A session (sometimes called consistory or church board) is a body of elected elders governing each local church within presbyterian polity.
These groups of elders make decisions for the local parish through a ruling body called the Kirk session (Latin. sessio from sedere "to sit"), sometimes the Session, church session, or (in Continental Reformed usage) consistory. The members of the session are the pastor (Teaching Elder) of that congregation, and the other ruling elders (sometimes called "lay elders"). Elders are ordained for life, so if they are subsequently elected or appointed to Sessions at later points in their life, they are inducted, there being no second ordination. In most denominations, the pastor serves as Moderator of the Session and thus convenes or presides over the session. All elders have an equal vote in the session.
In some denominations, the pastor is given no vote, however in a sitting body of an even number or with a quorum of the session counted he or she can break a tie with a casting vote. In the Polity of the Presbyterian Church (USA), the pastor and associate pastor have a vote as members of the session on any and all matters; however, oftentimes he or she refrains from voting except in tie situations. The Pastor is not a voting member of the congregation.