CounterPunch Magazine

Volume 22 no 8 Jeffrey St. Clair on Bernie Sanders’ dogged promotion of the F-35 Fighter and Obama’s killer drone program

IN THIS ISSUE: BERNIE and the JETS: Jeffrey St. Clair on Bernie Sanders’ dogged promotion of the F-35 Fighter and Obama’s killer drone program; The Political Economy of Scapegoating: Ben Debney on the politics of modern witch hunts; Assange and the Embassy: Binoy Kampmark reports ... More


Volume 22 No. 7 – The Populist Violence of Donald Trump: Joseph Lowndes digs deep into Trump’s nativist rhetoric…

Joseph Lowndes digs deep into Trump’s nativist rhetoric to disclose a vicious, racially-driven political agenda; Wall Street’s Terrorists Strike Again! Mike Whitney on who made a killing in the latest crash; CNN’s Summer of Lies: Jason Hirthler ... More


Vol 22 no. 6 Atomic Power’s Secret Spills: Paul Gunter exposes one of the nation’s hidden scandals:

Atomic Power’s Secret Spills: Paul Gunter exposes one of the nation’s hidden scandals: the systemic radioactive leaks plaguing America’s nuclear power plants; The Rise of Big Generic: Steve Hendricks on how we got to the $1,200 knock-off prescription; WWII Redux: Peter Lee on the rise of Neo-Fascism from Ukraine to Japan; More

vol 22 no 6 cover
