Recent Articles

Weekend Edition
April 15-17, 2016
Richard W. Behan
Black Lives Don’t Matter, Black Votes Do: the Racial Hypocrisy of Hillary and Bill Clinton
Andrew Levine
Liberals for Hillary: There is Nothing Stranger
Henry Giroux
Authoritarian Politics in the Age of Civic Illiteracy
Diana Johnstone
A Note on Hillary Clinton, the Queen of Chaos
Michael Hudson – Bill Black
Breaking Up the Banks: Why Sanders is Right
Gerald Sussman
Hillary’s Neocon Problem
Colin Todhunter
The Case Against Glyphosate
Margaret Kimberley
Barack, Hillary and the Libya Crime
Vijay Prashad
A Chill Wind From the North: the US Returns to Latin America
Judy Ancel
The Lethal Arms of the Drug War in Honduras
Ishmael Reed
Hamilton and the Negro Whisperers: Miranda’s Consumer Fraud
Mark Weisbrot
Brazilian Coup Threatens Democracy and National Sovereignty
Doug Johnson Hatlem
Are Two Polls Showing Sanders Winning with Latino Voters in New York Correct?
Pete Dolack
There’s No Place for Clean Water Under ‘Free Trade’
David Rosen
Crime & Public Shaming
Jeffrey St. Clair - Alexander Cockburn
Here’s the Beef: How NAFTA Kissed the West Goodbye
Robert Fantina
The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave
Gabriel Rockhill
Revolution Never Sleeps: Nuit Debout in France and Beyond
Dave Lindorff
Brinksmanship, but by Whom? Russia…or the US?
Andre Vltchek
“Poor” G7 Just Cannot Disarm Yet!
Lewis Evans
Save the Tiger, Keep the People
David Crisp
Project Aims to Keep Yellowstone River Wild, Free
John Stanton
Is the Clinton Foundation the Dulles Brother’s Sullivan and Cromwell?
John Laforge
Voices of Reason vs the Doomsday Lobby
Louisa Willcox
Why Wyoming’s Thugs Should Not Be Trusted With Our Grizzly Bears
Terry Simons
Money, Gender Politics and Democratic Denial
Michael Brenner
A Trillion in Nukes: Obama Embraces the Bomb
Patrick Cockburn
The Easter Rising, My Grandfather and the Untold Story of Sir Roger Casement
John Feffer
The Children’s Crusade: a Global Epidemic of Youth-on-Youth Violence
James Luchte
A Soldier’s Honor
Ron Jacobs
Call Me Zimmerman-Bob Dylan’s Great White Wonder
Brian Cloughley
Turkish Delight in Washington’s Patronage
Amitai Ben-Abba
“The Term has Become Meaningless to Me”: on Violence, Social Change, and Nonviolent Communication
William Astore
A Dictionary of Euphemisms for Imperial Decline
Lawrence Ware
Baseball, Race and Cultural Colonialism
Brandon Jordan
Pragmatic Socialism in Uruguay
Michael Welton
Habermas’ Contentious Concept: the Linguistification of the Sacred
Murray Dobbin
Canada’s NDP Delegates Save Their Party
Mike Miller
The Perfect Organizer – Almost
Missy Comley Beattie
Film Binge
Andrew Stewart
Alison Weir as the First Casualty of Hasbara 2.0
Frances Madeson
The VAWA Play: Changing the Law, One Show at a Time
Binoy Kampmark
Attic Discoveries: Scrapping Over Caravaggio
Kim Nicolini
Hank Williams in the Distance
Charles R. Larson
Border Crossings: Bulgaria and Turkey
David Yearsley
A Day in the Life of Bill Clinton, Teenager
April 14, 2016
Rob Urie
Why Bill Clinton is Full of Shit
Anthony DiMaggio
A Citizen’s Guide to Combating Election Propaganda: Debunking Minimum Wage Myths
Joshua Frank
Why Howard Dean Hates Bernie Sanders’ Health Care Plan
Mark Schuller
Tough Questions About Haiti for Hillary Clinton
John Wight
The Real Reason Corbyn is Under Pressure to “Root Out Anti-Semitism”
Libero Della Piana
Free From Jail, Imprisoned by Debt
Peter White
When Newspapers Die and Reporters Go Bad
Ramzy Baroud
The Logic of Murder in Israel: A Culture of Impunity in Full View of the Entire World
Milan Djurasovic
The Disneyfied Narrative of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia


