French Literature Recommendations!
Hi guys!
So this video has been giving me a lot of trouble, and it is like, three months late. So I apologize for the few that were waiting for it!
First it was the webcam (I only use a webcam so far so I also apologize for the bad lighting, the squinting because of the sun in my face, and the sound … I’m sure when I’m totally comfortable with videos
I’ll get better video-making tools) and then the computer, and then the software, and finally my
Internet was cut off for two months.
All in all, it was a huge mess.
For those of you who will notice, yes, my
French accent is really strong in this video. I blame it on three months with my super-French mom.
But it is here, and I hope you’ll enjoy it!
Here is the list of books I’m presenting to you, and the links to the categories:
Les Trois Mousquetaires /
The Three Musketeers by
Alexandre Dumas
Le dernier jour d’un condamné /
The Last Day of a
Condemned Man by
Victor Hugo
Rouge et Noir /
The Red and the Black, by
Les Liaisons Dangereuses /
Dangerous Liaisons, by
Choderlos de Laclos
Bel Ami, by
Guy De Maupassant
Le Malade Imaginaire /
The Imaginary Invalid (not sick person!)
L’Avare /
The Miser, by
Phèdre, by
Jean Racine
Les Fausses Confidences, by
Pierre Marivaux
Antigone, by
Jean Anouilh
Rhinocéros /
Rhinoceros, by
Eugène Ionesco
BONUS : On ne badine pas avec l’amour,
Alfred de Musset
Les Fleurs du Mal /
The Flowers of Evil, by
Charles Baudelaire
Le Bateau Ivre /
The Drunken Boat, by
Arthur Rimbaud (also mentioned : Verlaine, other poet, and
Roman /
Romance, poem).
Alcools by
Guillaume Appollinaire
Poésie ininterrompue (not Encres, sorry!), by
Paul Eluard (also recommended : “Les
Mains Libres”, in collaboration with
Man Ray)
Encres, by
Alain Borne
Ensemble, c’est tout /
Hunting and Gathering, by
Anna Gavalda
L’Elégance du
Hérisson /
The Elegance of the Hedgehog, by
Muriel Barber
Seras-tu là ? /
Will you be there ? by
Guillaume Musso (also recommended:
Parce que je t’aime /
Lost and Found)
La Prochaine
Fois /
In Another Life, by
Marc Lévy
A la Recherche du Temps Perdu /
In Search of the
Lost Time, by
Marcel Proust
Phænomen, by
Erik L’Homme
Tara Duncan, by
Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian
La Quête d’Ewilan / Ewilan’s
Quest, by
Pierre Bottero.
From the same author, in the same world :
Ewilan’s Quest sequel: Ewilan’s
The Marchombre’s Pact
The Other
Crossed Souls
The Song of The
We, fans, have very specific opinions about the order you should read them in… If you want mine, I’ll be glad to tell you!
A comme
Association, by Pierre Bottero & Erik L’Homme
Kids Bonus One: Les Histoires Pressées by
Bernard Friot
There was supposed to be a children’s books & comic strips part but the video was quite long and I didn’t have everything I wanted so I will come back with a special video for
French Comic Strips soon, French
Children Classics. I should also see you very soon (hopefully!) for a few reviews, and a game!
Thank you so much for watching this video!
Ps : I'm looking for a much better software to edit the videos, since so far
I've been only working with one that comes with
Windows and the Youtube editor. If any of you have good free recommendations I would love to hear them!