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Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues

Events Calendar

Every Friday - Noise demo at HLS animal labs in Huntingdon, contact Maxine 07906880036 or SHAC for more details.
The collective is pretty inactive at the moment, so this events section is being left un-updated for now. Probably the most well maintained web store of activist related events around Cambridge is the archive of recent emails to the can-announce email list.
Indymedia Cambridge meetings have not happened for a while either. If you are interested in helping them restart, then please contact us, or just sign up to our events email list. Other announcement email lists you might subscribe to are the Cambridge Action Network and the No Mill Road Tesco campaign.
05-03-2015 23:42

Maximus: Same Circus, Different Clowns

On Monday 2nd of March 2015, there were demonstrations in over 30 towns and cities around the UK (plus Toronto) against Maximus, the US based health insurance corporation that has taken over the contract from the French IT Company Atos to administer the Work Capability Assessment on behalf of the Department Of Work And Pensions. Atos announced its exit from the contract in early 2014 following an intense period of direct action against the company by groups such as Disabled People Against the Cuts.

The day of action was timed to coincide with the first working day of the new contract, with the spotlight turned on Maximus as well as the continued use of Work Capability Assessments and the life-threatening consequences of the ongoing government attacks on the sick and disabled.

In central London, to the chorus of "David Cameron is a W*****" (YouTube) activists from DPAC hit the streets, taking direct action to block traffic and at one stage bringing traffic to a standstill on Victoria Street in the shadow of Big Ben.

The demonstrations across the UK on the streets were complemented with an online Twitter campaign using the hashtags #Maximarse and #ScrapWCA, the latter trending for a number of hours. This gave the opportunity for those unable (including through sickness and disability) to make it to demonstrations to vent their anger and frustation around the Work Capability Assessment and at a government hell-bent on targeting the sick and disabled.

On the Newswire: Maximarse is more than a farce | Mental Health Resistance Network Statement | Wrexham joins National Day of Protest Against WCA & Maximus

Other links: Johnny Void | Video: Maximarse the Movie (YouTube)

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17-04-2010 12:32

Week of Action Against University Vivisection

Activists Outside Sheffield University

Over the past seven days, animal rights activists have hit the streets and campuses nationwide, calling for an end to animal experimentation in universities as part of the Week of Action Against University Vivisection organised by SAEAB.

Protests: [ Sheffield | Cambridge | Dublin | Leeds | Bradford | UCL | Liverpool ]

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15-04-2010 08:01

Anti-Tar Sands Protests Gather Momentum

A Brighton petrol station gets a makeover

This time last year, few people in the UK had even heard of the Alberta Tar Sands. Now they are moving rapidly up the public agenda, thanks largely to a growing grassroots campaign of resistance and international solidarity. The latest example of this has been the national “Fortnight of Shame” (April 1st- 15th 2010) to oppose BP's planned involvement in the tar sands, which came to a head on Saturday 10th with protests in London, Oxford, Brighton and Cambridge, including a Party at the Pumps in Sheperds Bush, and which culminated on Thursday 15th April with the BP + Tar Sands = Climate Crime protest outside the BP Shareholders AGM at the ExCel Conference Centre.

IMC UK Newswire articles: [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 ]

For further information: [ UK Tar Sands Network | UKTSN Blog | Rising Tide UK | Camp for Climate Action | Indigenous Environmental Network ]

IMC UK: Tar Sands Topic

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28-11-2009 20:33

Anti-Militarists take on Barclays

barclays cambridge

On Saturday 28th November protests took place in Brighton, Wrexham, Falmouth, Hastings, Tunbridge Wells and Cambridge [Pics] as part of a day of action marking the launch of Smash EDO's'Target Barclays' campaign.On November 30th an action took place in Plymouth.

Smash EDO have been calling for autonomous actions against Barclays Bank to force them to stop providing 'market maker' services for ITT Corporation on the NYSE. Smash EDO's site states 'Bankers and institutional investors are the glue that finances the state terror wreaked by the arms trade. Companies like EDO do not operate in a vacuum but are propped up by the networks of corporations and investors which constitute the global capitalist system which puts profit before peace, greed before people.'

