Put Up With Capitalism?)
05-04-2013 02:39

Image EDL Numpties Achieve Nothing In Manchester - #edl #nwi @slatedl @misslbuttercup
02-03-2013 17:06 | 33 comments

Image EDL Leadership Are Attending Manchester #edl @slatedl #NWI @misslbuttercup
26-02-2013 17:54 | 38 comments

Image EDL Manchester - Dissidents Will Kiss Kev Carroll's Arse #edl #nwi #SLATEDL
21-02-2013 00:36 | 7 comments

Image Jeff Marsh Indeed Officially Surrenders #edl #jeffmarsh @slatedl
17-02-2013 00:19 | 32 comments

14-02-2013 05:52 | 15 comments

Image Jeff Marsh "Comes Out" On Twitter As Being Gay #edl #lgbt
11-02-2013 19:06 | 18 comments

Text Aaron's Army #aaronsw
25-01-2013 17:22

Image State Using ‘Secret Evidence’ To Try And Keep John Bowden Behind Bars
08-01-2013 20:51 | 4 comments

Audio UG#596 - Lifting The Lid on The NSA (Secret Rooms, Infiltration, Menwith Hill)
07-12-2012 23:38 | 1 comment

Audio UG#597 - The Psychology of Transition (Undoing Millennia of Social Control)
07-12-2012 23:36

Text Twenty-nine Years of Dignified Resistance: An Echo in the Heartbeat of the Peopl
25-11-2012 09:34

Audio UG#594 - Occupy 2.0 (Peer Produced Politics)
25-11-2012 08:56

Text New Worldwide Declaration
29-10-2012 18:43

Image 'Free John Bowden' T-shirts
26-10-2012 16:34 | 2 comments

Image West Yorkshire Solidarity With Prisoner John Bowden
19-10-2012 06:23

Image Tomorrow: International Day Of Action In Support Of Prisoner John Bowden
18-10-2012 09:01

Text "Worldwide Echo in support of the Zapatistas" On The Day Of Indigenous Resistance
16-10-2012 05:39

Image John Bowden Support Meeting
12-10-2012 20:30

Text edl racists threaten to assemble in rotherham
07-10-2012 16:06 | 2 comments

Text Last hope for freedom for innocent prisoner of conscience, blinded by the Mexican state
27-09-2012 08:57

Text Letter From Sylvia Marcos To Zapatista Women
17-09-2012 17:40

Text Gustavo Esteva Sends Letter Supporting San Marcos Avilés
13-09-2012 18:24

Text From Uruguay: Letter of Solidarity From Raul Zibechi
10-09-2012 17:44

Text Rendition between Lithuania and secret CIA prisons revealed
10-09-2012 10:48

Text The UK-based National Campaign Against Fees & Cuts Declares its Support for San
06-09-2012 12:47 | 1 comment

Text Britain’s Socialist Workers Party & Socialist Party back extradition of Assange
27-08-2012 21:34 | 7 comments

Text UK media lines up behind campaign to extradite Assange and silence WikiLeaks
23-08-2012 19:47

Text The pursuit of Julian Assange is an assault on freedom and a mockery of journalism
23-08-2012 18:01 | 1 comment

Text America’s Vassal Acts Decisively and Illegally
16-08-2012 13:33

Text Has Australia Become a National-Security State?
05-08-2012 12:27

Image FBI Agents Raid US Homes in Search of “Anarchist Literature”
05-08-2012 09:44 | 4 comments

Image New Leeds ABC Leaflet
30-07-2012 09:57 | 2 comments

Text International Call To Action:
28-07-2012 06:55

Text Ravi Gill Released
11-05-2012 11:43 | 1 addition | 4 comments

Text FBI Seize Riseup Server in New York
19-04-2012 21:27 | 1 addition | 1 comment

Text Obama Justice Department indicts ex-CIA agent for exposing torture
08-04-2012 19:25 | 1 comment

Audio Extradition Watch: Richard's Story
29-03-2012 23:09 | 1 addition | 1 comment

Image Bong: Welsh Copper tries to use law from New South Wales (Australia)
23-03-2012 10:50

Image Prison Was Created For The Poor pdf
17-03-2012 12:56

Text TSN brings its Info Night to Sheffield
17-03-2012 12:50

Generic Extradition Watch: Richard’s Story
12-03-2012 22:30

Text Swp hijack's workfare protest newcastle
12-03-2012 03:54 | 9 comments

Audio UG#584 - Why Occupy (Rebellion or Slavery?)
11-03-2012 04:14

Audio Is Stratfor spying on you? Wikileaks.
07-03-2012 16:59 | 1 comment

Audio UG#580 - The Failed Religion of America (Debt, Cruelty And Redemption)
26-02-2012 05:17

Text Indymedia Radio Activist Shot Dead in Kenya
22-02-2012 22:18 | 2 additions | 2 comments

Image New Leeds ABC T-shirts
22-02-2012 11:48

Image Review Of Leeds Antifascist Film Festival
21-02-2012 13:09

Audio Brought to Justice? Rendition, torture, indefinite detention and death by drones
19-02-2012 15:49

Text ISSE opposes extradition of UK student Richard O’Dwyer
13-02-2012 17:07

Image Occupy Sheffield: High Court Judge decides protestors have a case
27-01-2012 00:11

Audio Sheffield Cathedral vs Occupy Sheffield - hearing set for 21-22 Feb 2012
26-01-2012 13:42

Text Sheffield Cathedral vs. the 99%
26-01-2012 00:10

Text Pirate Party UK condemns US take-down of MegaUpload
19-01-2012 21:33

Text Trial Day 2 – The Witnesses for the ProsecutionTrial Day 2 – The Witnesses for t
18-01-2012 01:14

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