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southern africa / the left Tuesday March 24, 2015 22:06 by Shawn Hattingh
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Karl Marx once said that history repeats itself, first as a tragedy then as a farce. A case in point is that in South Africa sections of the left are once again calling for a mass workers’ party (MWP) to be formed to contest elections – this they believe will bring us closer to revolution. History says otherwise.

Of course the new calls for a MWP stem from the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) breaking from the African National Congress (ANC). As an outcome NUMSA is exploring the possibility of setting up a MWP to contest elections. Many Marxist and leftist influenced organisations, but also cadres within NUMSA, are therefore providing reasons why activists should be interested in such a party.

venezuela / colombia / education Wednesday March 18, 2015 13:58 by Acción Libertaria Estudiantil (ALE)
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Acción Libertaria Estudiantil

A finales de julio del 2014, luego de algunas reflexiones realizadas colectivamente en torno al papel que cumplen las estudiantes libertarias organizadas como dinamizadoras activas en la construcción de procesos gremiales de base fuertes y autónomos, un grupo de estudiantes de las Universidades Nacional, Central y Libre nos reunimos nuevamente después de un lamentable proceso de ruptura política con el que había sido hasta el momento nuestro proyecto estudiantil, el Grupo Estudiantil Anarquista, para empezar a construir una nueva organización que bajo los principios y prácticas libertarias, comenzara y continuara desde la militancia diaria un trabajo de construcción, organización y disputa en el movimiento estudiantil de las Instituciones Educativas del país y así, desde nuestra especificidad, aportar a las luchas del pueblo por su liberación.

Hoy, después de varios meses de trabajo bajo el nombre de Acción Libertaria Estudiantil, y con la alegría de saber que ahora somos más y que contamos con nuevas compañeras, por ejemplo de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, quienes han empezado a aportar con sus ideas-fuerza en la construcción de esta nueva organización, sacamos a la luz pública nuestra declaración constitutiva, en donde presentamos de manera detallada nuestras apuestas como organización política-estudiantil que esperamos seguir fortaleciendo, dándole vigencia y pertinencia tanto en el espacio como en el tiempo, gracias a la experiencia y a las nuevas ideas de compañeras que se acerquen a construir y a transitar junto con nosotras este camino que hemos decidido empezar ya tiempo atrás.

internacional / género Sunday March 08, 2015 15:37 by Nahuel Valenzuela
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Flora Tristán (1803-1844)

En este Día Internacional de la Mujer, queremos recordar una de las primeras feministas, autora francesa y defensora de derechos de la mujer, Flora Tristán

Flora Célestine Thérèse Henriette Tristán y Moscoso Lesnais (1803-1844) fue una escritora francesa de ascendencia peruana. Poco conocida dentro de la historiografía oficial, probablemente olvidada de manera intencional debido a la rebeldía y ansias de libertad que emanaban de sus escritos. Entre sus obras destacan; Peregrinaciones de una paria (1839), Paseos en Londres (1840) y el folleto La unión obrera (1843).

Sin duda, Flora Tristán fue un eslabón fundamental en la lucha moderna contra la dominación patriarcal y el capitalismo. Por eso la recordamos. Su pensamiento fue clave para el nacimiento del movimiento feminista de tintes revolucionarios que emergió de manera organizada y con fuerza entre fines del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX.

[English] [Italiano]

mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles Friday February 27, 2015 12:34 by Ilan Shalif
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The weekly Friday demonstration in Bil'in

The villagers of the Palestinian vilage of Bil'in have been struggling now for 10 years against the construction of the separation barrier and consequent expropriation of their lands. This struggle has been a non-violent one, carried out together with Jewish activists from Israel and international activists and has inspired dozens of other similar struggles in villages throughout the West Bank. Here, Israeli anarchist Ilan Shalif explains the significance of Bil'in and recounts his experiences there.

The struggle in Bil'in is only one part of the fabric of struggle of more than 120 years between the indigenous people of Palestine and the Zionist settler colonialist and transfer project. The struggle in Bil'in is also the culmination of the joint popular struggle of Palestinians and young Jewish community members who "betray" their local Jewish community, which is harnessed to the Zionist project of settlement building and transfer. As partners second in importance only to the local activists, between us we have forged an unusual alliance, one that has hardly ever been seen during the half millennium of struggle between European colonialism and the other inhabitants of the world.

[עברית] [Italiano]

international / environment Saturday February 21, 2015 17:44 by Anarkismo
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For more than 20 years, Val di Susa residents, common people and militants have opposed the construction of a high-speed railway to connect Lyons with Turin. This useless major infrastructural project would be a catastrophe, wreaking destruction on Nature and ravaging the ecological system. Some of the tunnels are meant to be pierced through uranium and asbestos ore, which would spread the dust of these minerals throughout the valley's atmosphere. Collaterally, many expropriations are planned to enable the railway's construction, especially of agricultural lands.

It has been demonstrated that these construction works will cost a fortune to local populations, while the existing rail lines could be improved and put to better use, especially to carry freight, which is currently delivered by road, causing massive pollution. Every metre of the TAV costs €158,000! These are public resources being diverted from socially-useful works and services to be consigned into the hands of mafias and profiteers!

Strong protest has never stopped since the project began, with thousands protesting, and the Val di Susa also being occupied, together with other acts of resistance and sabotage against the work sites imposed on the population. This movement brings together militants from the valley, people from all over Italy and even collectives from France, and has become a struggle of reference for the Italian social movement of the last 20 years. It has also been heavily repressed by the Italian State.

[Français] [Italiano]

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Double Issue 5/6 of Tokologo, the Newsletter of the TAAC, now available

Double Issue 5/6 of Tokologo, the Newsletter of the TAAC, now available

Tue 05 Apr, 22:47

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