As ITT’s market maker, Barclay’s acts as a ‘middle man’, purchasing shares from a seller and holding them until such a time as a buyer becomes available. This ensures the stability of ITT’s share price by allowing shareholders to sell off their assets at any time, even when a buyer is not immediately available, and vice versa. Barclay’s also profits from this enterprise, by selling ITT’s shares at a small markup, which nevertheless generates a considerable income when spread across large sales. Barclays is also the largest UK investor in the global arms trade.More.

Target Barclays webpage| Smash EDO Press Release| Smash EDO website| Anti-Militarist Network

Smash EDO's next big mobilisation is the REMEMBER GAZA SMASH EDO MASS DEMO JANUARY 18TH. Assemble at 1pm, Brighton, wear black.

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29-10-2009 08:06

Imperialist Invasion of Afghanistan Enters 9th Year

Subvertised - appeal for the living

Billboards around the country have been subtly subvertised to display anti-war messages calling for the troops to be brought home and for Tony Blair to be prosecuted. As the imperialist occupation enters its ninth year, a YouGov survey found 62% of the public want British troops pulled out this year and 48% think that victory is impossible. Countless thousands of Afghans have perished and many Western soldiers have gone to Afghanistan, only to come home in body bags.

On Saturday 24th October, thousands of people gathered in central London to protest against the continuing conflict. Organisers, 'Stop The War Coalition', claimed there is growing resentment among the lower ranks who feel locked into a military occupation with no clear justification or exit strategy. Soldiers and their families joined the estimated 5,000 marchers who gathered in Hyde Park.

London March:1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Analysis: The Risks of Regional Conflagration
From the Archives: First Oil and Gas Licensing Round | Die-in for NATO's Victims | Wedding 'Die-In' Protest | Reading the names of the dead |

Full Story | 13 comments >>

10-02-2009 16:07

HLS Exposed - Yet Again! SHAC To Shakedown Financial Investors In The City

For the seventh time in ten years Huntingdon Life Sciences have been infiltrated and exposed, revealing shocking cruelty and footage of animal experiments filmed inside HLS during 2007 and 2008. The investigation exposes the primate trade across three continents, including individuals captured in the wild and shipped over, enduring 30 hour journeys in small cages from as far as Vietnam.

An undercover worker inside a primate unit at HLS in Cambridgeshire filmed struggling monkeys strapped to chairs and forced to inhale products. Many were housed in one cubic metre cages and then taken out to be held down by workers as tubes are forced down their throats. 217 monkeys were killed in just five studies for customers including AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithkline and the Ministry of Defence. The company are a contract testing laboratory, testing any products, on any non-human animals, for any company; pharmaceuctical, household, beauty or otherwise.

In response to the horrific footage, the imprisonment of seven SHAC campaigners for 'conspiring to blackmail' the notorious vivisection laboratory and the business' falling share price, anti-vivisectionists will be taking to the streets of London on Friday 27th February during a global week of action against HLS' financials. The SHAC City Shakedown march and protest will be for the 70,000 animals imprisoned and abused inside the labs, targeting the financial institutions who profit from and delay the companies collapse.

As the value of Europe's largest and most exposed animal testing laboratory drops by over 80% in recent months, the New York Stock Exchange now have an extra reason to again kick the abusers off the exchange. Other reasons include the labs financial problems, serious debt, animal abuse, data falsification and scientific fraud.

Primate Trade Exposed: Full Documentary | HLS Footage | Photos | Reports: PDF | HTML | SHAC PDF

Demo Resources: SHAC City Shakedown Webpage | Why HLS? | The Protest | Download resources

