
The One Big Union Monthly (April 1938)

The August 1938 issue of The One Big Union Monthly.], with articles on the Spanish Civil War, Work Peoples College, and the beginning of World War II. Contributors include Covington Hall, Eli Hill, Erland Hyttinen, Graham Robinson, Harry Monkkonen, Mary Marcy, Montana Slim, Raymond Galstad and Vera Smith.

From here to there: how I became a Wobbly - Juan Conatz

A short account by Juan Conatz detailing how he became involved in the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

The political philosophy of Bakunin: scientific anarchism - G.P. Maximoff

From the scattered writings of Bakunin, G.P. Maximoff has selected those pertinent theoretical sections that give the reader a complete statement of Bakunin's politics in Bakunin's own words. In addition to Bakunin's text, the book contains a definitive biographical sketch of Bakunin written by Max Nettlau, an introduction by Rudolph Rocker, and a preface by Bert F. Hoselitz.

The Working Class Movement in England: Eleanor Marx

An account of the growth of the Working Class movement in England and the United Kingdom, from the middle ages to the 1890's.

The Factory Hell: Eleanor Marx

Pamphlet describing working conditions in 19th century mills and factories in Britain and the futility of reforms to deal with these abuses.

The Irish Dynamiters: Eleanor Marx

In the 1880'S the Irish Republican Brotherhood began a bombing campaign of the British mainland killing many civilians. Eleanor wrote this as denunciation of the tactic, but also to highlight the abuses of the British state in its treatment of prisoners. Arguing that it was this brutal treatment that pushed many Fenians to carry out these bloody acts.

Chapter 09: Anarchists

Note, the beginning of this chapter is incredibly sectarian, but it does go on to give a thorough account of the trial of the Anarchists of Haymarket, with a point by point exposure of the trial being fixed. Furthermore as part of her tour Eleanor made agitation for new trial and the conspiracy of the first one a key part of her program.