Related Newswire: Bayer (HLS customer) painted in solidarity with imprisoned activists | Vegan Prisoners Updates; Greg, Gavin, Sarah & Dan W | Home visits for top barclays executives | Barclays has more demos in Birmingham | HLS Electronic Sit In: Make Friday the 13 bad luck for HLS Affiliates | HLS - new expose! | Solidarity from UC Berkeley Students | More Barclays cashpoints disabled | Suspicious package at Barclays | Is Recent Jailing of Anti-HLS Activists a Call to Action? | Barclays Demos in Birmingham | Financial Protests in the City | Pfizer Acquires Wyeth & Double Amount of Demos | South Wales Anarchists stand in solidarity with the SHAC 7 | UK SHAC 7 Heather Nicholson Speaks Out | Barclays cashpoints put out of action | Hackers target HLS suppliers | Letter from Shactivist/Veganarchist Prisoner Dan Wadham | Bayer Day of Action: West London / Hampshire | New York City | Cambridge | Chile | Sweden | Netherlands | More demos | More articles

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28-01-2009 17:38

Cambridge students occupy Law Faculty in solidarity with Gaza

On Friday the 23rd of January, over 100 Cambridge University students occupied the Law Faculty as a protest against the actions of Israel in Gaza. The action is in solidarity with similar occupations at more than a dozen British Universities across the country, at which students are making demands of their institutions. These include: scholarships for Palestinian students, donation of educational materials to rebuild the Palestinian education system, divestment from the arms trade, and full access of humanitarian aid to Palestine.

The students have started a blog to tell their side of the story, and there is a facebook group and photos on flickr. Incidents have included a "soup war" and a visit from Craig Murray (a former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan). Many statements of support can be read on the campaign blog.

Update 29/1/09: The occupation ended today at 11 am.

Campaign blog | Newswire reports: Occupation 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Photos 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Solidarity in town | Craig Murray 1 | 2
UK feature on other university occupations

Full Story >>

12-11-2008 18:54

E.ON withdraws from careers fairs due to persistent protests

Check one Banner Drop!

E.ON has withdrawn from University Careers Fairs run by AIESEC following a string of protests around the country. E.ON did not show up at Birmingham today (12th Nov). The protesters object to E.ON wanting to develop new coal fired power stations, such as at Kingsnorth - the target of this summers Climate Camp. However E.ON cannot avoid the protests by avoiding careers fairs - expect more fun during 48 hours of action against E.ON and new coal on the 28/29 November.

Students have visited careers fairs to protest about the presence of parts of the arms and fossil fuel industries. Climate chaos related companies targeted include RBS (the oil and gas bank), BP and Shell. The arms industry representatives include the Army, B.Ae, Qinetiq and Rolls Royce. Careers fairs have been targeted in Aston, Birmingham ( 2 ), Bristol, Cambridge ( 2 | 3 ), Durham, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Imperial College London, Kings College London, Leeds, Liverpool, Loughborough, Manchester ( 2 | 3 ), Nottingham ( 2 | 3 ), Oxford ( 2 ), Sheffield, Southampton, Warwick and York. More reports are available from People and Planet.

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12-07-2008 19:32

Mill Road Social Centre - the story so far...

Mill Road Social Centre

Update:The Mill Road Social Centre was evicted the night after Tesco were rejected again.

Most of know what happened since, but let’s start in the beginning. On Tuesday night 20 May 2008, the building that formerly housed Wilco's automotive parts, and that had been standing empty for over a year, was squatted. This is the selfsame building where Tesco plans to open a controversial Express store. More about that later.

The aim of the squat was to turn the building into a much needed social centre, a focal point for the local Romsey (and Cambridge) community. It should be pointed out that the social centre is not connected to the No Mill Road Tesco campaign.

Since it opened, the centre has hosted numerous events, from women's roller derby to tango lessons, graffiti workshops, an art exhibition, open mic nights and acoustic gigs.

Mill Road Social Centre website

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11-07-2008 09:30

SHAC Prepares For National March & Rally

On the 12th July, Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) hold national march and rally [Report | Pics] to show the mass opposition to the fraudulent vivisection industry and the vile 'experiments' at Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS). SHAC is an international campaign aiming to close HLS, the largest contract testing laboratory in Europe.

The rally in the park included info stalls and food/drink from Veggies before campaigners marched through Peterborough. The demonstration ended in Alconbury, so to meet the animal abusers who kill 500 animals every day of the week to test products such as weed killer, food colourings and drugs.

Details: Webpage for the rally, march and demo - Info and times | Rally in the park - Map and meeting point

Reports from last demo in April: Pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Video: 1 | 2

Newswire: HLS Largest Customers Fined For Overcharging Docters | Call for action at SHAC march x2 | Arson Attacks at HLS Animal Breeder | Video of AR Protesters Illegal Arrest at Arromight Hereford | Callout to any FIT watchers - SHAC rally July 12th | Action Alert: Largest HLS Investor: Part 1 & 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Dispatch from Andy Stepanian (SHAC 7) | HLS Supplier DHL trashed for Active Slaughter | Novartis Global Week of Action Roundup | Time For Action 4 - SHAC Need Your Footage + Trailer | Last Primate Lab in Austria to Close! | Staples lies and beagles die | Message from SHAC: May Raids Anniversary | SHAC May Raids Anniversary | ALF torch Staples trucks | PIA Stop Beagle Flights | Sciencelink animal lab has been abandoned | Novartis HQ painted and smashed (Video) | Previous march (Novartis): SHAC Report | Barriers dismantled

Previous features: Victory for animal rights campaigners | Activist Imprisoned for Shouting | Fisher Scientific Embarrassed Over Links with HLS | SHAC World Day for Lab Animals | Asahi Glass Protesters Harassed by Police | "March Against the Murderers"

Links: SHAC-UK | SHAC-UK Prisoner Support | Veggies | Antispeciesist Action | Animal Rights CopWatch | Indymedia UK SHAC topic page

Full Story | 6 additions | 4 comments >>



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Hard Coloring Pages 19-03-2016 08:54


Cam4refugees fundraising event 15-03-2016 14:28


Why It Critically Matters Jews Are Leading the Push for Stricter Gun Control: 2n 26-02-2016 03:29


The Polski line of control ,lolplopp, plopp, tongue theirfore clinical categore 23-02-2016 09:49


Universal Credit is coming to Cambridge! 22-02-2016 23:43


A sentamoust do the Buette as 1st birn son ain't the kids dark eyed blue Lourde 19-02-2016 18:44


D.I.R.T. the 'Sitte," Q&A of think global, act local 11-02-2016 11:07


Short Index aryans vs. the aryan of porn brutal 08-02-2016 10:08


#ANTIFA CALL OUT DESTROY #PEGIDA @ant1fane @iamhaggisuk @JLRFB @protestwatch 05-02-2016 17:52


Cambridge Gets Creative Against Syrian Bombing 04-12-2015 00:44 | 2 comments


Cambridge Says "No" to Bombing Syria! 01-12-2015 23:35 | 2 comments


Cambridge March for Affordable Housing (14/11/2015) 18-11-2015 12:37


ALERTA ANTIFA: DEFEND BRADFORD THIS SAT @theqeld @JLRFB @chunkymark #ANTIFA #edl 12-11-2015 20:25


Demonstration – No Local Health Cuts / No Hospital Closures 20-10-2015 09:53 | 1 comment


National Demo: Free Education, November 4th 2015 18-10-2015 21:03


Stop The Agency Rip Off (Flyer) 18-10-2015 20:19


New Installation - 'Activist Investor by Rupert James Baker Ltd.' 16-09-2015 16:53


Housing Sticker Designs. 29-08-2015 14:56 | 1 comment


Witness Venezuela’s Elections This December-6, 2015 25-08-2015 08:44


Anti "Austerity" Demo in Cambridge. 02-06-2015 01:43 | 3 comments


World Lab Day comes to Cambridge (pt 2) 28-04-2015 22:19 | 2 comments


World Lab Day comes to Cambridge (pt 1) 28-04-2015 21:52


Locals Protest Outside Housing Exhibition. 17-04-2015 23:34 | 7 comments


PEGIDA UK INVITE WHITE SUPREMACISTS TO NEWCASTLE @edlnews @slatfascists @slatedl 07-02-2015 14:01 | 3 comments


Cambridge Defend Education bans the SWP 07-12-2014 12:57 | 10 comments


Business, Innovation and Skills office targeted in campaign for free education 03-12-2014 14:53


Cambridge FBU Picket. 04-11-2014 21:47


Isreali Ambassador Greeted by Protest During Cambridge Visit. 26-10-2014 16:49


The Bradley Public Inquiry And Air Pollution 02-10-2014 14:19


Cambridge Hiroshima Day Annual Rememberance (10/08/2014). 11-08-2014 20:40


Free Palestine Demo in Cambridge Market Square. 11-08-2014 20:17


Interesting works of art appear in Mill Road Cemetary on Saturday night! 04-08-2014 21:47


Growing numbers attend Cambridge Gaza Demonstration (02/08/2014) 04-08-2014 15:00


Giant "Gaza" artwork appears on Parkers Piece, Cambridge. 04-08-2014 01:12


IMPUNITY FOR ISRAEL 31-07-2014 23:21


Free Palestine Demo in Cambridge 26/07/2014 26-07-2014 17:26 | 1 comment


Abused men from women 02-05-2014 18:00


GAP Cambridge shut in shame on 1st Anniversary of Rana Plaza Collapse GAP and GA 25-04-2014 16:28


Solidarity with AR Prisoner Debbie Vincent! 22-04-2014 20:07 | 1 comment


Support the SOCPA 7 21-04-2014 15:39 | 2 comments


Debbie Vincent jailed for six years today for SHAC involvement 17-04-2014 17:39 | 1 addition


Novartis Wins Court Order Blocking U.K. Animal-Rights Protests 17-04-2014 17:34


Pushing Toward The Final War 30-03-2014 17:36


RAF Waddington Sunday 21st September - Drone Peace Picnic 27-03-2014 10:27


NATO's Rape of Yugoslavia 25-03-2014 23:17 | 1 comment


Self-censorship of journalism and mass manipulation by using media 18-03-2014 23:16 | 1 comment


When Chavez died, Washington celebrated 15-03-2014 10:20


Killing Hope 09-03-2014 10:14 | 1 comment


Ukraine is a burp of what USA did in Syria 08-03-2014 10:19 | 1 comment


Ukraine: US, EU, Look in the Mirror ! 06-03-2014 21:50


On Ukraine, Ashton & Paet Discussed ... audio! 06-03-2014 10:34


Overthrowing other people’s governments ... 03-03-2014 11:19 | 1 comment

Generic media

IMPORTANT! NHS Care Data Opt-Out Forms! 01-03-2014 15:40 | 1 comment


Open Letter to President of Venezuela 23-02-2014 11:33 | 1 comment


The new US-Russia Cold War 18-02-2014 13:39


Syria's offical delegation at Geneva2 23-01-2014 09:17


Free Margaretta 21-01-2014 22:28 | 1 comment


Call To All Destructive Workers 06-01-2014 20:43 | 2 comments


NYT Backs Off Its Syria-Sarin Analysis 30-12-2013 17:37


Germany: CCC Event Weblog 29-12-2013 10:52


Man Made Climate Change We Can Prove. 24-12-2013 04:15


Ukraine gets $8bn from China ........... 06-12-2013 10:35


Cambridge Bedroom Tax Meeting. 12-11-2013 19:03


195 Free School - Mon 18th - Sun 24th Nov. Hackney, London 12-11-2013 16:11


FBU Cambridge Picket. 04-11-2013 19:03 | 2 comments


Jeremy Scahill: The Expansion of the War Zone 26-10-2013 11:43


From Hiroshima to Syria ..... 16-10-2013 10:16


Fighting to save Cambridge Picturehouse. 15-10-2013 22:07 | 3 comments


UKUncut Legal Aid Roadblock in Cambridge 06-10-2013 17:46 | 13 comments


CIA Supplying Weapons To Syrian Rebel Groups 03-10-2013 09:44


All Countries In Europe Consider This Texas Persecution A Crime Against Humanity 02-10-2013 01:22


Questions Plague UN Report on Syria 24-09-2013 19:57


Hands Off Syria Demo in Cambridge. 29-08-2013 20:19 | 3 comments


Damascus: Syrian army finds chemicals ......... 25-08-2013 10:04 | 2 comments


Cambridge Food Stores Hiding Their Bins. 10-07-2013 23:40 | 3 comments


Unite Bus Comes To Cambridge 25-06-2013 00:57


Children screaming to be heard conference grantham 12-06-2013 16:11


Alconbury & Brampton Surgeries Betray Patient Confidentiality To Protect Nazi In 29-05-2013 03:24 | 1 comment


Hurley tramples on half a million Chechens 23-05-2013 15:31 | 1 comment


First Mexican State to ban bullfighting...Irish Government please take note! 08-05-2013 12:18


Bayer Shareholder Meeting Speech by Valerie Williams 26-04-2013 21:29


BAYER Shareholder Meeting on April 26 in Cologne: Coalition introduces Countermo 11-04-2013 22:03


us-run-torture-prison-in-iraq 04-04-2013 11:11


Summer action camp against Shell 31-03-2013 21:00


Land. 28-03-2013 18:52


150th anniversary / Countermotions to shareholder meeting BAYER: Company History 21-03-2013 18:15


Extreme Energy Gathering, 27/28th April 17-03-2013 19:26


India: “Bayer’s Tonic“ still on the Market 05-03-2013 17:14


The film industry is the way? 26-02-2013 17:54


An Idiot Abroad: Marine LePen Visits Cambridge (Pt 2) 23-02-2013 01:09 | 13 comments


An Idiot Abroad: Marine LePen Visits Cambridge (Pt 1) 23-02-2013 00:51 | 10 comments


Vegetarianism, Reincarnation, Fallibility In The Early Christian Church 16-02-2013 18:49


The Drone King! 04-02-2013 15:48 | 3 comments


Brazil: SEMI-ARID will be a thing of the past? 01-02-2013 18:16


CHD: 'Please Help Financially' We Really Need The Money! 30-01-2013 12:26 | 6 comments


90% Of World's Countries, 82% Of US States Did Not Execute Prisoners In 2012 25-01-2013 22:23 | 2 comments


SEA uncovers the conspiracy of the Syrian enemies 23-01-2013 12:37


Community campaigning in Cambridge 20-01-2013 02:45 | 1 comment


Why Ban MSG 04-01-2013 15:41 | 5 comments


Buenos Aires: Candle Light March for Syria 31-12-2012 14:21


Google's Role As Internet Censor 29-12-2012 21:29 | 4 comments


Oscar Wilde Vs Rudyard Kipling Re The Folly Of Invading Afghanistan 26-12-2012 20:05 | 5 comments


HIV-Negative AIDS: CFS, ME, or AIDS? 14-12-2012 05:13 | 1 addition | 1 comment


Starbucks action in Cambridge by UK Uncut 11-12-2012 18:41 | 1 comment


Czarist War, Communist Peace 01-12-2012 21:28 | 1 comment


Israel military boycott over Gaza assault 30-11-2012 11:13


Wake -Up Call To Stop Damaging Legislation 28-11-2012 14:13


Growth and Infrastructure Bill: Proposed 100 Hectare Threshold 28-11-2012 13:36


Sizewell Nuclear Power Stations Blockaded 26-11-2012 08:58


Gaza Solidarity Demo in Cambridge. 19-11-2012 23:30 | 3 comments


Israel killing children in Gaza 19-11-2012 12:42 | 1 comment


Straight Talk on Gaza 18-11-2012 09:25 | 4 comments


Natures Menu 12-11-2012 19:58 | 1 comment


FBI Forensic Computer Crime Experts Asked To Investigate Romney-Owned Machines 05-11-2012 18:01


Cambridge demo against 200 Tesco Drivers threatened with sack. 04-11-2012 20:27 | 3 comments


The Interface Of The Mormon Church And Electoral Politics 30-10-2012 00:29


SPILL Festival of Performance: Bedding In 29-10-2012 13:39


Schedule/Update for Calais Migrant Solidarity (CMS) training 26-10-2012 10:04


The Bell begins to Toll 25-10-2012 23:50 | 2 comments


Romney's Mormon Church Abuses Animals 23-10-2012 16:00 | 1 comment

Newswire Archive